I Played Nonstop Omen For 1 Month, Here's What I Learned

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In my road to diamond series, I played only Omen for longer then one month. During this series I've learned a lot of things about omen. So in this video I give a full omen guide and tell you a lot of omen tips and tricks. for more valorant tips and tricks, check out my channel.
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The main reason I love Omen is because he can support his team and be aggressive at the same time


Tp - you can avoid a breach ult by teleporting forward
Smokes - one-way smokes are extremely useful in every map
Flash - moving forwards while flashing makes the flash travel faster, moving backwards makes it slower
Ult - when there's 4 seconds left to a KJ ult, you can ult and cancel at the last second to avoid being detained


To anyone who wants to play Omen, know this.
His blind is useful but only lasts 2 seconds. If you plan on using it, either be ready to act upon it or have it ready to set up your team for site takeover.

Good hunting my fellow Omen mains!


as an omen main, I approve.
For the dumb/weird/risky tps, dont be afraid to try them. Sometimes the dumbest tp would work. The only true dumb tp is tping straight to their faces


Juggling college yet always pumping out quality vids. Keep it up MrLowlander!


Tip for Omen teleport shenanigans: When you plan to TP to scare the enemies offsite, it's good to wait before showing yourself again. As soon as you show yourself to the enemies, they know exactly where you are and they don't have to panic search anymore. As long as you are hidden your position is unknown to them.


I like the video. Just one more tip for the smoke. You can easily create oneways nearly everywhere on every map. You just have to put the green Triangle on corners they are higher. Keep up the great work Mr.Lowlander ❤


One great thing about omen is the way his teleports can mess with the Teleport chambers on Bind. You can einher use your C to teleport while using the teleporter thus confusing the enemy with the Sound (gosh thats a confusing description) or when you rush B as Attacker you just ult into the teleport chamber to the left of Window and pick up freekills on everyone who comes through


As a Omen Main I have to say, that the fifth way to Ult works many times, bait your spot and tp away when they push, then cancel it at the very last moment and you get free kills. If you plan on dodging a KJ Ult, remember to tp out of the Zone as it will still detain you even in the Ult-form (I learned this the hard way in comp :/ )


One important thing you forgot to mention about his nearsight:
-if you walk forward while using it it will travel faster
-if you walk back while using it it will travel slower

That can be important in some situations where you want to blind them asap or just want to retreat.


Neptune Vandal and That fish buddy go well.


Hi! I main omen aswell, glad to see you to use it and enjoy it for a bit.


Extra tip= when you put down your somoke there is a delay before the smoke is actually placed so you can use it as a temporary 1 way or a suprise


I think this is a pretty common tactic but somehow people don't expect it and I just wanna share so other Omen mains can use it. In split when attacking A site there is this small little place you can hide in the right corner between ramps and heaven before A main and if enemy smokes the entrance to site you can go into the smoke and teleport to this high position where you can hopefully get a few frag. I personally am ass at aiming down and tracking heads from above so if I've noticed a pattern of where they'll smoke, I'll take stinger or spectre or phantom and teleport up there and just spray them down.
It will work maybe 2 times but if you do this on eco rounds and pistol rounds you'll be setting your team with a headstart.

Though, I'm just a bronze 2 who's been playing for maybe a month so what do I know


His blind is also good for defusing. It applies a deafening effect which makes it impossible to hear defuse taps when far.


old mr. low lander: i use spectrum classic because it looks good
current mr. low lander: SMITE


Love the video! It was so helpful, this is the reason i love mr lowlander


I suck with omen so this vid really helps me learn how to play omen, thank you keep up the good vids!


When you're suppose to be finishing a French essay due in an hour but MrLowlander uploads.


note that omen ult can use to pick a gun just like spike. maybe on eco round.
