Battle of Rhodes 1522

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Muhteşem Yüzyıl Magnificent Century Battle of Rhodes zionist farmason Knights Hospitaller Illuminati crusader Ottoman Empire Osmanlı imparatorluğu Osmanlı devleti Rodosun fethi Suleiman the Magnificent England Britain UK British empire Sovrano Militare Ordine Ospedaliero di San Giovanni di Gerusalemme di Rodi e di Malta Törökország Oszmán Birodalom Kanuni Sultan Süleyman Rodos muharabesi ottoman military band Macarlar Turks attack march mehter أتراك turkey islam islamic jihad القرآن turkish music kafir enemy empire quran الدولة العثمانية white power europe union muslim moslem Turkey islamophobia Anti-Turkism Anti-islam islamism israel zionist jew jewish nazi germany poland polish تركيا Turska Türkei Osmanischen Reich Τουρκία Οθωμανική Αυτοκρατορία Turquía Turcos Imperio otomano Turquie L'Empire ottoman טורקיה האימפריה העות'מאנית Turki Kesultanan Utsmaniyah Turchia Impero ottomano Turchi თურქეთი ოსმალეთის იმპერია トルコ オスマン帝国 Turcija Osmaņu impērija Турција Отоманска Империја Turkije Ottomaanse Rijk Turcja Imperium osmańskie Turcy Turcia Imperiul Otoman Турция Отоманска Империја Турска Османско царство Төркия Госман империясе Turkiya
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im like ottman empire respect from poland


I love Ottoman Empire and it's power


Suleyman the Magnificent was one the strongest and most influential leaders of Ottoman empire.Under his reign, Empire reached its Golden Age and gained control of many important nations.Suleyman ruled as Sultan.Suleyman have ruled over Mediterranean Sea and his Ottoman Empire ruled Arab, Iraq portion of land in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Kurdistan and the provinces of Nakhichevan, Eravan and Karabag.His Empire stretched from gates of Vienna to Yemen and Aden, from Persia to Oran,


Ottoman Turks are still alive! We will exist as long as Allah lets us to!


and he ruled over six wonders of the world.He felt very strongly about his position, as evidenced by this quote " I who am Sultans of East and West, fortunate lord of the domains of the Romans, Persians, and Arabs, Hero of creation, Neriman of the earth and time Padisah and Sultan of Mediterranean and the Black Sea of the extolled Kaaba and Medina the illustrious and Jerusalem of the Azerbaijan, of the region of Kipshaks and the land of Tatars, of Kurdistanand Luristan and all Rumelia


Rhodes was conqured from Hospitalier Knights, not Greeks.


As a Turk and a historian, I say that this film has nothing to do with the Ottoman Empire. The life of the Turkish sultan, whom we call Suleiman the Magnificent, spent 11 years in wars and won many victories. It is the golden age of the Ottoman Empire. He was very much in love with Hürrem, but the harem thing is not what you think. They made the harem like a brothel, but it's a lie. Normally, the harem is a room used for the sultan's family and servants. At that time, apart from the harem and women, other historical events-wars and similar things were true, but not all of them. Unfortunately, they showed our sultan as someone who did not leave the palace, but this is also a lie because the sultan's life was always spent with wars. They showed that period of the Ottoman Empire very innocent, but when Suleiman is son Sultan Selim II. when he ascended the throne Turkish armies defeated Russia in 3 wars, entered Moscow and massacred 200, 000 Russians. The name of the battle is the Moscow Fire of 1571.


Most of North Africa was conquered by 1574.Throughout the 15th to late 17th centuries,
the Ottomans were not only the most important Islamic empire, but the largest and most powerful European state as well.
During the Middle Ages Muslim peoples produced one of the great civilizations of the world, which still has a tremendous impact on modern life.In the year before Columbus set out on his voyage to the New World, most objective observers would have predicted that Islamic civilization, (cont)


Burada diğer milletlerden insanların osmanlı aleyhinde ki sözleri yüzyıllık kuyruk acılarının göstergesi değil de ne be kardeşiiim ...


of Wallache and Moldavia and Hungary and many kingdoms and lands,
Turkish dominions in his time comprimised all the most celebrated cities of Biblical and classical history except Rome, Syracuse and Persepolis.An Empire of more than 40, 000 square miles, embracing many of the richest and most beautiful regions of the world, had been acquired by the descendants of Ertugrul in 3 centuries from the time when their forfathers wondered a homeless adventurer at the head of less than 500 fighting men.


''Muhtesem Yuzyil Soundtrack'' or Mehter Marsi :)


Thanx for the advice but i am looking for thuis specific song playing in the background of the batlle.THX for the eforrt though!


If you wanna download background song => write to google azspace, then write Muhteşem Yüzyıl - Mehter to azspace and download it...


Thats all in the past, I forgive them, But I dont for give you, unless you become a Muslim, Come to Islam and make Jesus happy


Bosniaks wouldn t take you anyways :) We(the Bosniaks) have a prime peace of real estate in the heart of Europe, and it s not ours because we were good at negotiating. Allah promised us victory, and ours it shall be, if we re true muslims.


you can write to google, watch Muhteşem Yüzyil in english.


Janissary best elit soldiers in the world


1 nation ottoman empire vs all Europe, turkey wins . 1 nation remember


against smaller countries, Yes, But once you faced something stronger you got butchered.


Imagine 100, 000 vs 6300 and the ottomans took months to win.
