Siemens PLC Training: Motor Start and Stop Ladder Logic PLC Program | PLC Programming Examples

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In previous parts of this Siemens PLC programming course, you gained a good understanding of the PLC programming basics.

In Part 1, you learned how to configure the PLC hardware in TIA Portal V15.1.

In Part 2, you learned how to write a Ladder Logic PLC program for a simple Water Pumping System and how to control the level of the water tank in that process.

In Part 3, you learned how to simulate our PLC program using the PLC simulator or PLCSIM.

In Part 4 (this part) of the PLC programming course, we'll continue with another simple PLC programming example and you'll learn how to write a ladder logic PLC program to start and stop an electric motor using Siemens TIA portal.

Remember that you don't need any actual hardware to participate in this course. So having a laptop with a TIA Portal installed on that would be enough! In most of the examples, you can use Step 7 and WinCC instead of TIA Portal.

Same as always, first, we have to calculate the number of inputs and outputs of the process to and from the PLC cards. We have two pushbuttons, one for starting and the other for stopping the electric motor.

Each of these pushbuttons has an indicator lamp inside to signal the condition of the motor to the operator.

Therefore, we have two inputs to our digital input card from the pushbuttons and another input from the contactor’s auxiliary contact.

We use the input from the auxiliary contact of the contactor in our PLC program as feedback for the electric motor status. Is it ON or OFF?

By the way, we have three outputs as well. One is for turning ON and OFF the electric motor and the other two are for turning ON and OFF the indicator lamps of the pushbuttons.

Sometimes where it’s possible, we should use a proximity sensor on the shaft of the motor to make sure if the motor is really running and it’s not stocked by any means.

In this way, as long as the proximity sensor’s input to the PLC card is getting ON/OFF with a certain frequency, we are sure that the motor is working.

Another point that you'll learn in this video is that: one of the important automation documents or drawings that is used frequently during commissioning and troubleshooting of processes is the “Control Panel Wiring Diagram” in which we can find the power and control sections of the process.

But the electrical schematic that you see in this video actually does not really count as a wiring diagram, but it’s a simple schematic drawing for a better understanding of the concepts.



SECTIONS of this video:

0:00 What will you learn in this PLC programming example?
0:39 How many PLC cards do we need? (PLC Signals Quantity)
1:31 What should we do before PLC Programming?
1:46 Start/Stop motor control Ladder Diagram PLC Program
3:01 PLC Logic NO and NC contacts VS Actual NO and NC contacts
3:30 Simulate PLC Program
4:37 Contactor's Auxiliary Contact in PLC Program
5:00 How to check motor rotation by a Proximity Sensor
5:24 Electrical Schematic VS Wiring Diagram
5:58 What will you learn in the next videos?


▶ If you've missed our most recent videos, watch them here:

Wiring Diagrams Explained | How to Read Electrical Diagrams

What is a Directional Control Valve? (5/2 Solenoid Valve)

NO vs NC: 5 Practical and Important Points about NO and NC contacts


▶ If you want to become a confident PLC programmer, don't miss this free "Siemens PLC Training" course (This course will be continued):

Part 1: Up & Running with PLC Ladder Programming

Part 2: How to Write PLC Ladder Program?

Part 3: How to Simulate the PLC Program?

Part 4: Motor Start and Stop Ladder Logic PLC Program


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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you very much ... I hope for more videos on plc ... I need a tutorial video from the beginning.


Hi... I am going to say a BIG WOW... the best video that I've seen here... Would you do videos with Allen Bradley?


Would be great if y'all had a video for changing between VFD/third party equipment, GSD file loading etc


Sir your teaching is amazing Do make more video


You should add nc contact of contactor in picture with motor, just near the no contact. For better understanding how the lamps are charged. Thanks a lot for video


This video is very helpful. Pls can you make another video of how to wire of two PLC with interlocking . thanks and highly appreciated.


Thank you for the video!I watch with subtitles translated:)I have problems with English:)


This video was very helpful thank you for your channel


my friend your all videos is very good. my friend can you explain marine main switch board circuit diagram with synchronization circuit diagram


hello. it is a good video for learning. it would be very easy if used İ0.1 NO instead of İ0.1 NC. because stop button is normally close.


please make video on Communication protocol and how they connect to plc and other instruments..please


It's awesome video.. anyway sir what is the meaning of Q.0.1 ty for you answer 👌


can you please do the plc ladder diagrams in bosch rexroth software ?


Hey bro, I love your videos. It helps me a lot. Keep it up, please!! Thank you.


Very good content. I hope your channel will grow up fast.
In 0:35 we can see the hardware config, is it possible to save the hardware config in PDF format or JPG ? I have TIA Portal but no way to save it, i had to take a screenshot and this will not take the full config.


Hi sir thank you for good explanation
Can you help me to get this simulation software please?


nice channel. where can i get that software?


What is the logiciel name that allow you to create this modele . ❤thank you


Why are you connect normal closed switch to the Reset of the flip-flop? So it will remains 1 until you press it, and it became 0. When the Reset = 1, the Q is 0?? I just don't understand...


I have i3, with 4GB RAM on operating system of 64-BIT windows 10.i just want to ask, is it compatible to run V15. 1 TIA?
