Why MultiFamily Real Estate is the Best Investment - Grant Cardone

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Why MultiFamily Real Estate is the Best Investment: Real estate is the best way to grow wealth. If you want to get super rich, get involved in real estate — but I'm not talking about just any real estate. I recently wrote an article that explained why buying a house is for suckers. A home is not an investment, because it doesn't pay you each month — you have to pay it. It's a liability to me, not an asset. Not only does a house leave you less mobile, it ties up your money so you can't use it for real assets. There are many indications that multi-family apartment investments will continue to be great:

75 million Baby Boomers are headed into retirement

Many of today's apartment complexes may be converted to retirement communities in the future

Many millennials aren't buying homes

It's getting more expensive to build new apartment units

You ready to get involved in Multi-Family? Be sure to watch every Monday at noon EST and let's get you RICH.

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Grant Cardone Career and Bio
TV Undercover Billionaire
Founder -  10X Movement Business Conferences Worldwide
Author -  The 10X Rule. (Plus eight more biz books)
Philanthropy Grant Cardone Foundation - Support kids without fathers.
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Guy predicts everyone staying home 4 years ago, such a goat


How things change! When I saw an advertisement for a show with this guy as the star' I thought he was a jerk. Now when I want to buy my first apartment building I think he's a god. This is a guy to learn from! He owns over 4000 units.


I wish I could meet Grant Cardone someday


I need to know if this is financing that I need to use or not (line of credit), I'm gonna be ramping my revenue ASAP as a new contractor installing windows and doors, I've got a property I'll buy in the immediate future, Is it blow or no show? please let me know why otherwise thank you.


Buying multifamily is the best thing anyone can do. I was able to buy over 100 rental units in Southern California by adding value to properties and trading up. I do not come from money and all I want people to know, is that anything is possible in Real Estate.


Crazy cuz now amc theaters is dead closed plazas are going bankrupt


I dont think AMC will leave Aventura. Nor do I think people eill buy that VR simulator thing. Not young people. Must feel like your trapped


Until multifamily gets overbuilt and you're too over leveraged and then you're barely cash flowing because you had to drop the rents. Industrial is one of the best investments out there right now. Small strip centers with local tenants with roots in the submarket will always trade. If you don't have to buy anything right now, don't!! Wait another 18 months. You'll thank me later. The only people buying right now are the ones facing a tax consequence.
