Mom catches son on FaceTime with a girl then tells dad #shorts

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Mom catches son on FaceTime with a girl then tells dad #shorts
Mom and dad catch son on FaceTime in a secret hiding spot #shorts
Mom and dad catch son eating pizza he ordered with parents credit card #shorts
Mom and dad catch stalker calling son on FaceTime #shorts
Mom and dad catch son on the phone with a girl #shorts
Mom finds sons tablet with a girl on his lockscreen then tells dad and does this #shorts
Mom catches toddler on FaceTime with a girl then this happens! | Prince LJ 🤦🏽♀️😂#shorts #viral...
Son tells mom and dad he’s leaving to be with his crush #shorts
Son saves dad from mom checking his phone #shorts
Dad catches Son on FaceTime with a girl then tells Mom #shorts
Mom and dad catch son playing the game when he’s suppose to be sleeping #shorts
Mom and dad catch son on FaceTime with his crush #shorts
Mom & daughter catch son doing this #shorts
Mom rolls window down on daughter in front of guys
We CAUGHT Zakyius On FACETIME With His Crush At 3AM…
Mom and dad catch brother and sisters first argument #shorts
Mom and dad catch son hiding in store with open bag of takis #shorts
Mom catches dad sleeping while watching daughter and son #shorts
Mom and dad catch son eating takis before paying for them #shorts
Mom catches son sneaking into baby sisters crib #shorts
Mom and dad catch son flexing #shorts
Mom and dad catch son eating taki cereal #shorts
Dad steals sons icecream to give it to mom then this happens #shorts
Mom catches son passing dad a soda through the balcony #shorts