Pope John XXIII

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Lord Jesus Christ, may we never fail to recognize your loving kindness and mercy. Fill our hearts with compassion and thanksgiving, and free us from ingratitude and discontentment. Help us to count our blessings with a grateful heart and to give thanks in all circumstances. Amen.


His open and close association with the Masons and the fact that he was respected of being a Mason from his early priesthood are glaring stains on his legacy. John XXIII's speech to open Vatican II reads like a document from the WEF. He is a serious concern for faithful, Traditional Catholics. Him and Francis look so much alike it's uncanny, they are two peas in a pod, both deconstruction the Church to make Her more worldly, for the NWO. Keep in mind that the Novus Ordo means 'New Order'.


For me Pope John XXIII is one of the best Popes. Convening the 2nd Vatcan is a very daring and a historic moemnt of the Catholic Church. His good sense of humor is for me his unforgetable gift.


He was a revolutionary modernist and initiated the disaster that would be Vatican II.


I don't think I've seen a Franciscan habit with a Jerusalem cross on it. I like it.


Let go, Let God....is this where it stems?


How can you say this when the real canon Popes contradicted him?


John 23 AKA (Angelo Roncallie) was NOT a true pope because :
1)Of Episcopal lineage where he had no Authority that would ordain him for anything !!!

2) He was a Freemason long before becoming a pope. That excommunicates him from the church from the Catholic faith

3) he was falsely elected Pope because cardinal Giuseppe Siri was elected and took the name of Gregory XVII (The pope in Red) who's live was threatened if he should accept it.
4) John 23 was the false Pope who changed the Mass to the saint Joseph missile that all traditional groups use to say the mass. The mass cannot be touched it cannot be changed by anyone John the 23rd changed it therefore he is excommunicated for that reason the St Joseph's missile is condemned therefore anyone using it or participating in it is excommunicated from the Catholic faith.

5) all these are heresies and apostate and one cannot hold any office in the Catholic faith who is a heretic and apostate.

6) John the 23rd has publicly declared that the Jews are still the chosen people this is heresy against the Catholic faith

7) John the 23rd embraced endorsed and supported other religions this is heresy against the Catholic faith

8) the FBI and CIA had a file on both John 23rd and Paul the 6th and this criminal file was handed to Pius the 12th with their involvement with Communism. And yet Pius the 12th elevated John the 23rd to being a cardinal.

There are many other reasons why John 23 was not a true pope or priest. But a Freemason. And apostate !!!



In the 1962 St Joseph missal abolished prayers of the mass he also eliminated sentences and prayers he rearranged and change the paragraph and the wording of the mass !!! And desecrated it

1)John 23 rewrote the Latin Mass the 1962 missal is from his handwriting !!! The Holy Mass cannot be touched or changed in any way.

2) he was a Freemason and his name was found in the ledgers in the Freemason lodge when they were being investigated for crimes committed in a court of law.

3) he was a supporter of modernism and liberalism and progressivism

4) he said that the Catholics and systematic Orthodox are in the same church.

5) he disagreed with outside the church there is no salvation this is a heresy

6) he was a strong supporter of Freemasons, internationalist schismatics !!!

7) he displayed and demonstrated low moral character.

8) he chose to receive his Cardinals hat from a notorious anticlerical, Vincent Auriol !!!

9) He was very friendly with Soviet killer and murderer of Catholics m.Bogomolov !!!

10) very good friends with radical Ed Herriot.

11) he said and supported that one could be a Christian by deed without faith.

12) he told a member of a monastery of a different religion that he is in our church !!! 

13) he suppressed the prayer against Islam and then he said he would have always remained a Muslim if he had been raised in that religion.

14) he removed Catholic saints from the calendar

15) he broke the Vatican Moscow agreement that Vatican 2 wouldn't condemn communism so that Schismatics could attend it's meetings !!!

16) he made many public offensives statements against Catholic teaching.

17) he praised Rebels and dissidents.

18) in his Encyclical Pacem in terris he taught The Condemned heresy of religious liberty it was praised by Messianic leaders as a Messianic document !!!

19) he blessed Jews attending their synagogue and then claimed that the Catholic church has crucified them the Jews.

20) he also removed the prayer for the perfidious jews from the good friday Liturgy.

21) he promoted supported and declared Vatican 2 with over 200 heresies

22) When pope john 23 Angelo Roncalli was the nuncio to France he appointed a 33 degree Freemanson and close friend the Baron Yves Marsaudon as head of the French branch of the Knights of Malta a Catholic lay order !!! Angelo Roncalli was also initiated into the Masonic Lodge in Paris and participated in the work of the Istanbul workshops.

23) he was deeply involved in supporting the Communist Socialist Party of Italy

24) It was john 23 who abolished the Leonine Prayers, the prayers prescribed by Pope Leo 13 to be recited after Mass, also by Pope Pius 10 and Pius 11.

john 23 also abolished in the 1962 missle/Mass Psalm 42 judica me. he removed the second Confiteor changed sentence structure and wording. There is nothing in the mass that can be changed or touched it is forbidden.

There is no core part of the mass primary or secondary part of the mass the mass is not something you can subdivide into parts and pieces as the Heretics in Vatican to church tried to do to justify desecrating the mass. The mass cannot be touched it is forbidden to change even one word just as it is forbidden to touch the Ark of the Covenant. If you change anything you are excommunicated from the church no longer Catholic and you lose all jurisdiction and burn in hell forever.

(Pope Pius 5, Quo Primum Tempore, July 14, 1570 : now therefore in order that all everywhere May adopt and observe what has been delivered to them by the Holy Roman Church mother and Mistress of the other churches, it shall be unlawful henceforth and forever throughout the Christian World to Sing or to read messages according to any formula other than this missile published by us accordingly, no one whosoever is permitted to infringe or rashly contravene this notice of our permission, statute, ordinance, command, direction, Grant, indult, declaration will decree and prohibition. Should any Venture to do so let him understand that he will incur the wrath of almighty God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul.)

25) John 23 says that the Jews are still the chosen people.

26) a very high-ranking Freemason, Carl Jacob Burckhardt, wrote in the journal  de Genever : I know Cardinal Roncalli (john 23) very well. He was a deist and a rationalist whose strength did not lie in the ability to believe in miracles and to venerate the sacred !!!

27)  John the 23rd was a manifest heretic and could not have been a valid Pope according to Catholic teaching therefore the 1962 missal Mass he wrote is invalid a heresy anyone in support of it anyone at all is excommunicated and a heretic the traditional catholic church Rejects and anathematize anyone associated with it.

You cannot vote a heretic into the chair of Peter nor can you ordained a heretic into the priesthood. There is no difference between a heretic and his work either one or both will send you to hell since the 1962 Saint Joseph's missile is a heretic's work and the missile represents Mass then by you going to that mass the church teaches that you are a heretic and excommunicated from the church you're no longer Catholic you're outside the church. You are not allowed to be in communion with a heretic or his work. Therefore the 1962 missile is condemned !!! The sspx because of all the sexual abuse on children and sodomy the sspx is condemned also because of the multiple heresies of the sspx it is condemned anyone attending them supporting them is condemned. The sspx, sspx mc, cmri, thur., vatican 2 churchs all follow th 1917 and 1983 code of canon law all filled with multiple heresies is condemned in these are " Epikeia" and " indefectibility" created by Heretics Benedict the 15th Pius the 12th and cardinal Pietro Gasparri, and cardinal De Azevedo and others all heretics who lost jurisdiction !!!

The only good missal is the saint Andrews missal 1945 and all the prayers of the mass are there. Dont let anyone else lie to you about it.But you cannot use the st Andrews Missal at a ST. JOSEPH'S MASS !!! You have to say Mass yourself at home since most all mass's are using the st. Joseph Missle. It is a mortal sin to go to a mass the choosing to st. Joseph's missile you would be excommunicated from the church.
