Don't Let sATAN Steal Your Joy

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Don't Let sATAN Steal Your Joy
One thing I have noticed over the years with following the Lord Jesus is that if you are ever doing really well with the Lord and you are feeling His peace, and you just know you are right where you are supposed to be with the Lord, immediately the devil will come against you and he will try to strip away from you the joy of the Lord, he will try to oppress you, push you down, he will try to pull you down from where you are with the Lord and bring you back into the world. Why does the devil do this? The reason is obvious, it’s because he hates God, he hates our Father in Heaven, he hates us and satan cannot make you or me go to hell, he has to try to deceive us, that then we will self-destruct, that we will think we are worthless, God doesn’t love us, He doesn’t hear our prayers. And if we are convinced that God doesn’t hear us anymore, that He hates us then we will stop praying and then we will become more and more vulnerable. The devil wants us to be vulnerable so then he can attack us and destroy us and take us to hell. But the devil has no power, if we are with Jesus, if we say in the joy of the Lord and the peace of the Lord, the devil can’t touch us, he has nothing on us. But the devil can destroy you if you stop praying, if you stop asking GOD to protect you. I encourage you to keep the joy of the Lord. Don’t let the devil strip away from you your joy, your faith, your peace. Jesus Christ loves us and He receives His children into the Family of God because He is in love with us, HE wants to give us the Kingdom of God, He wants to speak HIS mysteries into our heat. Jesus wants us on the straight and narrow road. But unless we fix our eyes upon Him and keep on pushing into the Kingdom of God then the devil WILL stop us. It’s pretty easy for demons to deceive us if we are not fixing our eyes on Jesus. One day when I was walking through the parking lot at work, I was in the spirit and I was praying and I heard two demons speaking, Jesus allowed me to hear these two evil spirits in a conversation. And I don’t remember exactly what they were saying, but it was something to the extent of how easy it is to deceive people and make them walk to hell. One demon was saying to the other, “If people only knew how close they were to the kingdom…” and the other demon was saying; “It doesn’t matter… all we have to do is deceive them with whatever…” And as I heard these demons speak it was very revealing to me just how simple it is to enter the Kingdom of God through FAITH, but how simple it is for demons to distract us. The Kingdom of God is right in front of us. All we have to do is pray and all we have to do is say; “Lord, open my eyes so I see, open my ears so I hear, I want to follow You…” It’s that childlike faith, it doesn’t take a theologian, we don’t have to have any special knowledge. All we have to do is have that childlike faith and pray; “Lord, save me HELP ME…” and if we are able to pray that prayer, we are near to the Kingdom of God, we are near to God’s heard and He will save us and help us. But on the flip end of that, on the flipside of that, it’s incredibly easy for demons to distract and to take people to hell when they deviate and when they turn away from GOD. It’s so easy for satan to take people’s peace away from them and their joy and their faith IF THEY ARE NOT PRAYING, if their eyes are fixed on the world. And just if you look around, demons are everywhere, they are in the TV, if you are scrolling through youtube, it’s sexual perversion, it’s things that are just so pornographic and wicked and worldly, it’s the lusts of the FLESH… anywhere we look in the WORLD we are going to see satan’s work. But I we fix our eyes to HEAVEN on our Heavenly Father and if we let nothing take our joy and our peace then nothing is going to pull us away from the Lord holding us, we will be in His hand of protection. And that’s where I want to be and the whole family of God needs to be in the hands of Jesus Christ. But don’t take your eyes off of Him because it’s way to easy to be distracted, even the best of us can be pulled down by the devil and lose our joy and have the arrows of the devil stuck in us if we take our eyes off of Jesus Christ. Don’t take your eyes off of Jesus, keep on praying, keep pushing through into the Kingdom of God, let nothing discourage you, let nothing stop you. May the grace of Jesus be with you.
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