Christian Westbrook: Food Wars...the Engineered Destruction of Our Food Supply

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Christian "The Ice Age Farmer" Westbrook discusses the engineered and deliberate destruction of our food supply. Pretexts cited to shut down farms and cull livestock include the spread of "coronavirus" between humans on farms, transmission from animals to humans, as well as outright sabotage of food storehouses. He describes the move to tax and eliminate meat and replace it with fake, synthetic, lab-grown foodstuffs. Power elites seeks to track and trace all food through artificial intelligence and the blockchain. He suggests everyone begin to grow their own food.

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About Christian "Ice Age Farmer" Westrbrook
Christian produces videos, interviews, tools (Growing Degree Days, Crop Loss Map, Wiki and Maps) in order to shed light on the myriad risks to our food system and how they must inspire us to grow our own food.

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❤️ your work! Subbed to your Facebook too!
I’m a master gardener in Sonoma. I’ve been hoarding heirloom seeds for 12 years. Yes, they can still sprout! I have about 200 food & herb varieties, maybe 50, 000 seeds.


Amazing guest, important and very underrated topic, people take food for granted.


Frog in boiling water analogy. people don't realize they are being conditioned for everything that is happening


When The Wicked Witch of The Midwest banned seeds here in Michigan, I quickly ran to my local grocery store and bought a lot! Fortunately, the grocery stores didn't have blocked off areas where you couldn't buy things! We're working hard on an effort called "Repeal 45"! We almost have enough signatures and then she will no longer be able to do any sort of shutdown without the Republican legislature majorities in both houses! Her executive orders will be a thing of the past!


My homegrown food tastes amazing. On one acre I have goats, chickens and veg to feed my family of six and more. Downloading your responsibilities to grow your own food, educate your own children and police your own communities to a soulless government ends in horror every time. Do you think the Amish will even notice. We did this to ourselves. Flip the switch folks before it’s too late.


IceAgeFarmer is a stalwart. Even Dr. Vernon Coleman mentions him in esteem.


Christian Is The Man and is on point thanks for your God given wisdom and courage my friend!!


Thank you Christian, you give, what a little faith I have in humanity, hope


Why don't we tar and feather politicians anymore ?


Thank You. You are an astute researcher and interviewer. Greatvto hear you conversing with Christian. As a long time watcher I found this video to be the best accurate recap and outline - if you will- of the entire situation currently but with enough background as to put it together for a viewer that is awakening- im really going to share this to just such folks. 👏 bravo!


Ice age farmer is my man, GO Christian!


That was my first thought about the Chinese seeds


I was in rural king today and talked to the store manager for about 5 minutes. He says they are having serious problems getting merchandise. Sold out items take months to get back in, if at all, and the reason that there are items on the shelves is because they are the items that don’t sell or are slow sellers. So, if a high demand item comes in, it goes out the same day. And what is on the shelves is the stuff that don’t sell good! That feels like financial collapse to me!


many countries around the world would not tolerate a large trimmed lawn..They plant small productive crops. In the US is illegal in most suburban neighborhoods..
What gives Monsanto the right to own a life form?


Great information guys but scary to humans too realize that it may be a hungry cold dark winter. Bummer...


Here in Thailand, the Issan people are eating insects, crustaceans, and mycoflora as a social norm. It is an agricultural society first and has only recently succumbed to the lures of 1% control. Both the effort to social control this area, as well as the adjustment to the future you describe, gives them an advantage. Countries with high numbers of wannabe 1%ers and paper shufflers will be thinned out first, in my opinion. Like the Nazi concentration camps, a few with needed skills were siphoned out of the pipeline. And the same will happen now. But even if you have the skill they want, this is all at its base a spiritual dilemma, save yourself or stand by your brother's and sisters.


Monsanto owns over 80% of seeds through patents around the globe, and they want the last of the food. GMO seeds and animals are going to be assigned to farmers and we will be left with scrap. Grow, grow, grow. Keep sounding the warning Christian.


Do we need to start defending farms with local militia? Desperate times call for desperate measures.


If you don't stock food you will soon regret it dearly!


as long as the earth remains there shall be seed time and harvest,
we must stand on this word of God .
they will not prevail on those who stand
