Mrs. Wicket yells at Doris and makes her cry

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Mrs. Wicket: MMRRRR. BEAAAAANNN!!!!!!
Doris: (crying)
Nice Coris: Oh my god, Doris. What's wrong, Why are you crying?
Doris: I'm crying, Because, This purple fat woman yelled at me! And now I didn't feeling like it! (cries hard)
Nice Coris: (gasp) MRS. WICKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mrs. Wicket: But, Nice Coris, I didn't mean---
Nice Coris: No buts, Mrs. Wicket! You have made Doris cry! I'm calling Mr Bean on his cell!
Mrs. Wicket: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hooray for Doris!
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