Marmite's Brand Story

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The British are good at fashioning distinctive ads for products that are totally disgusting. Take Marmite, for instance. You probably heard of it - a kind of spread with a revolting taste that only a British could appreciate. But Marmite's creative exercice is interesting because not only do they admit that it tastes bad, they even make a virtue out of it. These Brits have got some nerves...

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As an American born and raised in The DC area I've Tasted both Vegemite and Marmite from a friend who had me try it on toast with butter and I love the stuff. I order Marmite through Amazon that ships from London, UK. I can't get enough. Too bad it's expensive here.


Her name is Roxane Frias. She's a director from California and she now lives in Paris.


I think of Marmite as something to help in cooking especially beef dishes, if used on toast a small thin amount is enough for enjoyment. I also love the pasta dish Nigella suggested.


the advert involving the bloke drinking the pint of milk. do you know where I can find the full version?
I've looked on youtube but it's not there


Marmite is so fucking bizarre; it makes me think of a kind of Nutella (dk if u know what it is upon which some crazy fools would have poured yeast and salt.

It's aroma is strong and hot, like chocolate, yet it's very salty, and it smells... vegetal...


Ha ha! I always laugh at Americans laughing at other peoples foods! Americans class McDonalds as a restaurant!!! That says it all!
