Massive Project Lawn Renovation Intro

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I'm beginning my first project lawn renovation to help a friend of mine with his 2 acre lawn!! When you have a property that is this large in size you have to set some realistic expectations of how to tackle things. In the video I talk about what areas of the lawn we are going to focus on and a bit about a soil test I completed as well further work on the lawn coming very soon with aeration and seeding.

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Yes! Finally, I’m seeding 3 acres this week. And every video I’ve seen is a postage stamp yard.


I built a new home 1.5 years ago and i have 3 acres of grass. My advice is to take care of all the weeds in the summer. Then do a seeding in the fall. The rain and cool damp whether in fall will help with the watering. Get as much grass in as you can in the fall. Then tackle weeds again in the spring summer, and finally focus on a single area the following fall. Each fall move to a different area. For two acres you may want to divine the yard up into 3 different sections. With a large lawn it could take 3-5 years to get it looking really good. Some days I miss my 1/3 acre lot.


WOW bro1 GIANT project!!! So much area to have fun with!


I just found this, and it's exactly what I was looking for. I have a 2 acre lawn and every video I've seen were for tiny lawns. Looking forward to see how you tackled the large area.


😂😂 looks like my yard two years ago! 😂😂 It's lush and green now! Thanks to Ryan and Allyn!


*Tell your friend I strongly recommend he get himself a herd of goats for his abundance of weeds.*


I have a house with 5 acres of land. I feel like 3 to 4 acres of it is grass with irrigation. The grass is Kentucky blue in most stops and fescue in the field part. I love seeing that much grass and the beauty it has when taken care of properly. I am mowing it at 2” right now. I can’t wait to see how your 2 acres comes in. I love seeing large area of manicured grass. Wish I could be there with you.


Love the large property content! As someone in this camp, I can tell you it definitely pays to spend some extra money/time upfront to grade it as level as you can. Throwing down 5 yrds of sand after the fact won’t even make a dent on 2 acres


One heck of a project. I will stay turned.


Looking forward to any progress videos. Should be an interesting journey.


I feel like it’s a bigger version of the project lawn I took on with a bigger budget. Very excited for this because the lawn I’m working on taming the 13+ weeds in the lawn before the Fall partial lawn renovation so I’ll get a chance to learn from your videos!


Looking forward to it! I have about 2.75 acres I’m going to start tackling at the end of June and July to prepare for fall seeding. You made a good point in tackling it in portions. I’m going to go that route now.


Can’t wait to see it. Awesome to see other people’s lawns and decisions.


This is one I'll keep my eyes on...I started last year in July with centipede seed on about 20k sqft and now have about 60-65%'s spreading but true to centipede it spreading slow! Lol...You are correct about the rain, you will need to pray for it! Only major fight I have is with Nutsedge! It's pretty much everywhere but with Dimiss as my friend im knocking down Lil by Lil. Good luck guys 👍🏼


Can't wait to see this project take place! I bet you are looking forward to it as well.


All the money for fertilizer improving the soil I would line the perimeter of the property with trees in 5 years half of it would be shaded. The far back property I would plant native Wild grasses and let nature take care of itself unless the guy wants to play football or frisbee. The front acre around the house I would cut it up with some landscaping or flower beds to cut down on all the mowing. Otherwise good luck👍


Just had this exact seed delivered today and am planning on seeding a small area this weekend, good luck.


Cross cut slit seed with starter fert and mesotrione another app of starter fert and siduron six weeks later He will have some weeds but a heck of a lot of turf


Not sure about you, but i am getting overwhelmed just thinking about this project. Good luck, it will be fun and learning experience for me to watch you transform it.


Good luck with this project. Looking forward to following along. Go hit a home run!
