Θερμοπύλες - Thermopylae

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Music composed by Efi Ioannoy/Έφη Ιωάννου and Anastasia Kokkinoy/Αναστασία Κόκκινου for a small orchestra (Flute, 2 Violins, Cello, Guitar, Santuri, Percussion and Choir) taking the words from the inscription by Simonedes/Σιμωνίδη and two poems entitled Θερμοπύλες/Thermopylae. By K. Kavafis/Κ. Καβάφη and N. Kazantzakis/Ν. Καζαντζάκη.
1st part, Simonides - Kavafis, Composition A. Kokkinoy, orchestration A. Kokkinoy - E. Ioannoy.
2nd part, Kazantzakis, Composition and orchestration E. Ioannoy.
The piece was first performed during the celebrations for the running of the 30th Spartathlon in September 2012 .
The music was produced from Finale and Sibelius files via midi using various VSTi's. The choir created by Andreas Skiadas/Ανδρέας Σκιαδάς on a Roland VP-770, with the spoken word provided by Dimitri Katsafanas/Δημήτρης Κατσαφάνας. All was mixed in Pro Tools 9/10
By Hielmi Abdurahman (me)
The video was created In Sony Vegas Pro 12 with Images garnered from all over the web. (A big thanks to all the creators of those images and works of art.)
Also by me.
Words with Translation below:
O Stranger. Hie thee to Lacedaemon and recount to them.
That we who lie here, died, in accord with our duties.
Κ.Π. Καβάφη
Τιμή σ’ εκείνους όπου στην ζωή των
ώρισαν και φυλάγουν Θερμοπύλες.
Ποτέ από το χρέος μη κινούντες·
δίκαιοι κ’ ίσιοι σ’ όλες των τες πράξεις,
αλλά με λύπη κιόλας κ’ ευσπλαχνία·
γενναίοι οσάκις είναι πλούσιοι, κι όταν
είναι πτωχοί, πάλ’ εις μικρόν γενναίοι,
πάλι συντρέχοντες όσο μπορούνε·
πάντοτε την αλήθεια ομιλούντες,
πλην χωρίς μίσος για τους ψευδομένους.
Και περισσότερη τιμή τούς πρέπει
όταν προβλέπουν (και πολλοί προβλέπουν)
πως ο Εφιάλτης θα φανεί στο τέλος,
κ’ οι Μήδοι επί τέλους θα διαβούνε.
Let honour be to those in whose life
it was set to guard Thermopylae.
Never moving away from duty;
Just and equals in all of their acts
But with sadness and compassion
Brave once they are rich and when
They are poor, again brave
Coming to aid as much as they can;
Always speaking the truth
But without hate for those who lie.
And even more honour they deserve
When its predicted (and many predict)
That Ephialtes will appear in the end
And the Medes will finally pass through
Νίκος Καζαντζάκη
Σκληρό θέσαμε νόμο να ρυθμίζει
τη γνώμη μας, κι ανέλπιδοι κρατάμε
τα στενά τής ζωής• κι όλοι κινάμε
καβάλα στ' όνειρό μας, όπου ορίζει
ο νομοθέτης νούς μας. Μετερίζι
δε θέμε, γιατί ξέρομε πως πάμε
του Χάρου τα κορμιά μας και δε σπάμε
το κύμα των βαρβάρων που χυμίζει
στην Πατρίδα. Μα ο νους εμάς φτερούγες
τανυώντας λεύτερες χάμου τη νίκη
παραιτά• κι αητός δικέφαλος ούγες
κεντά με τ' όνειρό του τη λαμπράδα
κι ανοιεί, στης βάρβαρης νύχτας τη φρίκη,
άνθος λευκό τη νικημένη Ελλάδα.
Translation by Richard Witt
Stern was the law we made that it should test
Our thinking; nor with hope do we bestride
The pass of Life. And each and all we ride
On horseback towards our dream, at the behest
Of mind the lawgiver. No rampart's breast
Do we require; we know we shall confide
To Death our bodies; the barbarian tide
We cannot break apart, whose foaming crest
Assails our Country. Yet our mind, its wing
Freely outstretched, does victory here below
Renounce. The two-head eagle, broidering
The stuff of dreams, adorns his glorious piece;
And 'midst the dread barbarian darkness, lo!
White flower, there blossoms the defeated Greece.
1st part, Simonides - Kavafis, Composition A. Kokkinoy, orchestration A. Kokkinoy - E. Ioannoy.
2nd part, Kazantzakis, Composition and orchestration E. Ioannoy.
The piece was first performed during the celebrations for the running of the 30th Spartathlon in September 2012 .
The music was produced from Finale and Sibelius files via midi using various VSTi's. The choir created by Andreas Skiadas/Ανδρέας Σκιαδάς on a Roland VP-770, with the spoken word provided by Dimitri Katsafanas/Δημήτρης Κατσαφάνας. All was mixed in Pro Tools 9/10
By Hielmi Abdurahman (me)
The video was created In Sony Vegas Pro 12 with Images garnered from all over the web. (A big thanks to all the creators of those images and works of art.)
Also by me.
Words with Translation below:
O Stranger. Hie thee to Lacedaemon and recount to them.
That we who lie here, died, in accord with our duties.
Κ.Π. Καβάφη
Τιμή σ’ εκείνους όπου στην ζωή των
ώρισαν και φυλάγουν Θερμοπύλες.
Ποτέ από το χρέος μη κινούντες·
δίκαιοι κ’ ίσιοι σ’ όλες των τες πράξεις,
αλλά με λύπη κιόλας κ’ ευσπλαχνία·
γενναίοι οσάκις είναι πλούσιοι, κι όταν
είναι πτωχοί, πάλ’ εις μικρόν γενναίοι,
πάλι συντρέχοντες όσο μπορούνε·
πάντοτε την αλήθεια ομιλούντες,
πλην χωρίς μίσος για τους ψευδομένους.
Και περισσότερη τιμή τούς πρέπει
όταν προβλέπουν (και πολλοί προβλέπουν)
πως ο Εφιάλτης θα φανεί στο τέλος,
κ’ οι Μήδοι επί τέλους θα διαβούνε.
Let honour be to those in whose life
it was set to guard Thermopylae.
Never moving away from duty;
Just and equals in all of their acts
But with sadness and compassion
Brave once they are rich and when
They are poor, again brave
Coming to aid as much as they can;
Always speaking the truth
But without hate for those who lie.
And even more honour they deserve
When its predicted (and many predict)
That Ephialtes will appear in the end
And the Medes will finally pass through
Νίκος Καζαντζάκη
Σκληρό θέσαμε νόμο να ρυθμίζει
τη γνώμη μας, κι ανέλπιδοι κρατάμε
τα στενά τής ζωής• κι όλοι κινάμε
καβάλα στ' όνειρό μας, όπου ορίζει
ο νομοθέτης νούς μας. Μετερίζι
δε θέμε, γιατί ξέρομε πως πάμε
του Χάρου τα κορμιά μας και δε σπάμε
το κύμα των βαρβάρων που χυμίζει
στην Πατρίδα. Μα ο νους εμάς φτερούγες
τανυώντας λεύτερες χάμου τη νίκη
παραιτά• κι αητός δικέφαλος ούγες
κεντά με τ' όνειρό του τη λαμπράδα
κι ανοιεί, στης βάρβαρης νύχτας τη φρίκη,
άνθος λευκό τη νικημένη Ελλάδα.
Translation by Richard Witt
Stern was the law we made that it should test
Our thinking; nor with hope do we bestride
The pass of Life. And each and all we ride
On horseback towards our dream, at the behest
Of mind the lawgiver. No rampart's breast
Do we require; we know we shall confide
To Death our bodies; the barbarian tide
We cannot break apart, whose foaming crest
Assails our Country. Yet our mind, its wing
Freely outstretched, does victory here below
Renounce. The two-head eagle, broidering
The stuff of dreams, adorns his glorious piece;
And 'midst the dread barbarian darkness, lo!
White flower, there blossoms the defeated Greece.