shop nation dust collection blew up. What a waste, money, and time

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Well, here we are again,on the same subject of shop nation dust collection. This isn't the way or the video I wanted to start the year off with.
It did happen, and I did get it on video, so I figured what the hell. Let's see if I piss anyone off. It's not a goal, but I'm getting tired of all the sponsorship ads. The buy my product plugs, the lavish projects no one can afford to build or wants to.
I don't want to bash the big woodworking YouTube community. I'm subscribed to them and watch all their videos. Just like you, they do inspire me. I do learn new things and am able to use those skills to build less expensive, more common projects. projects for the beginner, the blue collar, you the average who wants to feel above average. That is what makes me so upset when products like this fale.
I know YouTube is their job, and that's how they make a living, but when up time and the dollar counts more than the quality, it becomes an issue. Like me, there are people spending 3 to 5% of there pay check to purchase this product, and it's failing. every time one fails, it is someone's downtime. Quite frankly, someone's " broken soul."
For a husband or wife with 3 kids working an average job, $50 is a lot of money. So when they see the product from their favorite YouTube channel blow into 30 pieces, how do you think that feels.
I will continue making videos like this for them. I know how it feels to buy one clamp a paycheck to get a collection. I know how it feels to save for a router or a saw. that's why I will only show tools I would recommend and report their progress and problems. thanks for watching 👀
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There are so many safety issues with your technique. #1 - You need to wear proper PPE #2 - Crossing your arms while making a cut is unnecessary. #3 - Using the hold-down clamp, you need to clamp your stock. #4 - You NEVER raise your blade while it's spinning after you have completed your cut. Your owner's manual clearly states points 3 & 4 (I own the same saw). I can't speak to the rigidity of the dust collection device as I don't own one, but it would not have failed if, at a minimum, points #3 & #4 were followed. You recorded yourself doing the wrong thing, plain and simple.


It's a 3d printed part, in order to not have voids you need to increase the infill, which uses a magnitude more material and time to print. I also had a kick back not too long ago which broke a factory part in my DeWalt saw, even if the Shop Nation part was 100% infill it would still break with that type of impact. It's relatively inexpensive upgrade and supports a small business. Manage your expectations. It's this type of customer that keeps me doing woodworking as hobby vs trying to scale up.


First off, really sorry that happened and would still be willing to make it right for you.

This product has been redesigned to help avoid this, but as many have pointed out there are some very easy technique fixes to further reduce the likelihood of it happening again.

I always appreciate direct feedback and am happy to take this offline but to make a video to trash my product, while showcasing your lack of knowledge about both 3D printing and how to properly use a miter saw - not a good look.


Another armchair expert with bad technique blaming the tool!!


I had the same thing happen to mine about a month ago. Still finding pieces around the shop. I had thought it did a pretty good job but I don’t think I’m willing to buy another.


Dude is trying to claim it's a bad product because his subpar practices created a situation that broke it lmao


Shop Nation is aware of this "flaw" He did a whole video about it.


The fact that there was a projectile may have been his fault, but the failure of the part was due to the manufacturing


I'm not going to blame anything or anyone.
I'm just happy you didn't have to make a trip to the hospital.


You cut off a piece with no support behind it. You say you guarantee it would not have happened if it was ABS plastic. That statement is meaningless. You can guarantee no such thing. You basically created the equivalent of table saw kickback on the miter saw. Kickback can embed itself in a wall! ABS plastic is not going to stop it. What WILL stop it is preventing it from happening by not cutting an unsupported piece. Make a zero clearance fence to go over your stock fence for such cuts. There are videos on YouTube showing how and why to do this. This incident is your fault. Don’t blame others for your mistakes.


Unexpected stuff happens when using saws. That's why the rest of us wear safety glasses when operating them.


The voids are there cause it's 3D printed. You can make it 100% infill, but it's not gonna add enough strength to deal with a kickback or touching the blade anyways.


Insulting viewer for critism on your failures is by far the best way to build a great channel.
No selfreflection, no respect, no education, no manners.
Flaged multiple times edit: he made a follow up vid to explain himself and whats the real issue here, ppl should watch that too. maybe consider to change title and vid description


I believe your failure to use the saw safely is the underlying issue. There are some things that could have been different with the printing, but honestly breaking the dust collection took the impact of your flying wood piece, where was your safety glasses, where is your hearing protection, why are you crossing your arms while cutting, and on and on and on.
You only have yourself to blame. Be happy the plastic took the impact and not a hand, or arm, or eye. 🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕


Well, mime just arrived today so I might as well give it a try…….carefully.


Hey, that is what your work piece hold down is made to prevent. But you have to use it!! Blaming wrong person.


Sorry to see this happen. I wonder if it had loosened and the blade touched it. You may be able to do better with a soft rubber hood you shape & attach yourself. I've done that, copying several YouTubers, and find that it has been effective and safe. Good luck!
(BTW, I would NOT cross hands when operating the miter saw. Good way to have an accident. It isn't hard to learn to hold the handle & work with the opposite hands from what you're used to.)


What are you planning on replacing it with now?


that is the reason dewalt recalled the dws779. they went to a plastic dust chute and it bit them in the ass.


I’m sorry but this failure is purely operator error.
