The Missing People of Ocarina of Time - A Zelda Mystery

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Glory to Gunondorf!

Zelda Jewelry and Monster Maze Pins:

The Curse of the Lost Woods:

The Vanishing in the Lost Woods:

Ocarina of Time Map by:
James Nalepa

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- You!

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Have great week everyone!
Also, give it up for Gunondorf 👉


The way the soldier talks about his knowledge of ghosts being useful one day makes it sound like he knew what was coming. Maybe he had already turned his coat long before Link began his quest.


I feel like the fact that the graveyard boy's entire family disappeared suggests that they all fled Hyrule together.


You have 11 dead souls to account for, and 10 big poes to collect as Adult Link. Where's the 11th one? In the Gerudo Wasteland, leading Adult Link to the Spirit Temple.


I’m continually amazed by OOT being able to tell its story in the 90s.

Also I always thought as a kid that the missing ppl became the redeads.


My headcanon as a kid was that the lady in the yellow and blue dress is actually a disguised Gerudo. Not much evidence, but one of the Gossip Stones mentions that Gerudo women will sometimes go to Castle Town looking for boyfriends. I ran around with the Gerudo Mask looking for any interesting reactions and the yellow/blue dress lady comments something along the lines of finding it funny/charming to see Link wearing it. That and the fact that she's "dancing" right across from a man in town made me think that she was one of the aforementioned single Gerudos in town. I like to think she's alive somewhere in Gerudo Fortress in the future.


In an April 1999 interview with Ocarina of Time’s development staff, 64Dream Magazine actually asked what happened to Graveyard Boy. Yoshiaki Koizumi tells us that, unfortunately, 5 years after he encounters Link (which would make the boy 8 years old, apparently) he chooses to investigate the disappearance of his father. This leads him to the Lost Woods, where Koizumi states the boy transformed into a Skull Kid, and once Link encountered him, the boy simply attacked Link due to Skull Kids’ infamous distrust for adults.


1:11 "Especially when you realize not everyone made it out alive."

*cheerful music playing in the background*


Regarding the "Ganondorf's men" bit, that was indeed a translation choice. It is meant to convey that Ganondorf had something of a corps supporting his coup attempt, but the Japanese does not specifically indicate they were male. It just means he had a force of accomplices


I’ve always found the celebration at the ranch so eerie. Obviously the game has a limited amount of models, but it still feels so… empty. It really gives off the impression that these few dozen people are all that’s left after only seven years under Gannon.


That Ganon had accomplices in his effort is an old detail that was coherent with A Link to the Past, where it says that once his "band of thieves" reached the Sacred Realm, he vanquished his own followers and, "with blood-stained hands, " grasped the Triforce. Helps to explain why there's no love between him and the remaining Gerudo in the future I think. I wonder if some of them were traitorous Hylians as well, promised a share in the power that they would never actually see.


About the whole “Ganondorf’s men’ thing that starts at about 8:00 - “Men” could be a reference to the soldiers and armaments not the actual sex or gender of the people participating. People usually refer to how many men are on their side when talking about war which is exactly what’s about to start here.


I was like RICHARD" and then you said he most likely lived a long and happy pupper life


In an old interview it was said that the graveyard boy wandered into the lost woods and became a skull kid...


You attempting to "age up" the graveyard kid gave me a chuckle, lol.


Ocarina has always stood out to me as a powerful coming of age story. The change to Castle Town is a harrowing example. The world of adults that seemed so idyllic is reduced to ash and misery when we exit the proverbial Temple of Time.


the soldier who mentions Ganon's "men" could also just be using "men" to refer to Ganon's soldiers in general and not meaning to imply male soldiers specifically.


9:15 Either way, there was definitely a band of Gerudo who remained loyal to Nabooru and opposed Ganondorf the whole time, so we can just assume the Hylians are mature enough to know that the entire race isn't their enemy


I always thought the redeads were the missing people. It kind of makes sense, plus they are usually found where the dead reside. I don't really think that Ganondorf would invade with an army of slow moving redeads.


As a fellow Dutchie, I couldn't help but snicker at you saying "Screw the monarchy" while showing a picture of Willem Alexander and Maxima.
Love your videos man! Groetjes!
