Swift 3: Firebase Social Login - Firebase SDK and Sign In Facebook User (Ep 3)

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Today, let's learn how to sign in to Firebase using our previously logged in Facebook user.

Secondly, let's install the Firebase SDK using cocoapods and modifying our Podfile configuration.

Finally, we'll call the method in Swift that logs in our user into Firebase immediately after Facebook perform authentication.


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This third ep is working!! Waiting for the next ep :) Thank's for all


BTW, I vote for the programming way building UI. It's clear and fast, especially thank you for the extension functions for the layout. :) Way to go!


Yeah!! I'm waiting for this!! Thanks Brian!


Thank you so much for sharing all your ideas about your tutorial it helps me a lot for creating my first app.


Hi Brian, great video as usual.
One question: I would like to avoid having the request for permissions screen appearing every time, just to press OK as you've already authorized the app. So how to achieve that and have the request for permissions appearing just once?


You are awesome. Very informational and helped assist me in creating my app!!


Hi Brian,

Thanks a lot for all you effort on this channel. I and so many other people have been enjoying and learning a lot from it.

I’ve taken an online course in Udemy, and now taking another course classroom delivery at my College, and feeding myself with books (mainly Apple’s) and youtube channel as yours. It’s been pretty intense my last three months on this quest for learning iOS Development.

I really enjoy your different approach. Build layouts programmatically is awesome. But I realized in the short time experience that I’ve had that sometimes is faster to use storyboards, although obviously nothing compares to the power of doing it programmatically, haha..

Btw… I notice that your Xcode compiles faster than mine. Is that due just your mac power or there are any special configurations? I’ve found couple posts saying that changing some configuration in Xcode can make it compile up to 80% faster.
Compile and run time makes a great difference when building layouts programmatically.

Anyway, there’s just one thing I’m struggling to understand, and would appreciate your insight.

Where does go the MVC concept? It sounds weird to me that the Controller “carry” the view.
I mean… Shouldn’t view be separated of the logic?

It’s kinda confusing for me, but probably it’s because I came from Web Development where we generally have the view as a template file separated from the controller…


hi, great series, I have a question, can we get users friends list only who are using your app or installed like in clash of clans


You are amazing, Thank you the tutorials


Dude, really great stuff! please keep it up! :D


Best, as usual! Like)
Waiting for twitter login guide =)


yo man, you're f***ing on top of things!!! This RIGHT HERE, Is what i needed. iv'e been liking as much videos as I can to support this channel.


Hi Brian! Love your videos! Question tho! How can I get the google sign in button to segue to a another view controller? thanks!


Hi Brian, I want a demo a project of webview with these following functionalities:-
:- get response on every button click of webview
:- i want to print the data of textfield of Uiview
:- and also want to get the URL of page

I have implemented last one but other two are not.
So please add a demo project for it.
I am eagerly waiting for your response
Thank You


Where could I find a course that shows me how to get iOS app to backup the data in the app to the server then load the backup data from server to the new iOS device?


hello, i followed your tutorial and manage to populate my database with the FB users information. but everytime i log out and login again with the same user. Database stores the same information with a different $uid. How do i avoid that.


A basic question that isn't too significant, but I'm curious. You said that after you install pods to work with the workspace and not the project file. It seems like you aren't working from the workspace from how my version of xcode looks. Are you working from the workspace or is there a way you can work from the xcode project file and still have access to the pods?


Hi Brian, I wonder how do you Model your Firebase/NoSQL objects. I come from a background of C#, so I like to use models. My approach is use the snapshot to init a model instance. And I also have functions in my Model class, and modify values in the functions directly. That's very convenience.

But I just realized that I missed the part of Remove Observe Listener thing. Now I'm not sure how this will impact my current code structure.

Because in my Model class, I don't have a place to removeAllObserves. And I wonder is it a good approach to handle data change in the functions of Model class.

I don't like to keep everything in the controller. As a matter of fact, there are functions done in Views. So keep Firebase db calling in controllers only is not a good approach, do you agree?

I asked in another comment, that is it mean I don't need to remove listener if I'm using ObserveSingleEvent? I don't see any clear answer on this(by googling), and I don't know how to watch the Firebase Handlers yet.

Thank you so much!


Great video, i got one question, im going to try and implement this to the chat application, how do i change the logout barbutton button to a facebook logout instead so that the facebook logout ends up there if i log in with facebook instead of logging in with an email and password, Thanks for the content!


Brian, i did today, on firebase website, it says install firebase core, not firebase auth.
