What If Darth Vader JOINED Luke Skywalker Before Confronting The Emperor

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#starwars #starwarswhatif #darthvader #lukeskywalker #returnofthejedi #anakinskywalker #anakin
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Question of the day: Is Vader turning back to the light to save Luke the best moment in Star Wars? If not, what is?


‘Your thoughts betray you, Father. I feel the good in you, the conflict.’
‘Yup, let’s go.’


Luke: "Wait -- Yoda was rapidly flipping around, while in battles?"
Vader: "If I'm lying, I'm crying." (mechanical breathing)


"What if Obi-Wan became the Supreme Chancellor?"
The concept of the "Negotiator", who is an expert at politics but hates them being elected to the highest office is both intriguing and hilarious. This is inspired by the excellent fanfic "Supreme Chancellor Obi-Wan Kenobi".

"What if Anakin discovered T7-O1 (the astromech droid of Ven Zallow and the Hero of Tython) and it become his new droid?"

The concept of Anakin gaining access to a droid with such vast detailed knowledge is a novel one and a interesting one. Think of how influential R2-D2 is in the franchise. Multiply that by 10 with T7-O1.


Normally in this what if topic, vader reveal himself to the public.

This in my opinion is a more realistic approach. "Watching from a distance"


Vader, Force-choking some upstart Imperial trying to take over: "Now Luke, remember that this is a case of 'do as father says, not as father does'"

What if, at the outbreak of the Clone Wars, a significant minority of the Jedi refused to fight or take a side, leaving the order and instead dedicating themselves to helping people affected by the war (and other problems as well)?


Loved this story of Vader turning back and helping Luke to build a new order


I love how you had Vader/Anakin Complete his destiny with this one


This was cool, feasible, and believable! Great job!


Top 3 moments in Star Wars:
3: The Death Star's destruction
2: Anakin being defeated on Mustafar.
1: Vader Joining Luke and killing Palpatine, Until the sequels


You should do what if Padme died when she fell out of the republic gunship in attack the clones


Artoo being a secrecy goblin is 100% something he would be happy to be.


Bro become the new writer for Disney with Pente Patrol and Fantasy Folklore


This was amazing. I’ve been a fan of your videos for a while and it’s always fun to see your interesting SW what if’s. It was also fun to see Vader joining Luke before confronting Palpatine getting shown some love. This is definitely an interesting scenario and it should definitely get shown some more love. Plus I think we can all agree that this is probably one of the most interesting/unique scenarios in SW…but it’s a welcome one. Also if Vader did join Luke…then it would definitely be an interesting opportunity to show another side of his character and make it even more interesting. It was also nice to see Vader return to the light in the most unique way with the help of his son getting shown some love, since he usually never get the chance to do personal stuff like this that much and it was a nice change of pace to see him take the initiative and definitely made us all impressed. Plus it was nice to see Vader get that opportunity to take a different path and not being to late return in order to prevent him from ever being used as a slave…afterall it was nice to see him have a solid plan, afterall this was probably the smartest course of action they could take, so it was nice to see him come up with this plan to shift the power balance of the galaxy, since he knows that there’s still opportunity and hope in the galaxy. Also it’s always nice to see just how determined Vader truly is…also this was definitely something Vader would do. It was also nice to see Vader team up with his son in order to defeat Palpatine…plus I think him having time with his children is just so sweet and just makes him more powerful, dangerous and more of a badass when you threaten his loved ones. Afterall, you don’t mess with Vader and get away with it. Plus it was fun to see Han and Chewie commandeering and AT-AT…it was really fun. Great job as always and I can’t wait to see what you do next.

I do have a few ideas for some possible what if’s:

1) What if Rey was a Mandalorian…essentially what if Din Djarin found Rey and took her in as a Foundling.

2) What if Ezra was a Mandalorian…something like how both his parents were Mandalorians who left Mandalore and went to start their own lives (you could still keep most of Ezra’s backstory) and potentially make Ezra and Sabine a couple (since Disney won’t, we have too…#ezrabine4ever.

3) What if Jango Fett and/or Boba Fett Joined the Republic…I think something interesting could happen with this.

4) What if Rey, Finn and Poe went back in time to the Clone Wars…this would make the World Between Worlds even more of an important focal point and I could also see them get along well with Anakin, Ashoka, Rex and the rest of the 501st (it would be fun to see Rey, Finn and Poe join the 501st)

I hope these are some amazing ideas for some potential What if’s


“Ben” is an abomination… Han and Leia had 3 kids… the twins, Jacen and Jaina, then baby Anakin. Ben was the name of Luke’s son he had with Mara Jade.


Solid What if Galaxy, i find when it comes to Star Wars what ifs their near limitless possibilities we that with Order 66 where so many things could happened or to what certain armies were used instead of others or in addition to a existing army to would if so and so brought these people together or sought this position and if so and so fell in love with so and so from the believable to the bonkers.


Yes! More RoTJ and original series stories!
The prequel series is definitely rich with so many possibilities but so is the the original series.
Great story!


I could see Anakin settin up a cybernetics shop and upradin his own limbs as well as chanin his own look. Havin turned back to the liht, he no loner wants or needs the constant pain his cybernetics cause.


It was Takin's orders to blow up alderaan, not Vader's


“I know there is still good in you. The Emperor hasn’t driven it from you fully”
“Your mother once thought as you do”
