YESHUA (My Beloved) CHRISTAFARI - Alessandro Vilas Boas (Reggae Version) | Christian Songs 2022

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In our 50 state ​Under God ​tour​,​ we ministered in some gorgeous places. One of the most beautiful locations had to be the Hawaiian Islands. This was the perfect destination to try and match the beauty and splendor of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that this song and these visuals lead you into deeper worship of our Savior.

Please partner with us today and help us continue to reach the lost at any cost and make disciples of all nations.


Directed by: Mark Mohr and Avion Blackman
Edited by: Luis Juarez
Director of photography: Kerron Edwards
Shot on location in Maui, Kauai, The Big Island, and O'ahu.
Drone shots by: Austin Holloway

Produced by: Mark Mohr and Christafari

Hula dancing, choreography, makeup, and styling: Maluhia Kawai
Vocalists: Avion Blackman, Ziza Mohr, Kawehena Williams, and Mark Mohr
Recorded, Produced and Edited by Renato Taimes, and Mark Mohr
All musical instruments performed by Renato Taimes except for trumpet, trombone and saxophone played by Nick Cedillo.


My beloved is the most beautiful
Among thousands and thousands
My beloved is the most beautiful
Among thousands and thousands

Yeshu hu oo oo ah, ha aa aa aa, ah aa aa aa
Yeshu hu oo oo ah, ha aa aa aa, ah aa aa aa

My beloved is the most beautiful
Among thousands and thousands
My beloved is the most beautiful
Among thousands and thousands

Yeshu hu oo oo ah, ha aa aa aa, ah aa aa aa
Yeshu hu oo oo ah, ha aa aa aa, ah aa aa aa

Beauty, beauty, beautiful
Glory, glory, glorious
You are, You are

Beauty, beauty, beautiful
Glory, glory, glorious
You are, You are

Yours is the kingdom
Yours is the power
Yours in the glory forever Amen (4x)

There is only one of You Jesus
There is only one of You Lord
There is only one Messiah
Yeshua Hamashiach

There is only one of You Jesus
There is only one of You Lord
There is only one Messiah
Yeshua Hamashiach

Yeshu hu oo oo ah, ha aa aa aa, ah aa aa aa
Yeshu hu oo oo ah, ha aa aa aa, ah aa aa aa

Beauty, beauty, beautiful
Glory, glory, glorious
You are, You are
Рекомендации по теме

I'm ex muslim. Thank you Jesus. Since i accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, i have hope and freedom. Hallelujah


Whoever reading this, I pray that God visit your home with healing, blessings and miracles. Amen.💕


At just 37years old, I suffered a brain aneurysm/ severe stroke in 2020. I was flown to the hospital in a chopper due to my critical state. After 2 weeks in ICU God healed me. I can walk, talk, run. Thank you Jesus. Great is your faithfulness...


anyone 2024 like this comment and everytime you do I'll come to listen to this song 🇲🇼🇲🇼🇲🇼🇲🇼🇲🇼🇲🇼🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🌋


You're reading this bcos GOD wants you to know that He's ordering your footsteps.Stop worrying, stop being doubtful, being frustrated & impatient. All He wants from you is to trust Him. He already has you on right path!


I was ready to take my life, a friend sent me this song! And before taking the medicine I decided to listen. What was death became life, God thank you for being so wonderful 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Cadê os brasileiros orgulhosos de ver Quero Conhecer Jesus (Yeshua), voando alto assim? 😍💛💚🇧🇷


I from Philippines 🇵🇭 and when I hear this song I cry and give my life in Jesus Christ GLORY TO.


Keep on spreading de gospel until it reaches the ends of the world


May Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus The Messiah) bless all those reading this!! He loves you all and gave His life for you all!! Turn to Him, repent and start keeping His eternal Torah!!📜


Im using my hubbys fone. I was blind for 2 days God healed me. poisoned and God healed me. Protected from accident. Yeshua Jesus my savior. I love you Yeshua Jesus


Ears: listening to this song
Eyes: reading comments
Fingers: scrolling on screen
Brain: encouraging to give it a try.
Much ❤ from 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪


Alessandro vilas boas, do Brasil para o Mundo! 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷. Maranata!


We used this in street evangelism today. People approached us to find out who was singing. Your music was very effective on our streets today. Blessings keep making blessed & annointed music


Every knee shall bow, Every tongue confess.

Christ is my Redeemer!


I’m so discouraged but I will keep believing. Faith in Jesus is all I have left. God has provided for me this far. Faith! I’m keeping faith even though it is difficult at this time. I’m so ashamed and embarrassed over my situation. But I know God will make a way for me and my children. I lost my job as a social worker because I declined the vaccine. I declined due to my pre existing health condition (Lupus) and heart disease. I’m on a bunch of medications. I feel like every month I’m facing homelessness because every month I’m having a hard time coming up with rent. Every month is a struggle. I can’t be on the streets with two young children. I’m so depressed. My husband passed away three years ago, I miss him dearly. I’m still coping with his death. I have two sons both are autistic, and non verbal. I am so overwhelmed at this point in time, it’s so hard on me. I am all alone no family nor friends to help me durning my time of need. But it’s my faith in God that will carry me through. I’m sharing my story because we should have freedom to choose. Please keep me and my children in your prayers thank you. God bless.


As someone who’s loved reggae all my life and who recently began my journey seeking Jesus this genre of Christian Reggae brings me sooo much happiness! 🙏🏼❤️💛💚✝️🥰


This man, this guy, this vibration... I'm French and I like Fatan Mojah !! Blessed


There's only one of you Jesus, there's only one of you Lord. There's only one Messiah, Yeshua Hamashiac!


My favorite song my 2 year old daughter put her hands up and sings it 🙌 and my unborn baby in the womb dances 💃 God is so amazing you guys put so much peace and love into the song! God is definitely smiling down on this !
