Shortest Path Finder - GA - Genetic Algorithms - Travelling Salesman's Problem

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Here is the code:

import random
import cv2
import numpy as np

# genes_length = 5 # number of cities
# population_count = 1000 # number of salesmen
mutation_rate = 0.005

genes_length = int(input("Number of cities: "))
population_count = int(input("Population: "))

map_range = 500 # 500x500 grid for different locations

cities = [
[random.randrange(0, map_range), random.randrange(0, map_range)] for i in range(genes_length)

class SalesMan:
genes = [] # order of visiting cities
fitness = 0
distances = 0

def __init__(self):
self.genes = [i for i in range(genes_length)]

def calculate_fitness(self):
distance = 0
current_position = cities[self.genes[0]]
for i in range(1, genes_length):
distance += (
(current_position[0] - cities[self.genes[i]][0]) ** 2
+ (current_position[1] - cities[self.genes[i]][1]) ** 2
) ** 0.5
current_position = cities[self.genes[i]]
self.distances = distance = (
10000 / distance
) # we want fitness to be grater than 1 and also we want to have different fitness values for different distances

# Generating the initial population
population = []
for i in range(population_count):

generation_count = 0
while True:
generation_count += 1
# Calculating the fitness
for i in population:

# Finding best fitness value
best_fitness = 0
best_individual = population[0]
for i in population:
if > best_fitness:
best_fitness =
best_individual = i

print(f"Generation: {generation_count}, Total distance: {best_individual.distances}")

# Draw best individual
order = best_individual.genes
image = np.ones((map_range, map_range))

pts = np.array([cities[i] for i in order], dtype=np.int32)
for pt in pts:
image =, (pt[0], pt[1]), 5, (0, 255, 0), 2)

pts = pts.reshape((-1, 1, 2))
image = cv2.polylines(image, [pts], False, (0, 255, 0), 2)
cv2.imshow("Map", image)

# If the target is found, then break
# if best_fitness == 1.0:
# break

# Generating a mating pool
mating_pool = []
for i in population:
for j in range(int( ** 3):

population = []

# Generating the next generation
for i in range(population_count):
# Selection
parent_A = random.choice(mating_pool)
parent_B = random.choice(mating_pool)

# Crossover
break_point_0 = random.randrange(0, genes_length)
break_point_1 = random.randrange(break_point_0, genes_length)
child = SalesMan()
child.genes = [-1 for i in range(genes_length)]
for i in parent_B.genes:
if i not in child.genes:
for j in range(genes_length):
if child.genes[j] == -1:
child.genes[j] = i

# Mutation
record = random.random()
if record < mutation_rate:
break_point = random.randrange(0, genes_length)
child.genes[break_point], child.genes[(break_point + 1) % genes_length] = (
child.genes[(break_point + 1) % genes_length],

# Add child into the new population
# print(child.genes)


You are wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing this great knowledge.


Took a run at optimizing your calculate_fitness() function by using some more numpy built-ins.

def calculate_fitness(self):

# Construct the individual route that this salesman will take,
# according to the order of their shuffled genes
individual_route: np.array = np.array([cities[gene] for gene in self.genes])

# Recreate the cities array from a random starting position
route_copy: np.array = np.vstack((individual_route[1:], individual_route[0]))

# Start by taking the difference between the coordinate pairs of the arrays
# Square those per-coordinate differences
# Sum the differences along the rows of the 2D array
# Take the square root of each of those sums
# Then add up the sum of all of those square roots, omitting the last difference
# This is because we don't want the distance from the last city in the route
# To the first city in the route, so we discard that calculation
# This gets you the distance along the route
distance_along_route: float = np.sum(
- individual_route), axis=1))[:-1]

# Set the distance to the result we obtained
# Then calculate the fitness
self.distances: float = distance_along_route float = 10000 / self.distances

It produces a nice speedup when we choose 20 cities with a population size of 10, 000


hey bro why at Generating a mating pool has to for (**3 times and not another number


Heyyyy... Please tell me how you got that stimulation of your code. Do you have an email or Instagram where I can give you a shout out?


why should be greater than 1
