Nurse John - the Canadian TikToker using humour to highlight challenges of the job - BBC News

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Canadian nurse John Dela Cruz joined TikTok during the Covid pandemic, when he saw a video on the platform asking people to post about undervalued professions.

He filmed a short video and went viral overnight. He now has 3.5 million followers.

As nurses strike in New York City and in the UK, he continues to channel humour as he highlights the challenges of the profession.

#NurseJohn #Canada #BBCNews
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When he said he misses going to work and helping people but what he doesn't miss is what he will come back to because the situation is still the same - I felt that.


You don't have to be in the profession to love Nurse John; he's so relatable.


I’m a retired OB/NICU RN and I can’t imagine working in nursing these days. To say that it is a hard job is an understatement. The responsibility is huge, yet you are constantly working understaffed, or with mostly new grads ( not their fault ), with missing or broken equipment and the shifts often pour into overtime because, well, all heck breaks loose in the last hour. I wish him well.


It was nightmarish to waitress during Covid/short staffed. Like literal nightmares every night. I CANNOT imagine what it’s been like for nurses. Sending love and gratitude to nurses everywhere.


I love nurse John and I constantly share his content. I'm not a nurse but let me tell you being short staffed is something A LOT of companies and their staff can relate too.


Nurse John got me to start the car and drive to work (doctor here) a few times already. His humour is universal and his situation resonates with what the NHS is going through so well. Thanks, John!


I am not a nurse. I have a master's degree in counseling and am retired from a career in (U.S.) health care, from general hospitals to state mental hospitals and from community mental health to hospice care. I've worked with, been supervised by, and have supervised nurses. Just like any other group of human beings, nurses include the good, the bad, and the ugly. BUT, on average, I have found nurses to be possibly the most professionally selfless and caring group I have encountered. It's a strength that is the backbone, muscle, and heart of our healthcare system. It's also a weakness that makes nurses prone to being taken advantage. It takes a heckuva lot to make nurses go on strike. Just sayin'.


I loved him before I knew he was Canadian, now I double love him!


His work is beautiful. Nurses are the perfect example of a working schedule that is little better than torture. 12 hour shifts, or more, on multiple days in a row, in departments that are chronically understaffed. It’s ridiculous. Just because you’re in a helping field does not justify the expectation that we (I’m not a nurse, but similar career) be self-sacrificial. It’s a *job*, not a punishment you’re supposed to be grateful for.


Nurse John is a very intelligent, humble and compassionate gentleman with a lot of maturity. A rare combination❤


Nurse John, my sister and I have been cracking up and crying to your videos all week. I knew nurses were heroes but your videos really put things in perspective. Thank you for everything you and all the nurses do. Please be safe always. Take care of yourself. We all deserve a breather to heal and refocus. 🤲🏾 🥰🧑‍⚕


Im not a nurse, but was an elderly caregiver and I started following John almost from.the beginning. His humor is spot on. Caregiving is one of the most stressful, mentally challenging, and hardest jobs with little pay. John really shows the need for mental health acceptance for our caregivers.


Sometimes you see another nurse on the internet and all you want to do is give them a hug.
To all nurses: Thank you for caring, thank you for loving and thank you doing what you do


I can’t believe I’m seeing you on BBC news!!! I’m from Scotland and have been following you on YouTube since you started your channel and I’m so happy to see you on the news in my country!!! What you do in your videos is incredible, and using your platform to bring awareness to the issues surrounding mental health, particularly in the healthcare sector is just amazing ❤ WE LOVE YOU NURSE JOHN!!! Praying for your recovery and sending love to you from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 ❤❤


I’m a night shift nurse on an oncology floor. This man is fabulous!!


Im in awe that nurse John made it all the way to BBC news.


He's so funny. Thank you for bringing light to the hardships


I adore this guy.
My mom was a nurse, and I can empathize deeply with these videos


I don't know what I would do without Nurse John and Prozac. <3


Nurses are seriously under rated, 2 years working in the pandemic and I had to quit, mental health is the main issue why nurses quit…it’s rough
