Bonsaify | Juniper Cutting Propagation Step-by-Step

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00:02:57 One challenge is finding the material to take the cuttings from. Eric shows examples of the type of growth that is useful for propagation.

00:05:42 Cut off small 3" branches and make small cuttings with 3/4" stem to stick into the soil. Eric explains the difference in growth (speed and vigor) between cuttings from a less healthy "mother" plant and a very healthy one.

00:07:53 The ideal scenario is to start with a cutting 3-4" long with a 1" stem that is about the size of a matchstick, and definitely no wider than a pencil.

00:09:01 A few examples of strong and weaker cuttings.

00:11:29 "Heel cutting" is using a side shoot. This only roots well when the cutting is relatively young. You can cut a long healthy stem into an upper and lower section for 2 cuttings.

00:12:56 Process of sticking cuttings. Do you need a grafting knife or can you use sharp scissors? Eric has found that the difference in "take" rate is neglible for small cuttings, so having a nice sharp pair of scissors should be sufficient.

00:14:37 Rooting hormone is a synthetic product that is derived from a natural hormone in plants. Eric uses Hormex #3 and #8 and explains that the difference is in concentration, because some plants burn if it's too high and others don't react if it's too low. For Junipers, Eric uses #8.

00:15:43 Liquid vs Powder? Eric using powder because after dipping and sticking the cuttings in the media, powder enables more time for the hormone to take action.

00:16:08 Before sticking, Eric recommends dipping cuttings with fungicide (zerotol).

00:16:35 The soil Eric uses is 80% perlite, 20% coco coir. He stacks cuttings in as close together as possible in the container, and explains that you can generally use any container except mesh-sided because that has a tendency to dry out too quickly. His preferred container is a 17" Anderson propagation flat which has a mesh bottom.

00:17:57 Aftercare; Eric propagates in the fall (we're in Northern CA) and leaves the container outside in a shady area for a few months, on top of a seedling heat mat. Heat on the bottom of the container warms the soil, which stimulates root growth.

00:19:33 Water - cool moist but not too frequent misting for Junipers.

00:20:12 Eric pulls apart a flat of cuttings from last year, separating them into three piles. The bigger cuttings have 3-4 times more roots and growth than the smaller cuttings.

Thank you for watching! What experiences have you had propagating Junipers through cuttings? Let us know in the comments below. Please like and share this video; and subscribe to our channel!

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Thanks for the great info. I think you solved the problem with my pathetic strick rate with easy-to-root species nobody else has problems with. I bought the encyclopedia through your link. Best of luck to you.


THIS is what I’ve been wanting a video on (from any channel!) for months. Much thanks


All this info is dead on. I 100% back this up from experience. I’ve had weak cuttings take 2 growing seasons to even root let alone grow. Strong cuttings can sometimes root within a couple months. Great video. First one I’ve seen that lines up with my experience. I’ve done hundreds of cuttings with no difference between scissors and grafting knife and the same goes for using rooting hormone.


You have done a superb job explaining juniper propagation. I thank you very, very much!


This is awesome info! It's super important to take the advice from Peter Chan, "Don't be greedy' with cutting size (referring to thickness). I have several landscape junipers that I have been propagating. The key is a small matchstick thickness, off new growth for best results. I'm currently looking for a Kishu Juniper for my yard for propagation parent plant. Thanks for showing the results and consequences of each type of cutting.


Thanks for producing these videos Eric, Great info


Great video! As much fun as it is to watch styling videos, I find learning about the horticulture much more helpful as a beginner.


Excellent video. Used it to get a flat going myself. I do hydroponic gardening as well and love perlite.. using it for cuttings makes a lot of sense to me. We'll see how things come out next year. Thanks for taking the time to make the video. :)


Extremely thorough and informative!! Thank you :)


Great info on propagation. I love my junipers and now I can try to make many more using this method.


Hi Eric, any chance you plan to make an update video on how these did? Follow ups on older videos are the best.
Also, I’m getting ready to make cuttings off the Kishus and Cotoneasters I bought from you a few months back, I’m very excited to see how it goes!


The bonsai tree is so beautiful!thank you for sharing!


Excellent video on propagation of junipers by cuttings.


Thank you - lots of useful and insightful tips.


Awesome video and super informative. Thank you!


Great information, thanks for sharing your insights! Plus, a new book for me to collect. 👍


I will try out next year, Thank you for sharing your technique.


Great video Eric! Starting a bunch of shimpaku cuttings this year myself, super eager to see how it goes :)


Great info and comparisons. Really helpful.


Este video es lo que estaba buscando. Gracias.