3 Pillars of Perfection; Lessons from Prophet Yusuf - Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi

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- Asking others for knowledge when we are lacking
- Imam Baqir was known for exposing knowledge to the people
- 3 pillars of perfection according to the 5th Imam
- The current environment and mentality of instant gratification
- Islamic views on financial management
- Stinginess and Extravagance
- The story of Yusuf and financial management

"Whatever you learn, be the best in your field. Express your integrity, truthfulness, trustfulness in your character. So that people around you, Muslim or not, when choosing someone for a task, will look at you. Your behavior, even in a workplace, can change the minds of people about Islam and Muslims, more than 20 books that we can publish, or 100s of lectures on the internet. They'll see the living Islam in your own form."

"If there's someone whom God has blessed, but he is very stingy not only towards others, but even towards himself, that is of the worse kind. They fear that if anything is used, then it will be gone. Til the time comes that he himself is gone. And everything is inherited by others. And the heirs may be better, using it for themselves moderately, family, charity. And this person sitting up there will say 'Oh this is my money, but the Sawab is going to them.' You will lose in this world, and the next world for stinginess."

"In this society, patience is becoming a rare commodity. Everyone wants whatever they want, right away, now, and here. From the children to the adults. They've forgotten the element of Sabr."

Shahadat of the 5th Imam Muhammad al-Baqir
Recited By: Maulana Syed Muhammad Rizvi
Date: October 1st, 2014

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