Learn to Race Walk in Under 15 Minutes

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Very well put together video with clear explanations. I am over 72 now but was a competitive racewalker from 1985 to 2010 winning many awards. My 5k times were close to 28 to 29 minutes and my fastest half marathon was 2 hours and 10 minutes. I did a one mile race in 8 and a half minutes. Racewalking is a tough discipline and much harder than running but much less of an impact on your body. Thanks again for a great video.


Good video I'm walking for almost.25 years now I start race walking it's great sports in one year I improve my time I can walk.5 km with less 8 min per km my age is 59years


This channel has helped me so much, I can't say enough! I thought racewalking would be easy and I could quickly become competitive. I tried to mimic the things that I thought I saw elite walkers doing and to amass the kind of "elite" technical information that would allow me to walk fast and fluidly just like all the people in the videos. For example, I very early on latched onto something I read that said to land on the outside of the heel and roll along the outside of the foot. I did this to extremes for months and then could not figure out how people were also able to push off through their big toe. So, I basically cobbled together a bunch of temporary and divergent ideas I thought were critical at the time and got wildly off course. The step by step videos in this channel have quite quickly gotten me to a point where I think I am finally beginning to racewalk properly - after 2 1/2 years of floundering about and sometimes injuring myself. LOL! So, thank you very much!!!


I am going to get into this! Someone watching this like me is going to the 2028 Los Angeles Olympics.


Thank you so much for your great video's. I'm a injured runner and started my 1st race walk today. Hope I can continue without pain and injuries.


I know I’m very late to this but this helped so much as I was trying to improve on the walk❤😊


Thank you for making this video.
Am overweight with knee problem & your video guided & motivated into fat burning movement without hurting my knees.


We need more videos like this and clinics to help racewalkers. I ran for 49 years until I wore out the cartilage in my right hip (if you run enough miles and enough distance over time, something will wear out). I accidentally discovered racewalking, and while I can't run any longer, I can do this. Albeit, not very fast or well. Billyoungberg is spot on: racewalking is far more difficult than running, but doesn't beat up your body nearly as much.

I attended one of Dave McGovern's clinics, and it was very helpful. The issue here is that I am probably the only racewalker in my zip code and there are no racewalking groups around (there used to be a handful of them a generation ago, but no more). The only way I can see how I am doing is by competing, which I started doing at the annual Pasadena (CA) senior games. If there was a clinic locally (Los Angeles area), I'd go.

Currently debating if I can do the 10K distance. I'm slow, old, and I don't know how much on my feet time this body can handle with all of the previous running injuries I've had. Plus, getting tired leads to bad form and DQ, and would rather not deal with that again.


Thanks for this excellent analysis. This video emphasizes the key biomech points in an easy to grasp manner so important to any race walker.


Awesome video!
Racewalking is the greatest sport ever.
Keep walking 🚶🏼‍♂️👌


I am a better walker than a runner. I wonder if i can train myself to walk a marathon under 4 hrs. That would beat most people i know running a marathon


Most excellent. You have created a very nice, much needed resource here in a single video, and one that I will refer to often. There just isn't enough material out there for those of us wanting to learn how to race walk, especially without the services of a coach. In my newby opinion the most challenging aspect has to do with the hip dynamics. I don't mean the rotation - that part I get. Rather, I wonder most about whether the mechanics of the rise, drop and outward shift of the hips illustrated so nicely in your video just occurs naturally with each stride (perhaps as a consequence of having the leg straightened on footfall?) or is it something that can only be achieved by kinesthetic awareness throughout the stride. Thanks so much for putting out this video (and many others) that are so informative in what is otherwise a racewalking desert.


So I was at a 5k last Saturday and I've been trying to run a bit, but I have a terrible left knee and it hurt too badly this time for any running. I started doing a weird half-run/walk thing and just found out it was kind of a form of race walking! Now I want to learn to actually do it correctly so I can make better times on my 5ks without damaging my knee (lower impact). Thanks for this video!!!


Subscribing because I am new to this sport and in help of any step by step tips that will help me along the course.


Thank you for putting out this video, as I am a new racewalker eager to make it to nationals in the NAIA, and to do so, I need to learn form as much as possible. I am glad I went down this youtube rabbit hole to find this channel!


Now i know why i walk slow it's because of my hip rotation thank you!!


So, how do you swing your arms when walking or race walking if you start with the right leg?


Can you teach online to me, I love racewalking too much.


is it ok to keep the knees bent for this technique? I don't plan on competing but locking out my knees causes a lot of knee pain but I need to be able to walk fast for my job


Is wearing shoes will help in racewalking
