Simplicity Of Faith: Take God At His Word - Ichabod Spencer

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“I have taken  Him at his word.” It struck me in an instant, as a triumph of faith.  "God knows I have taken him at his word, and I am not afraid to die." It was just the thing for her to say.

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I’ve been “trying” to be saved for several months. By constant confession & repentance, calling out to Him, “throwing myself” to the foot of the cross, trying to cultivate Godly sorrow, etc and nothing has brought my soul peace. Need to learn how to do this without looking for a feeling to accompany successful faith and that’s so hard for me.


Providence brought me here now, as it's just what I needed to hear today. Things were getting so complicated in my head these recent days.


A powerful message, may I come to take God at His Word in Jesus name, Amen.


I continue to post because my struggles have brought me closer to God. So I will share my experience of how God gives me strength. I will continue to be a proverbs 31 women, I will only pursue the wisdom of GOD instead of the wisdom of this world. Even though I have fallen on hard times I will still praise JESUS. Since covid I can’t seem to get back on my feet. I’m struggling financially, desperately trying to support my two autistic children and myself. My husband passed away. I’m alone and overwhelmed. I lost my job as a social worker at Forsyth hospital over declining the vaccine, I declined due to my pre existing health conditions lupus and heart disease. I’ve been struggling to provide ever since. Groceries and gas prices are outrageous. I’m now waitressing, but I’m not making nearly enough to get by. Every month is a struggle not to end up on the streets with my two boys. But I keep faith in God, no MATTER WHAT. I know he will provide. He has this far. Amazingly ever month GOD SHOWS UP. He is the God of Possible. I don’t know why my testimony bothers so many but I will continue to share because so many other families are going through the same thing. Please keep me and my children in your prayers. No PITY just prayers. God bless.


Thank you so much dear brother Jeff Peterson.


This was precious to me. I'm seeking and this helped. Thank you.


One of the greatest tests, is to live your profession...


What word do we need to take God's word for?


How can I get into contact with whoever puts these together?
