Satisfying Grooming horses 🤩🐴

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A horse at my barn has it, he was supposed to be dead on January but he's still alive. He has escaped death 3 times. Once they called another vet 3 months ago and they said "It's impossible he won't make it until tomorrow" (he did). There was also a time were he was almost dead in his pasture but he "came back".

June 2024 : Lol I'm still updating this comment, but yes the horsey is still doing great !

Edit (February 2024) update : the grandpa is still around and doing good ! He didn't receive any complications and does not suffer from his disease, as some of you may be scared of that. He's a field-buddy for a few ponies, and enjoys being groomed and getting hugs from us. 🫶

Old edit (july-august 2023) : Somebody has asked me an update, I saw him today and since the last 2 weeks, with his new medication, he looks way better than when I commented ! Of course he still has Cushings and some other medical issues, but he looks great overall.


That’s gotta feel SOOOO good to get all that loose hair off!


There was a horse at our stable who got a gash in her leg, and so was unridable for awhile, so the owner just stopped showing up. We (I worked there) feed them daily, and give daily medication, but any individual care is the owners responsibility. (If they are in distress we will notify the owners.) But this person just stopped coming, so no one was checking or changing her bandages, or grooming or socializing her, she was just trapped in a stall 24/7.
When we went in there to muck out her stall she was really happy to say hi but totally filthy and matted. We took turns grooming her in between our other jobs and by the time we were done it looked like a whole second horse on the floor of her stall. I've never understood how little some people value their companions, or how they can only care about riding them, a horse has value in themselves, they are not just sporting equipment.


30 is an amazing age for cushings! He’s beautiful to


I love how his tail is up like, oh yeah, scratch my butt mom 😅


My boy also has Cushings! I like to keep him nice and brushed up due to it, and I ALWAYS give him his medication for it. I couldn't ever part with him, he's my first horse That I was able to Own.


Had to put my thoughbred down last fall due to severe complications of cushings and stomach ulcers. He was nearly 30. Miss you Atlas


That tale rise seems to be telling there was an itch that just got scratched 😊


I just lost my senior horse to Cushing. He was 33 years old. He gave me the best year's of his life. I rescued him and had him for 12 years. RIP Spot you are so missed. ❤❤😢😢😢🐎🐎🐎


Horses are magnificent creatures! So happy we will have horses and other animals in heaven with us who love our pets and other creatures. Please, everyone, be kind to animals. They are innocent and defenseless. Love them do NOT hurt them by neglect and abuse. Thank you so much.


A little flea-bitten gray mare I used to ride had cushing’s- they had to shave her a lot, especially in the summer, but she was one of the BEST horses ever. She was sassy, but had the smoothest canter, and did whatever you wanted her to. She sadly passed away last year at 20 years old due to sand colic. Rip Willow❤❤❤


What a handsome man he's absolutely gorgeous and 30 that's a great age


My senior dog has cushings as well as 90% Blind in both eyes from cataracts. Can only see vague shapes and fell in the pool twice. I feel so bad for him because he’s the best dog.


We used to get enough hair to make a wool sweater with whenever we groomed my old pony who also had cushings 😂


In the first few seconds of the short I was like “damn, that’s a strange haircut” but then I was like “oh wait that’s a horse :0” lmfao 💀


Do you have him on meds? My mare was just diagnosed with cushings last year, and the meds are helping her sm and she's finally shedding out like normal


My mare (21) has Cushings as well and I can tell you one thing this is the best bit!! 😂


At first I was like “ ew what is that—“
Then I realized it was loose hair 😭


Girl me too!!! You take such good care of him🥰


My 32 or so gelding also has cushings. And he is also a palomino 😂 I got the last bit of his winter coat off today actually 😂 gave him a bath too. He looked amazing after 🤩
