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Easy Power Board Replacement

✨Try these RESET instructions before replacing parts:

Discovering your GE dishwasher seems to have no power or is flashing and beeping for no apparent reason can be an unwelcome surprise or frustration that might have you thinking you need to call a dishwasher repair technician. However, there’s no need to fret, as chances are the issue can be resolved by performing a dishwasher reset.

How you reset your specific GE dishwasher will depend on its model number and whether it has the control panel on the front or on the top of the door.
What causes the dishwasher to need resetting?
There are several reasons why your dishwasher may need a reset. The more common reasons are a power surge, pressing the start button too many times, a failing component, or an aging control board.

If the dishwasher has been working without any issues or error codes showing, it is unlikely a more serious issue, like a failing component or defective control board, is responsible.

Power surge or power cut
If there is a power surge or power cut, most GE dishwashers will need to be reset. Reset instructions will vary depending on the model and type of GE dishwasher. However, in some cases, pressing the Start/Reset button and then waiting a few minutes will get the dishwasher to reset and reboot.

For other models, after a power failure the dishwasher Start/Reset button may blink when the power is restored. Pressing the Start/Reset button once should start the drain pump to remove residual water from the dishwasher. After about a minute, the dishwasher should be back to normal and ready to be used.

If the power went out while the dishwasher was in the middle of a cycle, with most GE models, the dishwasher will remember where it was in the cycle and resume from that point.

, the Start/Reset button, when pressed once, will start the dishwasher cycle. However, if pressed twice, the dishwasher will reset. Pressing the Start/Reset button will restart the cycle.

Beeping or blinking lights
Press the Start/Reset button
If the lights are blinking and the dishwasher is beeping, it can be as simple as pressing the Start/Reset button to return the dishwasher to normal. The issue could also be caused by the door being open, where closing the door properly resolves the issue. If the issue remains, disconnecting the power will likely solve the problem.

Disconnect the power
Beeping or blinking lights are often caused by a power surge or an error code.

One way to reset the dishwasher when the lights are blinking or the dishwasher is beeping is to disconnect the power to the dishwasher for 30 seconds. If the dishwasher does not appear to be reset, try leaving it unplugged for ten minutes instead. If your dishwasher does not have a plug, the power can be disconnected from your home’s electrical panel.

Blinking Start or Start/Reset button
If the Start or Start/Reset button is blinking, the dishwasher is likely shutting down after being reset. The light should continue blinking for 75-90 seconds before turning off. Once the dishwasher turns off, you can press Start to turn it on, and the dishwasher should be reset and ready to go.

Kickplate reset button
Some GE models have a reset button behind the kickplate access panel. If your GE model has a kickplate, you can unthread the screws to remove the access panel, and you may find two buttons in the bottom left corner. Pressing the first button will reset your GE dishwasher.

Make sure to disconnect the power before removing the access panel, as the junction box wires may be exposed, which could electrocute you, especially if you are unfamiliar with what is behind the kickplate.

To put the dishwasher in service mode, hold the Select Cycle button and the Start button down for five seconds. Next, to reset the dishwasher, press the Select Cycle button for five seconds. This should activate the lock button light. Press Select Cycle again for five seconds. Hold the Start button now for five seconds. The Start button should start flashing. Finally, hold the Start and Select Cycle button down for five seconds. The dishwasher control panel should now light up, and the dishwasher should be ready to go.

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Рекомендации по теме

Thank you. I had moved my dish washer, in doing so one of the wires to the door latch got cut. From the trouble shooting you posted I was able to find the problem in less than two minutes. Soldered the wire back t. Added heat shrink, now it is good to go.


I just had the same problem. A good thing to try is to reboot the dishwasher by turning off the power, usually by shutting off the circuit breaker on your home breaker panel. Wait for 5 minutes and then turn the power back on. This should reboot the dishwasher and return it to it's out-of-the-box state. This procedure solved the problem for me so it's the first thing you should try before calling for a service visit or replacing the control board.


Just followed the instructions on this video and now my 5-year-old dishwasher is working again! I hope the new part holds up. I will take the advice of another commenter and keep the door firmly closed at all times from now on. I usually left the door slightly ajar when not in use. It's a shame these dishwashers are not well made. I was glad to buy a dishwasher made in my hometown of Louisville!


I am happy to report a consistent, easy fix for this after trying about a million things. This appears to be a pretty common issue with GE dishwashers, so at some point, you're gonna need to replace the hardware to really solve it. But here's what you can do in the interim if you really gotta get those dishes done. Hold Select and Start until door diagnostic appears. (815 should show on the display and all lights should blink in unison.) Keep the door open. Cut power to the unit by either unplugging or shutting off the breaker. This essentially "confirms" to the control board that the door is open as the unit powers down. Restore power after five minutes. The control board should now be "reset" to a condition where it understands the door is open. Load and start the unit and it should work properly.

UPDATE 3/22: Thank you all for the kind words. Unfortunately, about 3 weeks ago the dishwasher began acting up again with this issue and nothing I could do this time would fix it. A service tech came out and told me that he sees this frequently with this model and that it may have to do with a design flaw that allows errant moisture to leak in and affect the control board circuitry. He quoted a price to fix it that is about 3/4 of what a new model would cost, so my apartment management will be going with a different unit and I insisted that it not be GE. Best of luck to all and I hope this trick keeps working for you!


I had the 3 beep issue with a 4 year old GE PDF820SSJSS Profile Dishwasher as well. The new controller costed me $117.Great video, the step by step instructions really helped me out. I’m back up and running. This will be my last GE Appliance.


Thank you, you're correct about this dishwasher not being well made. We had to get warranty repairs done after 3 years. The tech had to replace the display module but luckily brought the board from this video and left it with me after not needing for our fix. Fast forward to now a few months outside the warranty I grabbed the board from the garage and had it fixed quickly with your video. Saved me buying a new washer for now. 😁


PERFECT! This was EXACTLY what was wrong with my GE, and thanks to you I saved roughly $300 by not having to call a repair man. Bravo Zulu for the info!


Thank you for the video! I replaced the board on our 5 year old GE dishwasher, took about 15 minutes after watching this. Our GE model replaced a dishwasher that was installed about 30 years ago. One would think that spending so much on a newer model, maybe it might last a while before replacing parts. Thanks GE!


Great instructions! My husband watched this, ordered the part, and had it fixed in 30 minutes. Worked perfectly!


Wow! For me, it never fails I have some sort of oddball model of electronic device/appliance and there is little to no information about it online, let alone step by step repair instructions about the exact product that broke down on me. Going to try the breaker before purchasing like others have mentioned. It did this to me after about a 3-4 month hiatus, not sure if that could’ve caused something to go bad. Subscribed immediately. Cheers!


Thanks for the video same problem and this was the fix !! Update amazon wants $195.00 for this part after reading all the complaints about this dishwasher i called GE this part has a new part number now and they sell it for $135.00 and they gave me 50% off after i complained . Went in jyst like video and running maybe new part number means they fixed the problem .


Thanks. It worked. Took about 10 times longer than you did. Fasteners didn't like me. Plus the install was very tight.

Part was $97 on Amazon. Door switch was $37 at Sears.. (It wasn't needed)..

So far it works and doesn't leak. Thanks.


Our washing machine broke literally a week before my wife gave birth to our new daughter. Having to do dishes by hand all while juggling our 3 other kids has not made it easy to keep up with chores so the wife can be with baby and recover. Tried this as soon as the part I ordered came and worked perfectly. Thank you so much for putting this out there for folks like us trying to get by, it really means the world.


Thanks for taking the time to make this video… because of you my wife thinks I am a small appliance genius.. I sure hope you have more videos cause things are breaking all the time over here…


So I just got divorced after being with my husband for 25 years. I moved out and am renting a little house and the dishwasher broke down after a couple months. Using your video, I was able to fix it myself and I’m so excited about that! I don’t even have a drill-I just used a needle nose pliers and a Phillips head screwdriver to get all the bolts and screws undone. Thanks for making this video for those of us who want to be self-sufficient.


Thank you! Easy to follow. Was getting the door not closed beep (when the light in front doesn't come on right away) and when I tried the service/test mode it gave an 815 error (rather than 888). Tried replacing the door switch (reasonably cheap ~$25); no dice. Replacing the control board has done it!


Just followed this and it worked great - thanks very much!


Many thanks to Scott “The Fix-It Guy” and to the many commentors.
Our GE dishwasher was a textbook case for this video. I ordered the controller card on Amazon for $106.92. It was delivered in two days. I don’t want to jinx it, one wash in, but the dishwasher starts when closing the door. No more 3 beeps and flashing light telling me the door is open, when it’s not. I expect a service call would have been $100 to diagnosis and $300 to remedy. Not to mention the positive feelings from a DIY job well done. Thanks friends!


Thanks! Just repaired our almost-4-year-old machine. The part was less than $100. Also found that the original installers neglected to screw the little electrical box in! Also the dishwasher and garbage disposal circuit breaker labels were swapped. :-/

But thanks for the video!


Thank you…this worked perfectly! And I’m proud to say that I did it myself!! 😁
