The power of Soundaryalahari Stotra

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Yes mantra from soundarlahari. I will tell my experience in this issue.I had my own house for some reasoni should sell that house in that case i went for rented house did puja jept my god. was finised than i heard that Yadothare Guruji was in Mysore for Chtryamasa puja than i went to take blessing as usual in shankar mutt. Two days left as per my alloted my rented house and sell my own home date was to days remaing suddenly i met guruji Shankar mutt Mysore guruji spoke to me to programme of Soundarlahari is going on you join to work i said no guruji i have shift to rented house. I am not in a mood, then he asked to chant Mantra very regularly after chatrmasya i will visit yourhome i said that will rented then miracle hapoened some angels came home they paid money and to pay back whenever possible. See chantingyes Soundarlahari lyou strong mind After finishing chatrmasya he told you will not sell this house. He gave two slokaskas from Soundarlahari chanted now i am stayinng in that same home🙏🙏🙏


This happened some 35 years ago. My nephew who was just about 8 or 10 years suffered by Jaundice. It was in Delhi. Some one told my brother in law that near Daula Kuan an old patti from our Hindu is doing remedy. We went there to meet. She asked us to buy new sewing needles and vethalai Pakku and two bananas and come in the morning. We went next day. His son and family were there. Then she called us. Indha Patti in white made sari head covered. He made the boy sit in a palagai. Then did namaskatam to the boy and sat in front of him. She had a vessel with water and a lid. She opened the lid and with the Sewing needle prayed and by hand brought it from head to feet. Then she said to come for 3 days. After three days we saw the water becomes yellow with yellow particles like turmeric. He was cured. They say that during Grahanam time people take these mantras from their Guru. They never say No to anyone who comes to them for cure.


Even my teacher who taught us soundaryalahari told that shloka 20 eas very powerful in curing ailments. I read for peaceful death of my father who was paralysed for 13 years and was in the last stage. I prayed maatha for his peaceful death and chanted few times. After two days he passed away peacefully in my hands


Back few years ago, i planned to do the parayana of soundarya lahari. I didn't know where to start. I ultimately started with the 57th sloka. My life changed. When the devine mother started looking at me, why should I look into history again? I look into the future now.


ஆதி சங்கரருக்கு அனந்த கோடி நமஸ்காரம் !🌷🌷🌷🙏🙏🙏


While chanting the stotras, we should concentrate on each word, so that we understand the qualities it represents. And then by the blessings of Paramatma you realize that, the devi herself is very much working in her sagun roop through all of us! All the women that we see around us, possess these very same qualities, but we fail to see the divinity in them!
You then understand that everyone who feeds us, cooks for us, are our 'ANNAPURNA DEVI !

The women who work honestly in these security forces with great might and courage, ARE 'DURGA SHAKTI'. The ones who work selflessly, striving for the betterment of her workplace, completely devoted to her work, ISN'T THAT THE 'RADHA SHAKTI' ?

Talking about Sri Lalita Sahasranama, firstly, AREN'T ALL THE MOTHERS 'SRI MATA' ? Because all women have within them the motherly qualities and capabilities of nurturing literally anyone!

All those women who face so many hardships to take care of their families, we should understand, all representative of the divine quality - 'CHIDAGNIKUND SAMBHUTA.'

Any woman that we see whose 'MIND, BODY & INTELLIGENCE ' is purified, that herself is 'TRIPUR SUNDARI'

But it's our folly, that we bow down with folded hands in front of a murti made by us humans, but fail to see the REAL DEVI SHAKTI around us, the murti which is made by that Paramatma Shakti itself ! We look at those women, be it someone in your house or your helper or anyone, with inferiority ! We don't see the divinity in them, but instead look at them with vaasna (lust) ! Please understand, the Devi that we see in any photo, does she look any different from a woman standing next to you? There itself we must understand that it is just this Paramatma shakti and nothing else who is working through all of us and you will understand that, by whatever name you call it, be it Devi or Ganpati or Hanumanji, these are not some mystical super human deities which we need to attain, but are very much around us, at all times, in their sagun roop, which we need to recognise!

Just like in Srimad Bhagwad Gita, Sri Krishna says-
ईश्वर: सर्वभूतानां हृद्देशेऽर्जुन तिष्ठति |
भ्रामयन्सर्वभूतानि यन्त्रारूढानि मायया ||18.61

- dwelling in the very heart of all beings, he himself directs us in certain particular ways to act, i.e., everyone around us are all working on and because of his shakti and thus represents those very qualities.

I am only sharing my learnings and experiences, which I got through the blessings of my Gurus, and not for enforcing my opinions on anyone, but imagine how beautiful the World would be if we start recognizing the SAGUN PARAMATMA around us, who by catering to the smallest of our needs, makes our lives, livable!

।। ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय ।।
Hari Om Tat Sat 🙏🏻 🙏🏻


Every Navaratri I chanted last 8 years. Jaganmaathe🙏🙏


Удивительно! Что это там у вас в Индии происходит?
В 2004 году я была в Прашантинилаям и слышала похожую историю. Один полицейский исцелял от укусов змей. Каждый день ему на работу кто-нибудь звонил, он говорил с этим человеком и рвал на себе униформу. Укушенный змеей человек тут же исцелялся. Правительство штата Андхра Прадеш специально для него выделяло бюджетные деньги, чтобы он получал новую униформу каждый день.
Чудеса! Я никогда и нигде не видела ничего подобного!


Just listen the rap of brodha v on saundarya lahari u will be amazed 🚩


When you will reveal the secrets of is a good time to reveal the secrets becouse sanatana in danger ... please open the secrets and prove the power of sanatana in front of the entire world...


Om Sree Maathre namaha Om namah shivaya Om namo Narayanaaya


Most likely that person got "initiated" into a mantra, which may be why he couldn't share it.


It is 20th shloka, my teacher taught us


கிரந்தி மங்கேப்ய: கிரணனி குரும்பாம் அம்ருத ரசம்…என தொடங்கும் பாடல் சௌந்தர்ய லஹரியில் உள்ளது விஷத்தை முறிக்கும். ஆனால் சம்பிடீகரணமாக படித்திருக்க வேண்டும்.


Great.... Panchastavi we (kashmiri pandits) call this saundarylahri.

Om panchastavi naham


Soondryalahari mantra shree chkra pooja every poornima 🎶


Actually I found that shloka from soundarya lahari everything is her grace


Can you please help what mantra we should chant for husband and wife reunion?


Swami may i know where the great person r.sreenivas available


I guess, it is from soundharya lahari 20th sloka
