COVID-19: What Did We Learn? | Town Hall

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It's been three years since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, and while life has returned to pre-pandemic "normal" in many places, thousands are still being infected. In this Town Hall, renowned experts discuss the progress made in combating this pandemic and what we’ve learned from it. We'll also delve into the exciting medical breakthroughs that have emerged from COVID-19 research and explore how they're changing the landscape of healthcare. Plus, find out what steps we can take to prepare for the next widespread disease outbreak.


Olga Villaverde – Health Channel Host
Michael Zinner, M.D. – CEO & Executive Medical Dir., Miami Cancer Institute
Carlos Del Rio, M.D. – Assoc. Dean, Emory University School of Medicine
Kavita Patel, M.D. – Primary Care Physician, Washington, D.C
Kenneth Alexander, M.D., Ph.D. – Chief of Infectious Diseases, Nemours Children’s Health, Florida
Scarlet Constant, M.D. – Community Pediatrician
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I learned complete distrust for the WHO, the FDA, the CDC, politicians, bureaucrats, mainstream media, ALL vaccines, and PBS.


I decided to watch this because I was curious if the Florida medical community was as skeptical of Covid vaccines, the dangers of the infection, and its almost certain zoonotic-spillover origin, as the DeSantis administration (including Ladapo) was. I must say I was very pleasantly surprised. And relieved Floridians are in such good hands!
