Sabrina Carpenter - opposite (Official Audio)

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Photographer - Vince Aung - @vinceaung
Photo Assist - Cam Lindfors - @camlindfors
Photo Assist - Em Czerwinski - @emmanuellecz
Art Director - Renna Pilar - @rennapilar
PA - Spruce Bohen - @sprucebohen
Producer - Aiden Magarian - @aidenmagarian
Animation by Christian Tachiera

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#sabrinacarpenter #emailsicantsend #emailsicantsendfwd #opposite

oh so u do have a type
and it’s not me
oh so u can reply
Just to not me
If u wanted brown eyes
I coulda got contacts
so y’all are in Paris now
guess it’s public
Face like that other girl
You’re in love with
you knew i would see that
you knew i would notice
she looks nothing like me
Can’t really tell should i be
trynna take it as a compliment
it’s Kinda feeling like the opposite
she looks nothing like me
so why do u look so happy
now i think i get the cause of it
U were holding out to find the opposite
and i know now
even if i tried to change
that somehow
You’d end up with her anyway
Does she say nothing so you feel good
Does she step out of the spotlight so you bathe in it
does she get up on top of you more than i would
do she just love the picture cause
You’re painting it
i care but i don’t
Just wondering when you
said I’m beautiful
was i being lied to
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This song is for all those that liked someone who's ideal type is the opposite of you😪 i think we could all relate ro this at one point in our lives. The song so beautifully details the feelings associated with this realization and even though you might want to change yourself to fit their ideal type, they'd still end up with someone thats not you, tysm for this beautiful song Sabrina🥰💗


her upbeat & happy songs are amazing but the sad ones truly hit different. i can feel my heart being split in half as i listen to this


I will never ever stop screaming about how much more love and success opposite deserved. One of her best songs. 😭


This hurts ten times harder when you're used to be seen as "the friend" by everyone you're attracted to --- supportive, fun to hang out with, a good listener even... but still you're not good enough to be considered nothing more than someone to pass the time while they wait for greater things to come.


she’s so good at storytelling when she sings i can’t-🥹😍🤍


“just wondering when you said i’m beautiful, was i being lied to?” THIS LINE 😫😭


"So u do have a type and it's not me";
Man, i really felt that.


As someone who has loved your music for years, I love hearing the growth in your music. You are one of the only artists who I can listen to without getting tired of the music. This song is phenomenal and honestly made me emotional. Amazing piece of art you have created.


Ok I won't stand if Sabrina continues to be underrated after these masterpieces that she has as songs...


I love the four new songs into the album. Hopefully she will sing these songs when she's on tour.


it's hard to believe someone as beautiful as sabrina could feel like this. thank you for such a beautiful song


Omg this song sounds so much like what many people go through. Being in love with someone but never feeling good enough with them and realizing they moved onto someone completely different and feeling like you were the problem when you were not.


Not the “I could’ve gotten contacts” 😭😭 I don’t even relate to that part of that song specifically but it made me sad listening to it. It’s such a good line 😭😭😭


This album already had me in my feelings, but this song just hit me in ways I wasn’t expecting. I was in a similar situation in high school where this guy I liked couldn’t choose me or this pretty blonde with blue eyes. We were complete opposites. She was an popular athlete and I was a misfit artist with dark hair and dark eyes. So stereotypical, I know, but this song just made me remember it all. I barely remember that guy now, but I always remember her, because I’m so glad that neither of us ever escalated anything with him 😅 We wouldn’t ask about each other to him (in fear of looking jealous), but he would randomly talk poorly of us to each other. I found out from a later mutual friend that he would brag how he was playing the both of us. One random day after school, me and her were waiting alone to get picked up, and we just talked. She asked me if me and the guy were dating, and I said, “no, something doesn’t feel right to be more than friends.” And right there, we just bonded. She agreed, and we laughed because she thought I was coming up to her to tell her to back off 😂 I think the following week, we would break things off with him (at different times, it was unplanned ok). We never became friends, as again we were opposites in every way, but that little moment in the rain felt so human to me & I think about her every time someone I’ve dated is stuck on choosing between me or somebody else. If it’s not a wholehearted, undeniable yes; then it’s not worth it.


"If you wanted brown eyes I could have got contacts"
Girls, never do that, never change your appearance for a man. I did it, and I regret it now. If he doesn't love you with your actual hair your actual eyes, then "next" ! It will pass, at first you think it won't, I thought it too but now I'm like "and I liked that dude, eww" 😂❤️


No matter how confident you are and how much you know you deserve better, you will still feel insecure and vulnerable about the person they choose instead of u


I'm so proud to be a fan of Sabrina, we are supporting pure talent and artistry.


this song will forever break my heart...


This song is ridiculously good I haven't stopped listening


The whole vibe to this song is amazing. In love w the lyrics ❤
