How Open Upright MRI Helps Claustrophobic Patients

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I’m not able to get into a regular MRI because of my horrible claustrophobia. Have an appointment in 10 days for this upright one. Thank you Lord to whomever invented this machine!!!


I need this so bad. And you’re so right, we can’t move on till we get that MRI done.😞


I've done several of these in the upright machine. It is still a little cramped, kind of like being a human TV dinner but your head is not covered so you don't feel like you are being buried alive. These are absolutely the best for the cervical or lumbar. It shows the best images for your spine when it is compressed.


I know this video is old, but I watched it before my MRI at RAYUS last fall and it helped. I am super claustrophobic, but my insurance let me use this one (in Renton, WA). I am overweight and it was super tight. The technician helped me get up and gave me a bar to push myself into place. With the face mask and earplugs and being squeezed in like a sausage, it was still rough... but being able to look up and out and not have anything directly in my face (and see a TV) was very helpful. I just pretended I was the Borg Queen haha! Also, I needed the MRI to see if my spine was causing my leg nerve issues... the scan caught a growth and it turned out to be ovarian cancer... so push through the hard bits any way you can and advocate for this scan if it's what's going to get you to get your imaging done. Get drugs from your doctor, have someone hold your hand, promise yourself a nice lunch after (I went to IKEA as a treat)... don't let the phobia make things worse.


It depends what makes you claustrophobic. I still can't do this because it comes down to close to my body still. Also if you are getting it for your brain they put something around your head as well, which still makes you feel trapped. With that said, my issue isn't only's past trauma and feeling like I'm being forced to stay against my will with something over me and not move. Once I start to panic, my heart rate goes through the roof, I get really hot and I fight like my life depends on it. It's really embarrassing and I know it is in my head, but the fear and physical response is so very real. :( I wish they could just knock me out for this. :(


This is great! I had very bad caustrophic experience from mri tunnel. I had cold shivers at night, hard to breath while laying down or in a car after the traumatic experience. With this one my view is not obstructed.


Penny thank you so much for sharing your story and your fears. I am highly claustrophobic, I've got a little weight on me and I need a brain MRI. Watching this from your point of view has helped me to calm down a little and face my fears. Thank CDI for posting this. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!


Wow, Penny, thank you so much for sharing your story. You are fearless, and you are a beautiful person, for allowing us to share a part of your journey. Thank you and I hope the results were great.


I am a 73 YO Vietnam vet and did not know I was claustrophobic until I had a closed MRI, I lasted about 2 minutes LOL! I can't do open MRI's either. Anything that covers my face and makes me feel trapped, my fight or flight kicks in. I am in Kansas and have not been able to locate an upright in this state and I need to have one done on my pancreas. Certainly willing to travel, if I need to.


Thanks for sharing this beautiful story. I am unable to do the open MRI's also and going to try the Stand Up.


I'm going tomorrow for one of these and this really struck a cord for me. I'm severely claustrophobic, and I'm so scared, I hope I can do it.


Where can I find one of these open upright MRIs. I am scheduled for an MRI next friday, It's what they call a wide bore MRI, but NOPE, you still lay flat on your back & are put into a tube. I literally cannot do an MRI, even with meds, in an MRI like that, I've even heard that the open MRIs are harder than they look. CDI, please help! I don't understand WHY more radiology places don't offer these types of MRIs for people. MRIs are hard enough for people with no pre existing anxiety or claustrophobia, but for those, like me, that NO JOKE, have major anxiety & claustrophobia issues, it's literally like being buried alive. These MRI machines, I know they cost a lot, but need seriously to be offered as an option to every patient! They tell you to relax, to breathe, to just fall asleep HA! I deeply appreciate this video.


I had an open MRI and had a panic attack. Either I have to medicate myself or wait 3 months for an upright MRI appointment. I hate claustrophobia


Thanks for putting these videos online,

I am not one to get claustrophobic, but holy crap. The closed MRIs. No. lol. Who invented those?

And then I went for this one supposed Open MRI (which was not so open - and I've had open MRIs in the past and this was different) and I find now that with my spine issues that I can not lay down on that board with my knees bent and my arms in the required position. It just made my back spasm and my body got super spastic.

It's been so utterly frustrated because I can't see the spine specialist until I get this MRI but the MRI machines are just not accessible to my situation.

But a number of fellow disabled folk (and one person who isn't disabled but just gets too claustrophobic) suggested I go for an upright/stand up MRI, so I am seeing what is involved and hoping for the best. This will be the 3rd MRI appointment this month. I seriously would like to spend my time not going to these things lol

That being said, I can totally relate to feeling a bit embarrassed about getting so claustrophobic. I tell myself. we're good. we're not in danger. just close your eyes but nope. I am not a terribly anxious person nor do I typically get claustrophobic, but then again normally I am not in such a tight spot.


I wish I can find this mri machine in Connecticut. Couldn't do the open cylinder and the technicians weren't very helpful. Wasn't sedated either. Traumatic experience.


I had my first closed MRI yesterday. Needless to say, I didn't make it all the way through it. I have no problem with an open MRI but I can't do the donut.


I did one yesterday and the first machine my claustrophobia got the best of me but the next one I beat it. I started finding melody in the loud sound of the machine that’s supposed to scare you the first time. I was counting my breathe. Try it guys it helps.


its really best open mri no fear no anxiety
I done my knee mri i enjoyed procedure i enjoyed


I'm with her, they need to get rid of those closed up MRI and use these.


Omg that size must be those machines. Im a skinny Minnie and i cant do