Workshop Design - 5 Keys to a Small Shop Layout | Evening Woodworker

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This is my workshop design tutorial on how to layout a small shop or any shop. My garage shop design works well for a variety of different types of projects of various sizes and shapes. If you follow this guide, you can layout your workshop or garage shop with confidence and maximizing your shop efficiency and flow.

I've found that my favorite ways to organize things in my shop is by designing my own shop furniture! Check out my plans here:

00:00 Workshop Design Summary
00:35 Shop Layout with Graph paper
02:53 Design around your material flow
04:37 Keep things mobile
05:55 Plan for future growth
07:20 Utilize dead space
08:05 Store hand tools where they will be used
09:04 Bonus Tip!!
10:30 Woodworking wisdom!

Tools used in my shop:

Also check out my social media pages:

My name is Jared. I am an engineer by day and a woodworker by night... usually after the kids are in bed and before the neighbors call the cops!

This channel is about all things woodworking. I do project build videos, how-to videos, shop setup and shop layout videos, tip & tricks, and tool reviews of the stuff I'm using. I will also show you how I organize and work in my small shop in 1 bay of my garage. If you want to improve your woodworking and get inspired with some creative projects and innovative designs, come join me as a fellow evening woodworker and let's go make some sawdust!

Now go build something!

#shoptour #woodworking #workshopdesign
Рекомендации по теме

"Improve a little bit each day." Sage advice from a young man. Very infomative and enjoyable. Keep up the good work!


Never wear gloves when operating planer. Thanks for the video, good luck.😉


I keep my corded hand tools plugged in and in a drawer right below my workbench surface. Circular saw, jig saw, portable band saw, orbital sander, 1/2” Milwaukee hole shooter drill. Saves SOOO much time. Grab, cut, n-go


The tip about anti-fatigue mats is probably one of the more underrated ones. Not only do they help endurance while standing; they also help prevent the transmission of cold in the slab into the shoes and feet. My feet have been cold for as long as I can remember and the mats, even the cheap Harbor Freight ones, make a world of difference when the slab gets cold in the winter. Even with a heated and cooled shop, I don't care to keep it warm when I'm not in it so that concrete can get very cold. I like your creativity and forethought!


Love the analogy of the shop is like a person, no one's perfect and we (and the shop) are constantly improving!


Thanks so much for the suggestion to use the little pieces for figuring out how you want your shop6set up. That's genius!


Watched this video a long time ago. Didn't do anything about it...until now I need to organize. I remembered the concept but not where I saw it. So, I made a schematic of my shop and tools. It's a lot easier moving paper cutouts around than the real tools and benches. It's interesting that this video just shows up while browsing YouTube.

Thanks for the video.


The boom arm is the bomb. So smart to bring dust collection from the ceiling. Then he adds an outlet!


Perfect, as a new woodworker just starting out, this information is just what I need. It's a little overwhelming trying to decide which way to go. I love the cardboard cutout method of planning, I've done that myself over the years and found it a very relaxing method of planning. Thanks for this video, very helpful. I have to go now and make something :)


I’ve been looking at a heap of YouTube content for ideas on setting up my new workshop. This video is without doubt the best video on organizing my workspace. Thank you so much!


Fantastic video. I’m just getting into wood working and I’m building a shop from scratch so I’ve been obsessively watching best practice videos for shop layouts. This was the best one I’ve seen so far. Great thought put into it and well made video. Thank you for doing this! You’re making it easier for a noob like me to get started!


Can't thank you enough for these really insightful, and helpful tips. As a craftsman who works regularly in many different mediums (from woodwork, leather-work, and metal fabrication to sculpting, painting and even some candle and soap crafting) I find myself constantly struggling with the layout of my shop, and how things are organized, and stored. Over the past year I've been gathering the necessary materials to do a few major upgrades and this video has given me the inspiration to get started as well as relieved much of the apprehension of actually so!


All good advice tips. One thing makes me more productive and want to stay longer in my shop is quality sound system in shop. Love music playing while I work on projects. Maybe not a layout tip but a productivity tip. Thanks for your insight.


Amazing video! Great job! I just made 4 wheel set ups for many of my larger tools.


A fab guide. Clear and inspiring. Now to dig out my graph paper and plan


Thank you! This is a well thought-out and complete video on planning shop layout. I don't think anything has been missed. Good job! This is the video I was looking for.


Second time around watching this video. Great tips especially for a small shop that I'm trying to get together.


I used your mapping technique today and I am so thankful for you for sharing this information. What a lifesaver! I hope to pass it on. Thank you again!!


A well thought-out presentation! I have used some of these ideas downsizing from a pole barn shop to a 2 car garage, but I will certainly incorporate some of your concepts soon. One thing I found to be essential in order to process sheet goods and pieces at or over 8 feet long is to get as many surfaces as possible at exactly the same level - except for my workbench, which is lower. Plywood sheets glide in with the help of my radial arm saw table, across the router table (that doubles as an outfeed for the saw), and onto a narrow table behind the table saw. The workbench being below this level avoids your having to clear off things you're working on and tools you have out. It was a challenge to get some tools on rollers to conform to this level concept, but it has been well worth it.

Several of my tools are paired up on rolling cabinets - even a back-to-back 12" restored bandsaw with a 10" "baby bandsaw." Pairing up tools allows them to store against a wall, but you spin them out to use the tool of choice. There's a scroll saw with an orbital sander, etc. Again . . . great job on your video.


SO helpful! Glad I watched your video, thank you!
