Nikon D5 Revisited

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I am making this updated Nikon D5 video due to quite a few people leaving hate comments to my subscribers just because they don't agree. Always remember, it's perfectly fine to disagree and have your own opinion :-)

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I also own a 810 and I just got the D5 and I'm loving it. No need for anger if we disagree. This is supposed to be a fun hobby or profession. I we get angry for an opinion about a camera, then how are we suppose to understand and share this planet with people from different religions or political beliefs. Cheers to you and your followers. Let's keep it intelligent and peaceful for all!


I shoot a D4 and D810 combo. The D4 is the first camera that I didn't have to wait for. It waits for me. It has NEVER gotten my way. Only downside, it's heavy. But I love it. The D810 has beautiful images and a quiet smooth shutter. Sweet. To me, this is a killer combo. For now.


Thanks a lot. I was thinking about getting a Nikon D5. However, in many videos on the Internet saying that the D5 is not much better than the D4. Once again thanks for your honest and unbiased OPINION 😂😂😂😂. Folks now days are a hand full just keep putting awesome content like you always have


I enjoy your youtube videos and your Instagram channel because I can relate to you and your work. Someday I'll finally decide to do my own youtube as well. There are a few channels I follow, one is also Ken Wheeler's channel and boy I've learned quite a bit from him. I also enjoy Matt at Artoftheimage as well as the Nikon Guy. Both you and Ken are good at interacting with your followers and I personally appreciate that, unlike others like Jared Polin and Moose Peterson who seem treat it more for business gain and seem to be short on actually interacting with their followers. Everyone has good advice to give, its a matter of taking it with a grain of salt. Thanks for dedicating your time to post informative videos, keep it up. Your fellow aficionado Lewis.


I could not agree with you more. I shoot a D810 & D4 with a D800e as a backup. I see no reason to upgrade to a D5. Not that is is a bad camera, but it is not worth the additional cost for me.

I also agree with your point on the hate. I think people take opinions about camera choices very personally. It is just an opinion and people need to accept that. It is great to voice a differing opinion and how you developed your opinion based on your experience, the type of work you do and what works best for you. It really helps everyone shape and evolve their own thinking and opinions. The problem is that many (some) people don't recognize that their opinion is just another opinion and they want to force it on others.


I never understand why people have to resort to threats and name-calling online if they disagree with someone. Great video. I can't wait for the D820/850 to arrive. My D800 has seen better days. :)


Eric I couldn't agree with you more. I respect your opinions which is one of the reasons I subscribed. You do not have to justify what you have said because it is your opinion. If these people cannot understand that they need to get over it. Keep up the good work, love your videos.


I have D5 and D810, Never owned D series until recently and it made since for me to get one since i didn't have one to begin with


very true. when the successor to the d810 comes out, it will not make the d810 a less relevant camera. i am sure that 36mp is struggle for most lap tops to process quickly. i will be holding on to mine for the a a good while yet.


Good points. Sadly the internet has given people the ability to offend and be rude with impunity. I wander if there were some dud D5's going out as there seems quite mixed reviews on that camera. Some people saying it was slow to focus others saying it was blisteringly fast? Thinking there could have been a firmware change just before launch or some earlier models has issues? Either way no need for people to be rude to you.


August 2021 - I was recently hunting for bargain D4 in reasonable condition with less than 200K Clicks. I was prepared to spend about £900 U.K. - I couldn't fine one currently so instead I bought a really nice copy of the original D3 with 80k clicks for £350 (Unbelievable!!!) All the D3/4 series are awesome - I go where the current bargains are. 😀 I think Eric is being slightly over sensitive about the comments. I take a realistic approach - this is THE INTERNET so all human life from the very best to the very worst can be found here LOL.


been a while since we had a live chat!


Good for you, its all about opinions and thank you for sharing. I have a dilemma myself, I have the Nikon 200-400 f4 and "had" the D500 but to be honest after using FF there was just too much noise from about ISO 800, as such I sold it last week and cause they are in limited supply I didn't loose too much. I shoot about : 40% wildlife - 20% Static Birds - 15% BIF - and the rest Landscape and city stuff. As such I think I only have two options, the D810 or D4/D4s, ideally I would have both but I can only afford one camera, what would you recommend? Cheers


I listen to you implicitly and buy every single bit of kit you recommend down to the same color options. I take your evaluations to be objective facts and your preferences as statements meaning that your selections are objectively better than anything else. @.@

