The Big Cason Family Are Expecting Their 17th Child

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The Large Cason Family Are Expecting Their 17th Child

Mom and dad of the large family of 16 children Christi and Dave Cason love having children so much - Mum Christi is pregnant and they're expecting their 17th baby. While some parents struggle with one or two, the couple are expanding their already huge family, and even used fertility medication to help them conceive another child to make their family even bigger. Christi and Dave, who have nine boys and seven girls, aged 23 down to two, would love to have 20 children in total. They suffered 20 months of heartache, including two miscarriages, before falling pregnant in February.

Videographer / Director: Laurentiu Garofeanu
Producer: Karen Grattage
Editor: Ian Phillips

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I personally know their family, I went to school with their kids while they recorded one of their shows on tlc. They are all very nice and humble :)


They seem like a happy family and it looks like they can take care of their kids.


I've been to school with a few of the kids and they're all really wonderful people! (They now have 18 kids)


As long as they can support them without government assistance i'm all for it. Good for them.


my uncle has 21 children.
he's a farmer and all the kids have trades. Plumber, carpenter, teacher etc.

great family 🌝


I love large families! We need good people bringing little ones into the world!


I have 11 siblings and in the oldest at 14 &&' my mother is having a baby girl &&' she is due on april 7th . Some times its very annoying to have that many younger siblings. But at the end I love them and i love having a big family.


I’m a mom of 15, several adopted. I love having a huge family! Most are teens now and it’s the best years of my life. Teenagers are such a joy!


As long as they can take care of their children and they are happy, I see nothing wrong with it.
Coming from a small family myself, i always thought there is something special about big families. They seem so happy, they all have eachother and there is so much activity in the house! It is a really great environment to grow up in. Bless them <3


Hi Dave, thanks so much for allowing us to film your great family. Keep us posted when the new arrival comes!


Thanks for the very earthy comment! You're right that it is a rare thing these days. We do equal amounts of "putting it down" for each other ;) We are indeed very happy with our big family. We realize that large families are not everyone's cup of tea, we just love what we have and do the very best we can for all our children. Our life isn't perfect, it's just perfect for US!


I have eight siblings, and you can make big families work.
There are some downsides:
The older siblings are practically the younger siblings's full time babysitters. The children are more likely to be undisciplined or overdiciplined. In this case, it seems to be the former.
The parents are always too busy to spend time with the kids.
Siblings can gang up on each other.

But the upside is that you grow up surrounded by company and love.


Although I would hate this life, if she is able to provide a healthy and safe environment for them, she's doing better than many parents with one kid.


Fun fact...if all 17 of their kids had 17 kids each they would have 289 grandchildren.


I'd like to have a huge family. Maybe not 17, but 12! :D


I love big families. Especially ones like these that aren't ultra-religious weirdos who abuse their kids.


Usually, when you have a very large family, the older kids have to take care of the younger kids and the older kids take on the responsibility their parents should have.


People are jealous that they couldn't have such a beautiful family !


I hate how people think that if you're religious you're weird. We have our own believes. I think maybe it's because I live in the Philippines and we were born and raised religious.


I hate to repeat myself because I know it's mostly useless to try and argue these things with people who have their minds made up about how we live our lives, but we do not get "mad money", or any other money from the state. We manage by budgeting, planning and by making the things we have last as long as possible. It's never easy, but most things in life that are of real value seldom are. Some day we will feel like it is time to stop, but until then, we love and appreciate them all.
