Boomers: The Men and Women Who Promised Freedom and Delivered Disaster (Helen Andrews)

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This and all Worthy House narrations are offered with accurate closed captions (not auto-generated).

"What is a “baby boomer”? Technically, it is an American born between 1945 and 1964. More communicatively, a boomer is a member of the worst generation in American history, and perhaps the worst generation in human history. The boomers, handed a wonderful, successful, stable society, fed it into a woodchipper, starting the very instant they could have any influence on society. They cobbled together the brakeless clown car in which we now all must ride, and dumped the rest of us into it, after picking our pockets and stripping every shred of our dignity. And now the author of this excellent book, Helen Andrews, who is not a boomer, expertly analyzes this decline and ongoing fall, through profiles of six boomers, each an exemplar (but not exemplary)." . . . .
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Zoomer viewer of the channel here, and the prognosis isn’t too good for the upcoming generation.

I initially suspected some form of classically liberal opposition to political correctness at the very least, but the up and coming activists we’ve become identified with disabused me of that hope.

Best case scenario as of now is for canny operators of the political post-liberal resistance to play on a submerged generational craving for local community and aesthetic beauty to rally support among the young.

Sadly, if recent elections are evidence enough, securing the old guard is a difficult task in itself.


I wouldn't talk if I were a Gen-X. According to AA, Gen-X is just as much to blame for the state of the world than anyone. Their passive cowardice, godlessness, and endless snark.


What we got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach, so you get what we had last week which is the way they want it. Well they get it, and I don't like it anymore than you men. -the captain from Cool Hand Luke.
