Видео обзор дня поля, BASF, Terra Tarsa, Лидер Агри. Video review of the field day, BASF
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В данном видео ролике всего малая часть той интересной и полезной инфы которая была озвучена на данном мероприятии. Системы защиты растений, биоразлагаемая пленка, капелька и и и и много много микро нюансов об этом....
In this video clip, only a small part of that interesting and useful information that was announced at this event. Crop protection systems, biodegradable film, droplet and and and and many many micro nuances about it ....
In this video clip, only a small part of that interesting and useful information that was announced at this event. Crop protection systems, biodegradable film, droplet and and and and many many micro nuances about it ....