🤯 3 Tips To Improve Your CPAP Mask Seal

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Thanks for all the love & support!
Uncle Nicko

00:00 - Introduction
02:55 - Pressure Adjustments
08:40 - Cleaning & Replacing Mask Parts
09:40 - Fitting and Mask Seal Test
10:20 - Change Mask

CPAP therapy is all about BALANCE!!! You need to balance the therapy (pressure levels) which help manage your apnea with COMFORT!!! CPAP is not black in white in fact there are many shades of grey!

Most Doctors and 'specialists' will focus on one thing! Controlling you Sleep Apnea. It's important to note that most of these 'specialist' have never used a CPAP before! They have no idea about the difficulties you all face when wearing the cpap mask of a night so you need to take control of your therapy and find the BALANCE! The happy medium where you apnea is managed but you're also COMFORTABLE and HAPPY using the therapy of a night!

The NO.1 enemy of a good CPAP MASK SEAL is pressure!It's therefore crucial that you FINE TUNE your cpap pressure levels so that they are working at the LOWEST PRESSURE POSSIBLE whilst still MANAGING your apnea.

There are 2 things we need to learn in order to FINE TUNE our therapy.

NO.1 We need to learn how to access and change our pressure levels. The manufacturers will hide this away from you so you need to google how to change the pressure of your machine (most likely my ugly mug will pop up!)

NO.2 We need to know how to access our data on our machine and also how to understand it so we can use it to guide us on where our pressure levels need to be set. Most devices these days will have a display and you can view the sleep apnea data directly from the machine itself. If not you can download some freeware software or purchase software to download your data.

For CPAP (fixed pressure) users, i want you to access your pressure settings and drop your pressure by 1 straight away. Over the next 2-3 days i want you to monitor your sleep data and in particular your AHI levels which show you how well your apnea is managed by the therapy. AHI less than 5... You're ALIVE! If your AHI remains under 5 or thereabouts you can again drop your pressure by another .5 or 1 and then repeat. If your AHI starts to increase 7,8,9 etc then your pressure is probably a little too low and needs to be increased a little.

For APAP (Auto pressure) users, i want you to look at your sleep data and in particular 3 values.
1. The 90th or 95th percentile
2. The average pressure level
3. Your AHI
Рекомендации по теме

I am a new CPAP user. I find your videos to be helpful and informative. I was leaking last night. I got frustrated and took it off for a while. I think that I will have better results tonight. Thank you so much.


Struggling and exhausted. My mask keeps me up every night because it leaks and blows air on my face and in my eyes. Thank you for posting these videos. I am hoping to find a solution.


I am getting to the point where I really anticipate this guy and his next videos. He deals with interesting subjects. Most of his videos is short and to the point without a lot of unnecessary mumbo-jumbo. If he goes long in some videos, it is really necessary to benefit from the information you are getting from him. Thanks very much, "Mate".


I just found your videos and this was the first one I saw. So much helpful information. I did the first thing you mentioned, lowering my pressure by 1 and I’ve had 2 scores of 100 for two days in a row! Thanks, Nick!


Holy hell. Thanks you so much for this! I struggled for over a year with ongoing mask leaks. Spent a fortune trying different masks, and then rage quit therapy. I only just returned last week due to ongoing daytime fatigue and lack of energy. Still struggled with leakage. Then I found this video while researching alternative masks (I'm using an AirTouch F30).
Turns out, my pressure of 14 was way too high for my needs. Last night, I dropped it to 11 and leakage dropped dramatically, while my AHI was a solid 0.7. I plan to calibrate for the best balance over the next few nights, but first I came where to thank you for your pressure titration tip. I never thought of changing the setting from the initial APAP calibration point.


Excellent information. I’m a 26 year CPAP user. Just learning the options on my newest machine.
Thank you


I’ve been for a week into the cpap therapy, and it has been very frustrating. My mask is an f20, but I’m a side sleeper, so any time that I go to deeper stages of my sleep, the mask looses it seal and you find yourself with a bunch of air going to your eyes and with a bad noise. After that it’s really difficult to sleep again, so you feel frustrated and tired. I feel very tired and thinking about changing my mask for an f30i, which is designed for side sleepers. Thanks for the videos and for sharing the information, it helps with the process of getting used to the therapy.


This is the most important information for new CPAP users.


New CPAP user as of last Thursday. Very frustrated by the entire process.

Love your informative videos. thank you.

My F&P hybrid full facial mask is great since you helped me learn to manually adjust temp and humidity.

I also learned how to settle this mask to help me breathe and seal. Thank you again. Leaking is being figured out (noisy), but, am experiencing less ahi under 3.

Key is finding our best sleep while managing our apnea. Thank you.


#1: get pressure levels right. Learn how to change pressure levels
#2: figure out how to check your sleep data. Ideally under 5. Drop it to 8. Get 95th percentile. Set pressure limits for auto max and auto min. Goal is to reduce max limits.
#3: get mask wipes to remove oil from mask or wipe mask with soapy water daily. Mask cushion needs replaced regularly
#4: replace mask with rez med mirage Quattro. F10 Quattro. Roll fit Terra. IsSan or isSan two. P10 mask with N 30 strap. P30 with nasal cushion.


I was recently diagnosed with sleep apnea and trying to figure out the mask is probably the most frustrating part. I live in and area that doesn’t have easy access to my sleep doctor, so I am constantly having to learn on my own. I thank you 🙏 this is very helpful


Thank you for this thought, “ the therapy should be balanced with the need for sleep”


Thank you Nick for doing these video's! Greatly appreciated! Funny how I see a lung doc after having double covid pnuemonia Apr 2019. I would see him briefly, as they are so busy! I was on oxygen till Sep2019. I have had inflammation fluid around the heart as one of the after effects of Covid, now I really rely on the CPAP to keep my oxygen levels happy and my heart not laboring so much. You present, and articulate information very well, so a regular guy like me can understand! Very thankful! God bless you! AL from CT!


Struggling older person, recently diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Discouraged by all the information needed to be successful with treatment. 60 events/hour, difficult to know how good the seal is with air that blows out on full face/pillow top. Finding the supplier fairly inadequate to teach the right way for 2 hours, 14 apneas.discourage.


Having a blast watching your video. Not only its educational but entertaining as well. Keep up the good work. Cheers!


I have been using CPAP for close on 15 years and have finally booked in for another sleep study in October. My mask of choice is the ResMed F30, having tried many full face masks over the years.


I just love your videos! Even though I have been a CPAP patient for years, I still enjoy learning about different ways to make my journey a successful one! Looking forward to your next video!


300lbs+, beard & moustache, Philips Dream Station, set to 13.5. I use the Amara View "full face" (in medium cushion) which just fits from the BOTTOM of your nose to your chin, very small, very comfy if normal masks bug you. Doesn't go over the nose, goes under it, it's hard to believe it'll seal but it does. I switched to my old CPAP machine because of the Phillips recall and I use it at 14.6! Leaks aren't an issue. Change the damn cushion ($40USD) every couple of months and it's awesome. After about 3 months you can INSTANTLY feel the difference with a new cushion. When I make 'em last 6 months plus it's night and day better when I replace it. Wash the cushion is dish washing soap (Dawn brand in the US) and it screws it up, it turns white and isn't as supple. Not a problem with the Res Med full face my cousin uses. The Amara View mask has a quick release hose feature for trips to the bathroom or kicking the cat out.


I am new to all this. Still on my trial. So glad I found you thankyou so much.


Just did modifications yesterday. Didn't do full dismissal, used a 7/8 diamond impregnated drill hole bit. Then sealed hole using 7/8 snap in hole plugs and then placed duct tape over them. Had to cut plugs seal edges to get fitted properly. The foam came out somewhat easy. Only difficulty was the factory dab of glue on a internal hold down points on each side. Used flashlight to shine into void to see if completely empty. Had to use hemostats to both remove foam and to clean off those glue points. Then reassembled and let run afew minutes. But went one step more, I placed the unit on C-check to readjust the air pressure flow. But the unit seam to be just a bit louder but no different the my old gray Resmed model. Ps tried using mask without that piece of baffling in the clip on area. So to replace used a filter replacement cut into small strips and then pressed them into the slot using a sewing needle.
