Why I Stopped Telling Friends and Family to Go Vegan

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"Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it."
- Heather Morgan


Thank you for this. As a vegan, I get mentally drained when meat eaters turn a deaf ear. God bless you!


Totally agree I remember when I first said I was going vegan my family literally laughed at me and ate even more meat in my face just to ridicule the thought. Now all my health concens are fixed, im skinnier than ive ever been, and have more positive energy than ever before and now its all "what are doing" "you look great" "can you help us". So I guess the moral of the story is....First they'll ask why you did it then they'll ask how you did it.


If we want to be alive why to eat something dead? . We are what we eat. There is no need to convince anybody about that! They' ll discover when ready.

Great message Ralph! Thank you for your intense and positive work. You are making a magnificent contribution to our planet!


I can't explain how much you are changing my life, even when it comes to my daily activities I already feel like I'm having a bigger say in my life and what I choose to do. My anxiety is fading and I can feel it, I'm connecting with my family like I never have, I'm automatically thinking about helping other people constantly, and I'm becoming conscious, I have always felt like life wasn't all about this, just being driven around, auto pilot everyday letting the hours tick by and wondering where they disappeared  to, you have shown me  that there is more to life than that, I'm becoming more and more the confident person I have always wanted to become and I am finally coming out of my closed cold shell of rejecting people and pretending to be someone else rather than my true self, you are making me happy, I can't thank you enough and I wish I could. Thank you.


This was very valuable information to me. No more energy wasted. Thanks. Peace!


Man, I always used to say the truth cannot be told, it can only be realized! Right on!!!


So true. People will only listen to your message when they are ready for it and open to it. That's why coming off to strong will just scare others away; as you mentioned, "resistance makes stronger." I like this metaphor: you can plant seeds and watch beautiful trees grow in time, but you cannot plant seeds and yell at it and force it to grow. Be an example of veganism, favor peace over aggression in your approach, education is favorable to violence, and be the change that you want to see in the world :) I am now making youtube videos as a teen vegan!


How to Lucid Dream, The Science of Lucid Dreaming and The Dreamworld


Its the same as telling people to go to the gym. Everyone knows that you should exercise & get in shape but A LOT of people are not willing to make that change. Its easier to just stick to your bad habits. Deep down they probably do want to change but their subconcious makes it incredibly hard for them to do that.


Amen, sir. There is no responsibility on our part to convert others, we must lead by example. If you chase a dog, it will run away. But if you mind yourself it will come to you :)


I completely agree. Encourage people by your actions and your happiness and your energy - not by harassing them with information about veganism/vegetarianism. I've found that it can make people feel uncomfortable to keep giving them information that they are clearly ignoring


Ralph, the same thing happened with me. I transitioned to a vegetarian lifestyle and at first my mate tried to transition with me. But as I shared more and more info with her, I think she became overwhelmed and it actually pushed her away from me and the lifestyle I was attempting to share with her. Her comment was the she was "scared of everything now, because its all poison" and she didn't know what to even buy at the grocery store, etc... it made me feel very very sad, but I came to understand (with your help) that we are all on our own journey. Sometimes we must wander from one another in order to find each other again ... and sometimes, not. Sometimes it is simply the end of a chapter. But anyway, the take-away is that you have to be ready and want to do it yourself, for yourself.


Thank you, much appreciated...Infinite Love and Balance. :)


"The truth can't be told, it must be realized!"



Thats so true! People are like that! They don't feel comfortable to change to something they are being told, but if something catches their attention they start searching by themselves to find out more about it. People like doing things knowing it's a personal choice.


Hi Ralph, do you think its delusional to believe that being happy with oneself will bring peace to the world? I am going through a hard phase. I truly want to be happy, but I can't. There is way too much corruptions and ignorant in this world. I cannot be happy while ignoring the burning elephant in the room.


Thank you Krista, much love and harmony. :)


your words...they speak the truth!!! I found your youtube channel tonight, i needed this so much!!! I personally have badgered my family and friends about why they should not eat meat...my switch right away was for the cruelty of animal treatment at the slaughter house i found oddly enough on pinterest..never touched meat since! You have made me realize i can't change others, i have to lead by example!!! I have nothing but my family and friends ridicule me for it but thank you so much for your wonderful, powerful videos. you dear Ralph are such a beautiful soul!! much love!!!


Hi I recently came across you! Phenomenal and inspirational! I'm in the process of changing my diet eliminating meat initially then vegan/raw foods probably. I'm a Reiki Practitioner and feeling guided to do this...you have so much to say on veganism /raw foods..any thoughts about a book on the subject? I love fruits and vegetables, always have..love pineapple, mangoes, aubergines, coconut avocados...etc
