Open access journals best practices

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Ina Smith (ASSAf) talks about Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, professional journals websites and open source journal management software; shows journals using Open Journal Systems software, DOAJ metadata export plugin; and describes other open access journals good practices - peer review processes, ownership and management, governing bodies, editorial teams, copyright and licensing, allegations of research misconduct and publication ethics - conflict of interest. article retraction and corrections policies, ethics and malpractice statement; publishing schedule and publication frequency, open access and archiving/digital preservation policies, advertising and direct marketing policies, persistent identifiers - ISSN, ORCID, DOI and compliance with I4OC standards for open citations. This is the fourth webinar in the series organized by AJOL, ASSAf , DOAJ, EIFL, LIBSENSE and UCT.
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