API Gateway LAMBDA AUTHORIZER (Custom Authorizer) | REST APIs | .NET ON AWS | AWS Serverless

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Hey 👋🏽When building serverless APIs with AWS Lambda and API Gateway, one of the most critical questions is how to secure the API.
Lambda Authorizers are a feature provided by API Gateway that helps us separate the authentication logic from our business logic in our function code.
In this video, we will learn about Lambda Authorizers in Amazon API Gateway, how to build one using .NET and how to set it up with API Endpoints. We will look into the different types of custom authorizers, how to cache authorizer responses, and also how to pass data from the authorizer to our Functions containing business logic.
This video is sponsored by AWS and is part of the .NET on AWS Series.
00:00 - Introduction
03:51 - Lambda Authorizer
04:43 - Adding Lambda Function
09:49 - Setup API Lambda Authorizer
13:08 - Validate Request Headers
15:41 - Validate Token In Lamda Function
23:52 - Test Authorizer
25:10 - Authorize POST Endpoint
27:09 - Caching
29:45 - Caching & Policy Conflicts
32:18 - Context Parameters
37:34 - Request Authorizer Type
41:53 - Conclusion
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Come say hi! ✋
Lambda Authorizers are a feature provided by API Gateway that helps us separate the authentication logic from our business logic in our function code.
In this video, we will learn about Lambda Authorizers in Amazon API Gateway, how to build one using .NET and how to set it up with API Endpoints. We will look into the different types of custom authorizers, how to cache authorizer responses, and also how to pass data from the authorizer to our Functions containing business logic.
This video is sponsored by AWS and is part of the .NET on AWS Series.
00:00 - Introduction
03:51 - Lambda Authorizer
04:43 - Adding Lambda Function
09:49 - Setup API Lambda Authorizer
13:08 - Validate Request Headers
15:41 - Validate Token In Lamda Function
23:52 - Test Authorizer
25:10 - Authorize POST Endpoint
27:09 - Caching
29:45 - Caching & Policy Conflicts
32:18 - Context Parameters
37:34 - Request Authorizer Type
41:53 - Conclusion
Additional Watching
Come say hi! ✋