The Anxious Empath #empath #anxiety #socialanxiety #psychology #traumahealing #cptsd #selfhelp

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Definitely kryptonite. 🥺 currently coming out of an anxiety attack due to this. It feels like a blessing and a curse.


He's so right. After many difficult decisions I've made myself make, I know I can only have relationships that are true and good for well being me.

I feel sorry for the people who weren't nice to me to gain something for themselves. I am kryptonite lol


That seems to describe me well. My parents always fought when I was growing up and I think I developed the hyper-sensitivity to how others feel that way, since being on top of how my parents felt meant that I could leave the house or lock myself in a room and anticipate when they were going to end up fighting before finding myself in the middle of it.

The one odd thing about me is that I don't seem to be capable of feeling anxiety of any kind. Or at least I don't understand what it is if it's supposed to be a bad feeling. I'm an adrenaline junkie and I do get a bit jittery and my heart rate accelerates when I'm about to do a dangerous stunt, or do a public speech, or go to a job interview, or first date, or things of this sort. But I'm addicted to the feeling; I absolutely love it and crave it so I don't know if that counts as "anxiety".

What I know much more intimately as something which genuinely makes me feel bad is depression and procrastination, like wanting to stay in bed all day and never wake up feeling so unmotivated. Then I end up getting more depressed because I put off something I need to do which makes me want to stay in bed all day again in this horribly vicious cycle.

It's why I like the opposite feeling where my heart rate is accelerating and I'm pacing around, maybe a bit nervous but in a good-feeling way, or even fight or flight mode in the extremities. It means I'm not at all depressed and very motivated in what I'm doing. So if that's "anxiety", I love it and crave it as much as possible.


Totality agree, mate. I'm no empath, but my ex totally was (I'm an a-hole lol who had CPTSD).


Wow I'm surprised, while I'm an empathy and clairvoyant amongst other things I have an extremely high code of conduct and will not enter into another's energy without their express permition. I seriously respect other people's energy to the point that if they are not comfortable in speaking truthfully about what is happening, I understand that they are not ready, or ok, I let it go. I am a healer and have reached a point in which I understand there is a process they need to go through, and when they are ready they will let you know if you can help... The biggest lesson an empathy needs is to be able to recognize when it is their emotion and when it is not! And respect the other person. To me it does not feel like kryptonite. The thing is how you use it, because ultimately while we are all independent we are all connected with all that lives, we are supposed to respect. Empaths who act as you describe are not harnessing it right and are out of Ballance. Its just like driving a car either you know and apply the rules or you don't and you suffer. To me it is a gift. You need to understand it to harnes it and benefit. Take Caren Mesmer as a wonderful empathy that is in harmony and knows how to use her gift. It's better to educate than judge. So for speaking my truth I suppose you will consider me dishonest, don't know and am not worried. While I can see your point, it describes those who specifically have not harnessed it properly because of lack of knowledge. I wish you well. We are not responsible for the emotions of others if we did not caus the disruption. Empaths have to mature their gift and understand for their own good to understand what they feel and why and how to protect their personal energy and respect the rest. I wish you all well. Thanks for your opinion.


Yes, every Sunday, for 20 years my boyfriend has cooked elaborate family dinners, for 12 people, taking into consideration every person’s dietary restrictions and personal preferences, then as soon as the food is ready, he eats as quickly as possible, so he can isolate himself in another room, to avoid taking in too many emotions from everyone around the table.
