Second French Empire (1852–1870) National Anthem 'Partant pour la Syrie'

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"Partant pour la Syrie" (Departing for Syria) is a French song, the music of which was written by Hortense de Beauharnais and the text by Alexandre de Laborde in or about 1807.
The song was inspired by Napoleon's Egypt campaign. It represents a chivalric composition of the aspirations of a crusader knight in a style typical for the First French Empire. Hortense indicated in her Memoires that she wrote the music when she lived at Malmaison. During its popularity in the nineteenth century the song was arranged for numerous instruments by various composers.

The poem by Labarde was originally titled Le beau Dunois telling the story of the handsome crusader Dunois. Prior to his departure to Syria he prays to the Virgin Mary that he will love the most beautiful woman and that he himself may be the bravest. His prayers are answered. On his return the brave warrior wins the hand of Isabelle. Love and honor prevail.
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The Battle of Solferino was led in person by Franz Joseph I, Victor Emmanuel II and Napoleon III, the last time in History sovereigns faced each other in battle.


Fun Fact: Napoleon's step daughter (Hortense de Beauharnais) composed this song for Napoleon's army. Years later, during Hortense's son rule as Emperor (Napoleon III), this song become the unofficial national anthem.


I had no idea that Hortense de Beauharnais wrote this. It makes sense why Napoleon III would choose this as the anthem of the restored empire as it's both a reminder of the glory of Napoleon and the first empire and was written by his mother.

I live in Owen Sound Ontario Canada and there's a small town called Eugenia that's named after Napoleon III wife, so is its waterfall. There's also a Napoleon street there.

Vive l’empereur! Vive l'France!


Vive l'empire ! Et vive la France !


Oh! a Siamese embassadors in background picture, nice.


The lyrics are as follows :

« Partant pour la Syrie,
Le jeune et beau Dunois,
Venait prier Marie
De bénir ses exploits :
Faites, Reine immortelle,
Lui dit-il en partant,
Que j'aime la plus belle
Et sois le plus vaillant.

Il trace sur la pierre
Le serment de l'honneur,
Et va suivre à la guerre
Le Comte son seigneur ;
Au noble vœu fidèle,
Il dit en combattant :
Amour à la plus belle,
Honneur au plus vaillant.

On lui doit la Victoire.
Vraiment, dit le seigneur ;
Puisque tu fais ma gloire
Je ferai ton bonheur.
De ma fille Isabelle,
Sois l'Epoux à l'instant,
Car elle est la plus belle,
Et toi le plus vaillant.

À l'Autel de Marie,
Ils contractent tous deux
Cette union Chérie
Qui seule rend heureux.
Chacun dans la chapelle
Disait en les voyant :
Amour à la plus belle,
Honneur au plus vaillant. »


One of my favorite national anthems thank you for posting this ! Vive l’empire ! Et Vive la France !🇫🇷


When I first heard this number, I didn't appreciate it like I should have.
It's a lovely tune.


Text in Sicilian language (standard version):

Partennu pâ Siria,
Lu jùvini e beḍḍu Duniuni,
Iḍḍu jiu a prijari Maria
Di sabbanari li jesta so.
"Faciti vuiautri, Riggina mmurtali"
- Dissi iḍḍu partennu -
"Ca iu amassi la cchiù beḍḍa,
E fussi lu cchiù valurusu".

Iḍḍu signò ncapu â petra
Lu juramentu d'unuri,
E jiu a sicutari 'n guerra
Lu cunti so signuri;
Ô nòbbili votu fideli,
Iḍḍu dissi 'n cummattimentu:
"Amuri â cchiù beḍḍa,
Unuri ô cchiù valurusu".

- "Avemu a dari a iḍḍu la vittoria" -
Accussì, dissi lu signuri;
"A tia ca facisti la me gloria,
Iu farò la vostra filicitati.
Dâ figghia me Sabbeḍḍa,
Tu ài a èssiri lu maritu,
Picchì iḍḍa è la cchiù beḍḍa,
E tu lu cchiù valurusu".

All'artari di Maria,
Li dui si maritaru
Nna ḍḍ'accucchiata accussì cara
Ca li fici addivintari filici.
Quarcunu nnâ cappeḍḍa
Dissi taliannuli:
"Amuri â cchiù beḍḍa,
Unuri ô cchiù valurusu".


**sound, not overly ambitious plan to invade mexico and make it a french puppet intensifies**


Im proud to see my country ambassador bowdown to His imperial majesty of france and britain

🇹🇭🇫🇷 สยาม, Français


Hon hon hon, merci beaucoup mon Baron.


Ah the Second Empire, a good version of France not the best (second best following the First Empire) but good job nephew Napoleon III


C’est d’une beauté. Très fier d’être l’héritier de cette histoire riche et glorieuse.


I miss Napoleon III. Such a greater Emperor!
Only good thing to come out of post revolutionary France


Leaving for Syria,
The young and handsome Dunois,
Went to ask the Virgin Mary
To bless his holy deeds.
"Make it so, immortal Queen, "
He said upon leaving:
"That I love the most beautiful [woman]
And be the bravest."
He wrote upon a stone,
His oath of honor.
And went to war, following
The Count, his lord.
Faithful to his noble vow,
He cried out, while fighting:
"Love be to the most beautiful,
Honor to the bravest!"
"My son, we owe you victory,
For me, " said his lord.
"Since you have established my glory,
I will reward you with happiness.
My daughter, Isabelle,
Will instantly be your wife,
For she is the most beautiful,
And you are the bravest."
At the altar of Mary,
They pledged themselves to each other,
This dear union,
Which only brings happiness.
Everyone in the chapel,
Said upon seeing them:
"Love be to the most beautiful,
Honor to the bravest."


Viva à Françia! Tchao à vuatři râ Siçilia!


First French Empire Anthem: *Panik*
2nd French Empire Anthem: *Kalm*
Facist French Empire: *Panik Intensifies*


Right on the anniversary №197 of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte ...

In Paraguay it's still May 5th!


you know about the first french empire : small brain
you know about the first french republic : medium brain
you know bout the second french empire : big brain

you know about the third french empire : GIGANTIC BRAIN (it actually existed)
