One of the most controversial books ever written

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No. If you want a real interpretation of the book read the final chapters, where the author talks about how his findings should be applied aka population control and borderline eugenics


We need more people like this who actually know how to read and understand but what we have is people who read and are just idiots


This reads as an equally simplistic and non-critical perspective on the book and why people disagree with it. How the data was analyzed, policy recommendations, the overall framing of the arguments, and positionality of the authors all go into critical views on the book.


the book also, and I cannot stress this enough, is factually inaccurate


"The relationships between IQ and social outcomes are thus too substantial to be dismissed or ignored. They provide an explanation for why many social interventions do not work, as well as for why they may work better if they were targeted to people with certain characteristics, such as a high IQ." (The Bell Curve, p. 553)

This statement has been criticized for making broad claims about social policy without sufficient empirical support. The authors often infer causality from correlation, a practice that many have argued lacks scientific rigor, as they don't adequately address the complexities of the social variables involved.

The social variables such as lack of economic opportunities, lack of resources, over policing, racial profiling, school to prison pipeline, workplace discrimination and discrimination while looking for a place to live.


Common sense is dead and I'm still looking for who killed it.👀🤫😏
