Savant Syndrome Vs Autism (3 INTERESTING Differences)

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Here are 3 interesting savant Syndrome differences from that of autism spectrum disorder.


Savant syndrome is usually categorised as being an autism spectrum disorder, but it is however an independent diagnosis and it is possible to be diagnosed savant and also autistic.

Here are three really interesting differences between the two conditions to show the difference.

1.Savant Syndrome Is Rare:
Savant syndrome is an extremely rare condition in fact it is so rare that there are fewer than 50 savants world wide. Where as autism in the UK is diagnosed 1 in 100 and in the US 1 in 60.

2.Autism Narrow Interest:
People with autism will have a very narrow set of intense interests, where as savants on the other hand will have one or two exceptionally amazing interested.

3.Savant Mental Disabilities
Savant syndrome is characterised co occurring with mental disabilities while autism is just neurological and most of the time has no mental disabilities co occurring.

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mentioned in the video:
Stephen Wiltshire -- architectural artist who can draw intricately detailed maps and illustrations from a single viewing. He's the one who is known for drawing entire cities from memory after a brief helicopter ride over them

Daniel Tammet -- British author, mathematician and polyglot, author of many books, including Thinking In Numbers, which talks about the way that numbers fit together for him

Derek Paravicini -- blind pianist and musical prodigy, interestingly he lost his sight in the same way as fellow musical genius (and keyboardist) Stevie Wonder; both were blinded by an overdosage of oxygen therapy in neonatal intensive care units after being born prematurely


I met a kid in college who has made calendars dating back to the late 1800s and you can ask this guy what day of the week is October 26th, 1948 and he could tell you within a few seconds it’s crazy I was so fascinated by it I would randomly throw out a random date and it would be a game we would play from time to time


I often wonder what my life would have been like if I had been diagnosed as a child, instead of being treated like the smart problem child...


I have Asperger's. I was given an official diagnosis 8 months ago. But I'm sad because when I tell people that are close to me, they say they don't believe me because I don't act in the stereotypical way. But I feel the urge to tell people because it's the truth and when I don't then people think I'm weird.

Have you found a balance when to tell and when to omitt the truth?


My son is 23 yo, and he was diagnosed Autism Savant. He has been evaluated by over 20 doctors as a child. He can fix any computer issue and program anything. I have not been able to get him off a computer since he was 1. He has been nervous that the government will want him or something like that, so he doesn't even have a cellphone. It is kind of odd how he can be on computers etc.. but want to make himself invisible. He is very much like that guy who got in trouble for making a ton of money "playing" with the NY stock exchange. He could very well do something like that, but we've had LOTS of talks about dangerous things for him NOT to do.


Been struggling with mental health lately, I have debilitating OCD. I decided to get better and went to a Psychologist. With her help and medication I got better but not only that I finally understood aspects I never understood about myself. She told me I have Savant Syndrome and that I'm part of the spectrum. essentially from a young age I am extremely good at math, I grasp it easily. I just need to view a theorem once and it's basically enough to understand it. I recently finished Engineering school and to be honest, I don't want to sound like I brag, but I've barely studied at all for physics related stuff. It always felt weird when people kept saying "They've been studying all night/week", because I never understood these people.


I teach kindergartners and we have a little guy who it doing pre algebra and reading at a 9th grade level. Lots of social struggles, very likely undiagnosed autism. Unfortunately, his parents won’t give him additional support so we are just doing our best at school. It’s fascinating to watch him.


They SAY savant syndrome is "rare, " but what about all the people who may have it and were not diagnosed? No one knew what Asperger's was, either, and I was only diagnosed at age 50. How many out there have it, or have it on a smaller scale and have not been diagnosed?


The female you had as a cover with Dustin Hoffman is Professor Temple Grandin. She has High Functional Autism and teaches at a California college. I've spoken to her and read her book. She's pretty incredible. She coined the phrase "Spock Syndrome". In her words it's not a real medical condition but a way she thinks. Her thinking process is very logical. She's also a "visual thinker" not a "verbal thinker". In other words, she converts your verbal words in a video in her head to remember and understand it. When you say "tree" she thinks of an actual tree. Many of you may relate to this. Her book goes into detail about this.

Thomas Dutkiewicz
Connecticut, U.S.A.


Do you mean the guy who won American got talent, he was blind, played piano, is savant and won the competition. He's amazing 😍


I was always neurodivergent, but after a head injury/TBI in 2017, I developed aspects of savant syndrome. Math in particular had never been an interest of mine, but my language skills (linear construction of thought) were confounded for months, so my journal entries began to look like geometry, and when linear thought came back, I began expressing my thoughts as algebraic expressions because words felt so 'unwieldy'. I lost my identity and have a kind of ongoing "50 First Dates" problem ever since, but i got art, math, and science from my re-wire... life is weird.


Great video Dan! I always knew that I was rare, but 1 in a million make me feel quite unique. <3


That is how my mom does math in her head too. My mother was an aerospace engineer.


Wondering if you'd ever consider doing videos with me about differences in male and female aspies? I'm not a youtuber or anything but I think theres a lot of subtle differences that can be dived into


Thank you Dan🙏keep rocking this beautiful Planet❤


Savantism is more common than Google is saying, my husband is one. He's basically an alien. Memorized pi to 200 digits one time for pi day at school on a whim. Now he's an exceptional programmer but an expert in many other things.


The artist you mentioned, he wouldn't happen to have been on an episode of Top Gear at one point, when they took over an art gallery to show cars can be art, they had a man draw a piece of the New York skyline, specifically a suspension bridge with a classic Lincoln in front of it. The detail was insane and he had only visited that specific location twice.


When I was a kid I had the tendency to be hyper fixated and have very exclusive interests, but I’ve gotten better about that as I’ve gotten older.


Really interesting about the numbers. My Aspie son sees numbers as shapes, he’s good at maths. He was always in trouble at school for not showing his workings. Even if he was right. That was no interest to him to show something as boring as working out 😃


Thank you for this! My 6 year old is obsessed with birds and i said he needed to stop the sounds until we left the restaurant. He said he wasn’t finished, and I asked how many he was going to do and he said “the whole book” referring to the Bird sound bible by Les Beletsky, he informed me he was only on #83. I asked how many birds there were and he said 730 or something like that I actually forget the number. 🤯
