Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church | The 7 Churches of Revelation | Episode 8 | Lineage

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Laodicea - the last of the seven Churches of Revelation is located near to the resort town of Pamukkale in a lush, green valley. This church receives no commendation and has the fascinating analogy of lukewarm water used to describe it. What is lukewarmness and why it is to dangerous for our spiritual lives? This message will challenge you to take a discerning look at yourself.

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That was awesome. You took me to Laodicea and showed me why Jesus said what He did. Thank you for taking me across the bridge and bringing me back.


I like how they deliver the story well. So precise and direct. Thankyou for this channel. God bless!




Keep up the good work Brother.

You are blessed and a blessing to others.

"For God is not unjust. He will not forget your work and the love you have shown for His name as you have ministered to the saints and continue to do so."


Both hot and cold water have therapeutic saying the Laodiceans were lukewarm means they had no therapeutic value, no good use


Powerful! Sounds like the church these days! We must choose ye this day whom we will serve!


Oh, how blessed I am with this message. It's time to wake up from spiritual lethargy.


That just made me think I probably am luke warm. I want the fire of salvation to be rekindled within my mind. I hate all the distractions that take my attention off Christ I hate even more the fact that I let them.


Very accurate and spiritually edifying sermon!


Thank you so much Sir Adam Ramdin and all Lineage Journey team. Your videos help me a lot.. May God bless you and to the rest of the team. Continue spreading the Good News.


Praise God for this. This a message we must take to heart today.


Its amazing that the model church God called the POOREST and most WRETCHED is in our generation regarded as richest. If we love truth we must take the word for what it says. If he says you are poor and wretched then we must be humble to accept it and pursue true riches as he advised or be disappointed in the kingdom of God where we have no value earned though we boasted to be rich and had need of nothing.


Amazing message. I'm longing after the second coming to deliver us from this fallen and sinful nature in order to please to JESUS totally without any sin anymore


Great analogy. The Laodicea Church is the final church before the second coming, it perfectly describes the church today. I may add, play close attention to Rev. 3:19. "Therefore be Zealous and repent." I suggest you study what being Zealous actually means and just who were the Zealots in Christ's time.


Excellent narrative and vid presentation. And meaningful and scary


In Ancient times hot water was for bathing and healing, while cold water was for drinking. So when Jesus said they were Lukewarm, he meant they were not hot enough to heal people spiritually, nor cold enough to be refreshing.


Is it only me who grasp the true meaning of 7 letters and get it revealed to me? 7 messengers of 7 churches in Asia Minor also corresponds to 7 Body parts of Christ in which He is the Head. What do you think of the Key verses I used? Are we really in the apocalyptic time that it was only revealed now.

1. EPHESUS (Mouth and Wisdom/eat from Tree of Life [Eden where there is also Tree of Wisdom) - Luke 21:15
2. SMYRNA (Nose and Breath of God/Crown of Life) - Job 27:3
3. PERGAMON (Ears and reject truth and chase after myths, the Lord would not listen to Balaam, He turned curse to blessing, also Israelite from Egypt keeps on refusing to listen to God's word and command/but still He make hidden manna raindown, white stone) 2Timothy 2:3-4, Deuteronomy 23:5
4. THYATIRA (Hands and craftsman of graven or molten image/break with iron rod; dash then to pieces like pottery) Deuteronomy 27:15
5. SARDYS (Tongue and life and death/name alive but dead, confess their name) Proverbs 18:21, Philippians 2:10-11
6. PHILADELPHIA (Eyes and steadfast/keep from the hour of trial, apple of the eye/most beloved) Psalm 17:8-9, 33:18-20, 2Chronicles 16:9, Proverbs 15:3, 2Kings 6:15-17, Zechariah 2:8, Deuteronomy 32:10
7. LAODICEA (Feet and rest, washing of feet before eating Jewish custom, law vs grace [mixed of cold and hot], judge's feet, seventh letter, Sabbath/rest day, knocking on door, entering house) Judges 19:21, 1Samuel 25:21, John 13:5, Matthew 10:14, Genesis 8:9, 18:4, 19:2, Isaiah 52:7, Roman's 10:15, 1Kings 14:6, Acts 5:9, James 5:9, Luke 7:44

Knowing the strength and weaknesses of the body parts perhaps helps us understand the true message of 7 letters.
If you want a copy of full explanation just comment here.


Come lord Jesus come. What Father showed me. Relationships with him not building and not furniture. Spirit and truth. Watch how Father shows you things.


The Holy spirit talked about these kind of churches which is not just Laodicea, but Pergamon, Thyatira, Sardis, and others have a different Gospel.

"I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel—not that there is another one, but there are some who trouble you and want to distort the gospel of Christ.But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." - Galatians 1:6-10

Even Angels can leave their assignment and join Satan by preaching another Gospel. This happened when Lucifer aka Satan turned from God the Father. Till this day, angelic beings can give another gospel if you meet them. You must be scriptural.

Apostle Paul talked about how Apostles will judge angels one day.

"Do you not know that we are to judge angels? How much more, then, matters pertaining to this life! "- 1 Corinthians 6:3

Men and angels can lie to you and give you a different gospel. Angelic encounters must be scriptural.

"And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of the great day.
Woe to them! For they have gone in the way of Cain, have run greedily in the error of Balaam for profit, and perished in the rebellion of Korah." - Jude 1:6, 11

Just because you were once following God and recieve gifts doesn't mean you are a believer. Even Angels like Lucifer became the Devil himself and rebelled against God. Just because someone tried Christianity doesn't mean they are Christian. Even angels can lie and join Lucifer.

According to the Scriptures, if you encounter an angel, you must encounter the Lord of Hosts (Jesus). Angels might lie to you as well. You must be ready to have scriptural encounters even with Angelic beings. There are fallen angels as well and fallen churches too!

Apostle Paul encountered false churches too!

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works. - 2 Corinthians 11:13

Paul encountered many false brothers too who betrayed the Faith like 5 churches in the book of revelation.

on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers; - 2 Corinthians 11:26

Watch out or I may judge you with the authority of the word you liars! Some Evangelical churches are here too!

You Pagans!!!


Its amazing that the model church God called the POOREST and most WRETCHED is in our generation regarded as richest. If we love truth we must take the word for what it says. If he says you are poor and wretched then we must be humble to accept it and pursue true riches as he advised or be disappointed in the kingdom of God where we have no value earned though we boasted to be rich and had need of nothing. The one of Smyrna regarded as poor and often in tribulations FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS SAKE, God commends are truly rich( for of such is the kingdom of God), then we prefer to be made poor and wretched. God desires great riches and glory for his children in due season, but not through vain pursuit or labouring to be rich( of such there is no end to their toil). God's children are called kings and priests and do not increase by labouring to be rich, for such toil the Gentiles pursue or the Laodicean church. Many pride themselves in giving largest offerings in the synagogue, but Jesus saw the highest giver or donor in the widow's mite, hence shall be richer than other high donors in the kingdom of God. Religion and religious people create their own measurement contrary to God's way yet expect to be accepted by God in their endless labour and heavy laden. We only get things right using God's measuring reed or standard. Baal and his followers are cursed with everlasting toil to increase, but not God's children. Those who trust daily, abiding in him are satisfied and he blesses the works of their hands. We must seek true riches of the kingdom which God only access us when we have first sought and entered his kingdom and his pattern of righteous, then we receive all other things. Just like worshippers of Baal before Elijah, they love to toil all night and afflict themselves as a way of pleasing God, and want it so for everyone. The pattern of the true God is different. And if we must see him we must follower his Way and Truth that leads to life. What shall it profit it a man to labour and heap up and leave it behind? For such is the portion God has given to the wicked. Hence, the wise sell all they have to purchase a field in the kingdom of God.
If we want to be with Jesus in eternity, we must disassociate from a company of POOR and WRETCHED group that are not rich unto God.
Is God going to ignore those who have suffered and laboured secretly with him to crown those who lived and built for themselves? They already enjoyed their portion in the current world of mortality and sought not the kingdom. Know those who are truly poor and wretched and have no company with them if you seek eternal life, although they have chance to repent like the unwise virgins to go look for those that sell oil and buy gold tried in fire so they can be truly rich and cease from boasting in vanities that hold no currency to purchase even a bosom in the Kingdom let alone a field. When Paul saw this truth, he emptied himself of all he had and counted as dung to pursue excellency of Christ and was satisfied with clothing and raiment and daily bread. God deals with men in their secret places like he dealt with David before showcasing them. He alone knows the journey they have been through together. Its an insult to teach God Almighty what appeals to him or those he chooses to honour, especially when others choose vain pursuit and glory contrary to laid down rules.
Walk with God is not magic. If you spent 20-50 years pursing the wrong way or path, go back to join queue to start all over again until we attain the prize. Or better still accept the lowest position due to the works unburnt in our years of labour. The scripture is very clear. We can't blame God for often reading it upside down.
And let us flee from religious people that try to take us off the kingdom path by heaping rules themselves can't even keep nor have proof of righteousness of God as fruits for exercising in it. Simply work with God and do what he says and not by many sacrifices in rebellion and disobedience like Pharisees building for themselves yet waiting for applause from God.
Fathers of faith are those who hold the truth of God from beginning to the end of salvation. Not those who fell on the way and refused to return. " The hoary hair is a crown of glory if found in way of righteousness ". So no crown if righteousness is lost. Except they are resurrected back to life. The Pharisees claimed Abraham ( father of faith is their father) Jesus rebuked them that they are of their father the devil. That if Abraham is their father, it will be revealed by their faith like their father Abraham. We must guard your soul jealously, else IFA Pharisees is your father, you end up in same ditch they are headed as blind that lead the blind all fall into same ditch.
God didn't say we must be flawless but PERFECT( admitting we need help), because he knows we can't attain flawlessness except we receive spirit of perfection. But must admit we need that help. Only Jesus receive the spirit without measure( limit), so he doesn't expect us to know everything but seek to be perfected in the measure of the spirit given to each one .
Flee from POOR and WRETCHED church to avoid contamination. They only think of mortal life. Happy is the man that finds wisdom and understanding, not money. Blessings.
