Python Regex: How To Replace All Substrings In a String

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Code used in this Python Code Clip:
import re
lines = '''Nappa - What does the scouter say about his power level?
Vegeta - It's over 9000!
Nappa - What 9000? That can't be right. Can it?'''
repl = "8000",
string = lines)
* Note: YouTube does not allow greater than or less than symbols in the text description, so the code above will not be exactly the same as the code shown in the video! I will use Unicode large < and > symbols in place of the standard sized ones. .
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Code used in this Python Code Clip:
import re
lines = '''Nappa - What does the scouter say about his power level?
Vegeta - It's over 9000!
Nappa - What 9000? That can't be right. Can it?'''
repl = "8000",
string = lines)
* Note: YouTube does not allow greater than or less than symbols in the text description, so the code above will not be exactly the same as the code shown in the video! I will use Unicode large < and > symbols in place of the standard sized ones. .
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