Top 10 Strongest Pokémon in Gen 2!

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Top 10 Pokémon in Gen 2!

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I'll never forget first playing through Silver when it first released and thinking that raising my Machoke to level 100 would make it evolve into Machamp. Aahhh the good old days. I also thought raising my Onix to level 100 would turn it into the Crystal Onix from the show.


Your take on a single Pokemon game has been really refreshing because you talk about them within the context of *the game they are in.*
I think nowadays, there are so many Pokemon games and so many Pokemon, that when people think of a single Pokemon, they are left with this weird overall impression of what they may have been like in one game or another, creating this inaccurate depiction of said Pokemon.
For example, Tauros. It was one of the KINGS of RBY, but as time went on, it fell off. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't talk about its importance during the game that it was in. It says a lot more about RBY than it does about Tauros. I feel people would enjoy Pokemon a lot more if they focused more on the adventure aspect then just "Oh, Pokemon strong, Pokemon good, Pokemon weak, Pokemon bad."
But your take makes Crystal feel like it's own experience, not just a footnote in where Pokemon got to today. It makes Pokemon Crystal itself feel like it has its own special place in the Pokemon Saga, which I think is really neat. Thanks for all your work on bringing it back to life with Crystal Legacy.


Lanturn was a critical Pokemon to acquire as soon as you defeated Whitney in Crystal. It’s incredibly useful in a game where Mareep is absent and can learn most of the HMs. With its bulk, it actually puts Whirlpool to good use in the Battle Tower because it also has access to Confuse Ray. Give it Leftovers and it’s very solid.


When your mom is saving money, she buys you a moon stone around the time you're at Goldenrod. It's not late at all


The trade evolutions really let you steamroll Gen II even more than usual, I was just lucky enough to have neighbors with a trading cable back when I was a kid.


Yeah, you're right on Geodude, this is a very common Knowledge between nuzlockers. Rock/Ground types are amazing on regular playthroughs, and even Graveler will carry you through Johto. If you can evolve it to golem, it is even better.

When I don't have full access, I usually use Graveler until the Victory Road, when I can replace it with a Rhydon for the E4.


Tediursa with 80 base attack
Smith: Yo, this is really good.
Flareon with 95 base special attack
Smith: *I N T O T H E T R A S H I T G O E S !*


Probably the most obnoxious ad I've ever seen in a video. Normally ads have their own section... and then there's the Kindra section that basically barely lets you skip the ad.


I've JUST done a playthrough, and chose Meganium, Pidgeot, Ursaring, Golduck, Arcanine and Umbreon. They required lots of patience but the payout was immense:
Hatched an Eevee with the one Bill gives you on a road ideal to grind his early levels, and fed him stat boosts to get the required happiness to evolve, and after learning Bite. He has the best defenses of the team but his Bite is now STAB.
The schoolboy on Route 38 can get you a Fire Stone if you keep his number, so I saved it for Growlithe who had to level up to 50 ( right before Elite 4 and with lots and lots of grind ) to get Flamethrower, then immediately evolve to learn Extreme Speed, and get absolute busted Attack and Sp.Attack to wreck open E4. Gave him Dragon Breath for type coverage.
Earthquake and Thunderpunch for Ursaring. Return and Thief for Pidgeot so the team's designated Airship can pack a good punch too.

It was the first time I played Johto without choosing to plan for Red Gyarados or any legendary in my active party. Going for a more risky route but enjoying the success of a good strategy. Even if full of flaws, Crystal is an insane game for 2MB...


Not a surprise that Geodude line makes number 1, it's one of the best utility pokemon in basically every game it appears. They almost always appear early, the good defense and advantage against normal moves mean training Geodude is super easy early on. Magnitude acts as a great stand in for Earthquake, regardless of the rng aspect. Since your starter is and elemental type rock/ground basically always acts as some kind of type coverage (fire/flying if you pick grass, electric if you pick water, rock if you pick fire). Even if you can't evolve Graveler it can hold its own even through the Elite 4, especially with STAB earthquake. The ease of training and reliability plus availability makes it an obvious choice for basically any team.


The BOULDER. I’m so happy he is the king of johto.

I think magmar deserves an honourable mention. It is literally the only viable fire type in gold and silver that isn’t the starter. It’s got high speed and special attack along with fire punch and flamethrower at respectable levels. Thunder punch and dynamic punch are some good coverage moves that magmar gets.


Those honorable mentions make you realize how solid water types are in the early gens. Lapras and Johto are like PB&J to me.


I don't care what everyone thinks. Typhlosion is the best


During the reel with alternatives to feraligatr I gotta say, the gen 2 backsprites are gorgeous


The Geodude line is great being unable to learn Rock Slide is really unfortunate, not having a reliable STAB attack of one of your types is a huge downside that makes them far worse off than they would have been otherwise.


The trade Machop is available _after_ the 2nd Gym, (once u get to Goldenrod City) not before like u said. Just a slight mistake. And Magmar can be found in the Burned Tower, u don’t need to get a Magby Egg!


I would put donphan in this. 120 attack and defense and 90 HP. phanpy can also be acquired early. Mono ground is a nice type in gen 2 as well.


The good thing with for alligator is once you get it you don’t have to worry about getting another water type Pokémon to use surf so you have an extra slot for a different type of Pokémon.


Ive been singing my praises for Geodude ever since my first run of crystal. It practically soloed the entire gym challenge except for Chuck which I just put out with my Fearow.


flareon's 95 sp attack isn't awful
