David Chang Makes Whole Boiled Chicken Two Ways

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Dave Chang is back in the kitchen cooking his recipe of whole boiled chicken two ways: over rice and in a soup. This dish is a Momofuku classic at the restaurants and something he often cooks at home. Maybe not the coolest name, but Dave loves it, showing how versatile and easy boiled chicken can be. He brought this recipe to life with Momofuku Soy Sauce, Momofuku Savory Seasoned Salt, Momofuku Dried Noodles and Momofuku Chili Crunch.

As always, there's no plan, no preparation but this is the essence of weeknight home cooking. Dave's not trying to hit the bulls-eye, just the target.

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Love the way Chef Chang is autopilot-ing this dish like how your average person does for something they often cook. The casualness of his cooking essentially sets the standard that any hungover person can cook a delicious, warm, soothing, and healthy dish at home.


I made this and the chicken soup was the best I have ever had. It was so good I went out to the website and purchased a bunch of his stuff to see if it gets even better. This is becoming a once a week recipe in my house and we can't get enough of it. Thank you so much it changed the way this guy in Chicago makes soup.


Brother! This just changed my life. The number of dishes that can easily be made with a boiled chicken is a gamer changer for my cooking at home. Not to mention the ease of meal prep here that can legit provide almost a whole work week worth of meals.


Thanks David. I love this type of content. I get it what you’re doing. It’s not the recipe, it’s the concepts you’re teaching. You’ve already stirred my imagination.

I’m excited to try this with a Mexican twist. I’ll make a clearer stock by not using soy sauce then make a saffron rice with the stock. Then I will plate the saffron rice, slice the white meat and place it on the bed of rice as you have, then top the chicken with a Mole’ sauce, served with some toasted tortillas, a mango salsa as a side, some lime wedges as a condiment and garnish it with some fresh cilantro. Served with a chilled Pilsner. Might be good eats?

I had not ever thought about slicing the breast meat out of the boiled chicken and thinking about the possibilities. I’ve always just shredded it.

Thanks for teaching your concepts. These are more valuable to me then any recipe as I can take the ideas presented here, experiment and create my own recipes. I just love doing that and isn’t that what makes cooking fun and a challenge?


after cooking chicken at home a lot these past 2 years, boiled whole chicken is probably my favorite method. it may take longer, but it's more low maintenance. goes further. keeps white meat moist. i could eat korean chicken soup every day and not get sick of it.


Former chef here. I love hearing you trying to recreate the perfect imperfection of home cooking for people! I used to do the exact same thing!


I want to see way more videos from David like this. He’s one of the most creative culinary minds of my (X) generation and I need more output from him


David is the OG of the modern culinary world. Its rare to find a celebrity chef with such a pure approach to cooking. Zero gimmicks, no pretention and a full connection to his target consumers. We are incredibly lucky to have him.


Its shocking to me that a seasoned chef like David Chang wings it just like I do with as much stress as I do in the kitchen, its refreshing


Did he just make ginger-scallion sauces without the ginger? Lol!!!!
“But it’s still gonna be delicious”
Yes, chef. ❤️❤️❤️


So good to see someone as celebrated as David cooking like the rest of us.No BS, just sound and straightforward advice.I am off to make my chicken broth.Later…`1


Please do more of these longer form videos. They are both educational and really mellow. i love it!


Dude, I literally, black out drunk and stoned cook like this 😂. I take pictures to figure out if I'm going to have diarrhea at work the next day 😊. Awesome 🙏🤙🤙🤙


So excited to have stumbled on your show I love the way you cook. I’m doing exactly what you’re doing tonight. I had a roast chicken in my refrigerator and so far I’ve had all your ingredients. I’m so excited.


Love you, Dave! I could watch you cook all day long. MORE!


I am going to cook a chicken just as he did in a few minutes. I love the way this guy teaches his ways. I'm betting it will come out great.


Thank you for this new (to me) approach to boiled chicken. I grew up in a Mexican-American home where my mom always had too much going on. While the some of the ingredients and seasonings you use in this example of home cooking are different from what I grew up with, boiling a chicken and stretching into many meals is something that is very familiar to me from my mom's kitchen. I made your boiled chicken last night. It really hits home.


when I do steamed Korean or Japanese rice I legit only use the microwave, I bought this really cool microwave rice cooker in Korea and it's just as good as an electric rice cooker, cheaper, and takes up less space


Loved his attitude in ways of cooking/ creating. His information is very clear and helpful. My kind of a great chef. ~ David Chang.

Thank you.


My heart Goes out to the editor at the end.. i feel you !!! also David Chang is the Boss!!! Love everything he makes and films!!! MOREEE Please!!!
