Have We Lost the Common Good? | Robert Reich

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The fundamental question is whether we can restore the common good and rebuild trust in the system.

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compassion and generosity, thank you Robert Reich, I think you have finally found your voice, and it is a voice for the common good, for for what else is there?


I am impressed with Mr. Reich, and agree with his stance on the condition of the government and the people. I would like Mr. Reich to know his voice is valued!


0:10 Notice the big sudden dips in public trust of government, following JFK's assassination, the Vietnam War, Nixon taking office, Watergate, 1970's inflation and fuel rationing, then the Iran-Contra hearings, followed by the early 90's recession. Nothing partisan intended by that comment, btw - it just is what it is. It's really the working conditions and pay that are the biggest factors determining whether the government is trusted, and what kind of president takes office after a crisis.


The modern era can be summed up by the Mitt Romney comment, 'Corporations are people too, my friend'. The common good is now instead the corporate good. That's what matters, anything else is wishful thinking.


I don’t understand why Robert Reich doesn’t have more subscribers?


The short answer is the system can not be fixed. Because society has already fractured to the point that it does not consider itself equal with all citizens. All social groups are trying to segment themselves from one another (like they did under the old English class system). The people at the top are always concerned with alienating people at the bottom by taking away the basic rights that all are equal (such as the right to vote or bear arms). And what the middle does not realize is that overtime that net will grow until it consumes all. This pattern has been historically repeated time and again, and yet the majority does not see it coming every time.


One thing that ought to be done is to make all organizations, businesses and government services alter their structure into co-operatives. Any business employing more than two people (including all volunteer organizations) should be set up as co-ops. Everyone should be involved in the running of their workplace. Profits should be earmarked for worker sharing, worker benefits (including pensions & healthcare), sharing with the community and reinvestment.


Reinhold Niebuhr had a point worth remembering....


Only 20% trust in Newspapers and 19% in the Government? Those numbers are really alarming


On election night, I was CERTAIN that right would overcome wrong, love would triumph hate. Certain that my people, Americans, were ethical..and would make the correct choice. Alas, I was dead wrong. Who's to say wrong won't overcome right onceagain.


Maybe if there was a news station that would share good news and helping, the hand would be a plus. I think that seeing nothing but fighting and bad new give people the sense little hope.
Give some just with a smile or hi.


Ordinary people are not the problem.  The people that rise to the top, whether in politics or industry are the problem.


In my opinion, renewing trust in our institutions depends most critically on free access to quality education from elementary school through university. And not just education in terms of STEM, but in the broadest sense. @2:22 is for me the key point. We have lost in very large measure our civility. This is not a partisan issue either. And it applies to our politicians just as much as it does to our neighbors.


Nothing should be important than the common good.


Problem is too many idolize greed, narcissism and hate.


Politicians, institutions, banks and law enforcement etc: must show the American people honesty, less greed and through actions that we can trust them.

Fair prices for products and services and pay, no sexual or other work abuse, equality for all Americans, less violence
And, they listen and respond to the needs of the American people, develop a working relationship.

That would be a good start.


The answer is yes! I was just pulling out of the way for first responders on the scene of an accident and I had people put their window down and flip me off for giving the right of way and priority of life and limb over our brief time delay, I suppose. That was the moment I realized America lost the plot. Others continued to not allow me to merge onto traffic until an officer had to take time out to direct traffic to help me get back on the highway. What has happened to America?? I cried all day on and off because of it.

When we see children murdered in their schools and places of worship and entertainment and do nothing.. I wonder why I'm shocked at what I've experienced.

America where are you? I am not sure where we are right now, but I know as you know, we are not where we should be. Let's make it right again together.


Both "hope" and "faith" are USELESS without ACTION.


TRUST the most powerful word not used often enough by the 1% We TRUSTED, now all we can believe in is to TRUST HOPE, and know that this imperfect union will once again pursue a perfect union our political system has stop pursuing middle class representation in favor of corporate representation


People are BOTH good AND bad, it's just a matter of ratio. The people on the top fought to be there, they're the most predatory, cunning and amoral animals in the pack. How are we supposed to get rid of the duality in human nature?
