Is this the FUTURE of acoustic guitar? (or just a gimmick?)

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Today we're looking at a guitar with built-in effects: the Yamaha LS-TA. Is it more than just a gimmick? Do we really need it? We're finding out today when exploring the future of acoustic guitars!


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Yamaha Transacoustic LS-TA VT (vintage tint)

Hi, my name is Paul Davids! I am a guitar player, teacher, producer, and overall music enthusiast from the Netherlands! I try to inspire people from all over the world with my videos, here on YouTube.

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Paul: *Gets new studio*
Also Paul: Starts filming outside


This could be a game changer for street musicians


I've had 12 top Martins and 3 top Taylor's over the years. I got one of these today and had the saddle changed out for a bone and bone pins. This guitar alone is easily equal to any of my prior guitars. But the hall effect is completely intoxicating and addicting I can't turn it off. I no longer play just a few songs. I'll play for hours. This is one home run by Yamaha


I learned about this guitar from watching this video, then watched a bunch of other reviews and purchased it online without having played it. I wanted a nice second acoustic in the house for when I'm having my daughter or another guitarist over. Also I figured this could be nice for those "entertaining at the campfire" type situations. But being pretty much (and atypically, I guess) a "one guitar kind of guy" I honestly did not expect this to become my go-to acoustic, dethroning my beloved R. Taylor custom shop in the process.

But still, that is what happened. And it's not because the Yamaha sounds or plays better. I sincerely doubt that - to my ears and fingers at least, thus highly subjective - a better sounding and playing guitar exists in the world than my prized R. Taylor. But the Yamaha sounds _very_ good in it's own right, it plays really well, the build quaity and workmanship leaves absolutely nothing to be desired - and (especially in the sunburst edition) it is a real looker. So it easily ticked all the boxes I needed for a "second guitar".

But the Transacoustic feature really makes a difference. In all fairness, no youtube video I heard does justice to it. In real life, the effects blend so naturally with the original sound of the guitar, especially at more moderate settings, and the fact that it does not "emit" from a single point source but radiates from the entire body of the guitar is something you just have to experience. As the player, but also through the reactions of the people that listen to you play.

But still I would argue it is not the sound by itself that makes me pick up this guitar 9 times out of 10 when I play these days. It is the effect that it has on me as a player. I turn it on and it's like I was riding my bike on a road that is slightly uphill, and suddenly it changes so that it's slightly downhill. Everything I play becomes a bit easier, I automatically start to pay more attention to my phrasing and articulation. I get more creative when writing my own tunes, had songs coming back to me that I literally hadn't played in years (not to say decades). I have even given myself goosebumps a few times while playing, something I get all the time when listening to music but rarely, if ever, when playing myself.

Sure, when I mike the R. Taylor up just right, and apply some studio level effects to the signal path, the sound I get can't be beaten (again, to my ears at least). But most of my playing happens either on the couch or at the proverbial campfire, and in these settings the added "inspiration" is VERY addictive.


I was surprised. It didn't sound cheesy, it sounded pretty good.


Can’t wait to see people play Wonderwall with reverb during parties


I played it for an hour at a guitar store. I fell in love right away. Everything about it sounded great and felt great. The touch was perfect, action not too high, not too low. The effects were just perfect and even without the effects, the guitar sounded much better than the other baby Taylor and Little Martin guitars next to it. I tended to overlook Yamaha guitars, but after playing with this one for just about an hour, I really changed my mind.


This reminds me of a guitar that I saw some years ago (‘60s-‘70s) which had a hollow neck so that a set of strings could run inside from the head to the base of the soundbox. These strings were tuned to vibrate sympathetically with each note of the scale (same principle as the sitar.) There was also a lever to dampen them if the player wanted a normal guitar sound. The designer-maker was demonstrating it at some sort of festival in Northern California. I’ve forgotten his name and I have never seen a guitar like that since.


I‘ve had the LS-TA since 2018 and I can honestly say this guitar totally multiplied my passion for playing acoustics. It connects the chords as if you’ve had a lush piano sustain pedal, and it just fills you up with inspiration to play more and more. I love it. ❤️


Pretty cool that you can have these effects around the campfire without lugging around a gang of equipment.


I don't know if this is the future of acoustic guitar, but it is a great way to mess with new players. "Dude, you havent learned reverb yet?!?"


Played one of these when they where brand new, was jamming out at my local music store in the Acoustic room & I legit had like 5 dudes standing around me in disbelief how good the guitar sounded.

They obviously had no idea what the transacoustics was. So all this volume, bass, reverb and chorus oozing from the guitar was pretty astonishing to them


I could definitely argue both sides of the 'futuristic enhancement vs gimmick/losing heart of acoustics' battle but the great thing is that you can just CHOOSE when you want whichever option! If you can't be bothered bringing cords, go for it. If you want raw, then flick it off. easy :)


I mean, of course it sounds "fake" and "gimmicky" but that absolutely doesn't mean bad. I think it's a lovely thing, and the chorus in particular is as close to a 12-string as I've seen that effect get.


Seems quite an interesting concept. When I play my friend’s Gibson songwriter deluxe it sounds so good the way it is, that it is hard to imagine adding these electronics to such a lovely instrument. Maybe makes more sense for a less expensive guitar?


The fact that you said when you are recording you ALWAYS add a little bit of reverb pretty much sells it. Plus there's delay, chorus, it's a pretty versatile thing to have when sitting by a campfire without dragging along a whole effects chain and amp. Definitely one of the coolest inventions in guitars lately.


The whole point is the great sounds without the hassle of all the cords and the lugging of amps. Definitely worth it if you want to play without using the effects. Its the same great pure, direct sounding guitar.


This is NOT A gimmick. Who cares if we're spoiling ourselves. That thing sounds like an acoustic run through effects perfectly in a studio. I'm a guy who has played more on stage alone with my acoustic than any other way. This thing has limitless possibilities for guys like me.
Imagine having those sounds available at a campsite, beach, backporch or simply singing to a woman. This is a must have.


I have a Tonewood Amp.. that can do this to any of my acoustic guitars, except for the ones with F holes!

It is pretty and helps you to get creative!

Nice video man!


I have one of these and I never thought I would use the effects... I was so wrong. Great playing, great feeling instrument and the effects are really just a bonus.
