Jetpack Compose with Material You #AskAndroid | LIVE

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Watch the live #AskAndroid for Compose with Material You at Android Dev Summit 2021, hosted by Google Developer Expert Adam Bennett. Adam is joined by Connie Shi, Clara Bayarri, Leland Richardson, and Nick Rout.

Speakers: Adam Bennett, Connie Shi, Clara Bayarri, Leland Richardson, Nick Rout

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#AndroidDevSummit, #AskAndroid #Featured #Latest #Compose #UI

product: Android - Jetpack Compose; event: Android Dev Summit 2021; fullname: Adam Bennett, Connie Shi, Clara Bayarri, Leland Richardson, Nick Rout; re_ty: Publish; "
Рекомендации по теме

1:25 How to use Material You design on pre-12 devices?
2:43 How easy is integrating app with view binding in Jetpack Compose?
4:47 How wild can designers go with animations, that developers can still implement?
7:30 What's best way to debug re-composition?
12:25 What's alternative to motion layout in compose?
12:47 How do branding colors work with Material You?
16:59 1 scaffold per screen or 1 single scaffold?
18:09 What are elevation updates in Material 3?
20:58 Any available API for screenshot testing?
22:12 Will there be layout manager in future?
23:05 How to support keyboard focus and accessibility?
24:14 Do we still need themes.xml?
26:11 What are best practices to use dynamic colors in Android 12?
27:45 What Material You components are currently available?
28:55 How good is support for TV apps?


So Composables can be called repeatedly. At some point however we need to have the UI call to a view model to make API calls. How can we prevent making duplicate API calls on every recomposition?



For android 12L, can there will you develop a desktop mode that we can switch to for multitasking, mouse and keyboard support, that's different from chromeos?


I can't ask any more if Google Android bring Android 12 to the Samsung Galaxy A50 because this thing can handle such a big upgrade even if the phone is 3 years old it can handle a upgrade bigger than Android 11 3x ui I wish this can be one of your upcoming A series devices on Android 12 upgrade


I always wanted a virtual ram and a faster animation too


I'm really hoping it does this phone is amazing


Will the Samsung Galaxy A50 get Android 12
