Whole Heart (Hold Me Now) [Church Online] - Hillsong UNITED

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Whole Heart (Hold Me Now)
Words and Music by Joel Houston & Aodhan King
© 2018 Hillsong Music Publishing
CCLI: 7122452

Hold me now
In the hands that created the heavens
Find me now
Where the grace runs as deep as Your scars
You pulled me from the clay
Set me on a rock
Called me by Your Name
And made my heart whole again

Lifted up
And my knees know it’s all for Your glory
That I might stand
With more reasons to sing than to fear
You pulled me from the clay
Set me on a rock
Called me by Your Name
And made my heart whole again

So here I stand
High in surrender
I need You now

Hold my heart
Now and forever
My soul cries out

Once I was broken
But You loved my whole heart through
Sin has no hold on me
‘Cause Your grace holds me now

And that grace
Owns the ground where the grave did
Where all my shame remains
Left for dead in Your wake
You crashed those age-old gates
You left no stone unturned
You stepped out of that grave
And shouldered me all the way

Once I was broken
But You loved my whole heart through
Sin has no hold on me
‘CauseYour grace holds me now

Healed and forgiven
Look where my chains are now
Death has no hold on me
‘Cause Your grace holds that ground
And Your grace holds me now

#WholeHeart #HillsongUNITED
Рекомендации по теме

I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter and a new identity... A child of God.. Hallelujah


Whenever you visit this song, please like this comment too so that i also come back to my favourite place on youtube..This Song heals, comforts, encourages..


I just unliked so I could re-like. 69k other likes. Together we are divine. And I see you. 🙏🏻😇🌎


Taya smith..I cried so hard first time I heard your voice. Been saved ever since!! THANK YOU for bringing me to my savior.


God blessed us with Taya and her angelic voice.😭


To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind right now. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. Amen.💕


I lost my auntie today. Covid-19 winner. The day looks like was never end. My heart is deeply comfort now. Thank you, Taya. It's so good to remember that God loves me and will stay with me during my greaf. He will always be my rock and I need him now more than never. For me and my family. Stay home, please.


I’m 19 years old, it’s so hard to be a Christian teenager and many teenagers don’t believe in Jesus but i want them to believe in Jesus I’ll pray for them everyday and I’ll keep my faith forever 💗💗🙌🙌


Once I was broken 🥹 but You loved my heart through!!


The Lord Jesus is a Gracious Savior. Praise the Lord Jesus!!


That I might stand with more reasons to sing than to fear 🥹🥹🥹


This song defines my life. After being in and out of prison and addicted to drugs I am now 4 years sober and have all of my kids back in my life. I am engaged to an amazing man we were both baptized together last year and Jesus has done so many miracles in our lives.


Greatest man in history, had no servants, yet they called him Master. Had no degree, yet they called him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today🙏🏻. His name is Jesus.❤


Me abraçou com aos mãos que criastes o céus
Me encontrou onde a graça as feridas curou
Da lama me tirou
Na rocha me firmou
Seu nome me entregou
Salvou meu coração

Me ergueu
Minha vida proclama tua glória
E de pé
Hoje sem medo posso cantar
Da lama me tirou
Na rocha me firmou

Seu nome me entregou
Salvou meu coração

Eis me aqui de ti preciso
Me renderei
Eu sou teu e eternamente o louvarei estava em pedaços
É mesmo assim me amou
Sua graça me abraçou e perdoado fui

Graça que
Derrotou toda morte

Me livrou em fim da vergonha e dor
O véu ele rasgou
A tumba se abriu

Jesus venceu e em seus braços estou

Ei me aqui de ti preciso
Me renderei
Eu sou teu e eternamente o louvarei
Estava em pedaços
É mesmo assim me amou
Sua graça me encontrou meu pecado apagou

Estou curado e perdoado fui
Sua graça me encontrou
E a morte venceu

Em sua graça estou
Em sua graça estou
Em sua graça estou
Em sua graca estou

Ei me aqui de preciso me renderei
Eu sou teu e eternamente o louvarei 3x

Estava em pedaços e mesmo assim me amou

Sua graça me abraçou e perdoado fui
Estou curado e perdoado fui
Sua graça me abraçou

E a morte venceu
E a morte venceu
E a morte venceu
E a morte venceu

Estou curado e perdoado fui
Sua graça me abraçou e a morte venceu
E na sua graça estou


My husband was abused physically and had cancer as a child, when i met him he stuttered so bad he could barely state his name. Today he speaks clearly, is cancer free, and a great father to both our children. The victory belongs to Jesus!!❤❤❤HES ALL I NEED!!!✝✝✝✝✝✝🙏🙏🙏


Whoever reading this, God knows what you are facing through, he heard your cry, He is going to deliver you. Just trust in him


I was molested at the age of 7, I never processed it as a teenager, or even as a young man. My walk with the Lord revealed to me that the moment I chose to never speak of, could very well be responsible for the mentality I developed towards sex, women, perversion, and sexual immoral endeavors, like Pornography. I was always worried what it could mean to my family..he was my Grandmother’s husband, my uncles father, and my mom loved him so much, unconditional love, always so grateful when he offered to help us in any way. I was afraid of speaking the truth, but no more. I told my family of this atrocity that had fallen upon me at such a young age. Although it only happened ONCE, the image remained. But there is no pity necessary here today, yesterday, or tomorrow, for I stand here today Redeemed in Christ Jesus, I stand firm in his Glory, I stand tall in the redemption of my past transgressions. The Lord pulled me away from the worst things about myself, and the more I dove into Christ, the more those things began to fall away, by the sanctity of my Salvation.

I’m not perfect, but I’m here to speak over any man woman or child today that stood face to face with that DEMON OF PERVERSION, and you walked out of that room, you walked from his or her grasp, you went on to live in confusion, and doubt. For those of us who were too fearful to trust again, too afraid of being taken advantage of, hiding this moment of your foundation of youth, the youth that was intended to learn the ways of the world to carry it into the prime of your life as an adult. I’m here to tell you today, the Lord shall set you free!! The Lord has the last say in your life!! The Lord will redeem he!! The Lord will redeem she!! The Lord our God will TAKE WHAT WAS MEANT TO BREAK YOU, AND HE’LL USE IT TO BUILD YOU UP IN HIS GRACE!! HE HAS A PURPOSE FOR YOUR PAIN!! HE HAS MEANING FOR YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS!!Lean into his word!! Lean into his grace!! Lean into salvation through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!!


Hallelujah!!! 🕊🕊🕊

Believe he died on the Cross, believe he died for you, believe in the blood that was spilt for you!!

My name is Paul Botello, and I am a survivor of Child Molestation, and it’s only by God’s love and Grace. There is redemption for you, God has it ready to unleash upon your life, and all you need to do is access through your Faith in him.

Glory be to God, Hallelujah!!🙏🏽🕊🙏🏽🕊

If you’ve read this far, God bless you, if you have a few minutes, go check out my music video “AK-Psalms47” on my page.
I step foot onto the ground where the enemy tried to take my life from me, my childhood home. Join me as I go back to the place I came face to face with the Devil..”The shed with the Lime Green trim”
Join me, as I take the memories of that land back, and place it at the feet of God.


Hold me now
In the hands that created the heavens
Find me now
Where the grace runs as deep as Your scars

You pulled me from the clay
You set me on a rock
Called me by Your Name
And made my heart whole again

Lifted up
And my knees know it's all for Your glory
I might stand
With more reasons to sing than to fear

You pulled me from the clay
Set me on a rock
Called me by Your Name
And made my heart whole again

So here I stand
High in surrender
I need You now

Hold my heart
Now and forever
My soul cries out

Once I was broken
But You loved my whole heart through
Sin has no hold on me
'Cause Your grace holds me now

And that grace
Owns the ground where the grave did
Where all my shame remains
Left for dead in Your wake

You crashed those age-old gates
You left no stone unturned


I'm a single mother and have a 11 years old Son who was diagnosed with autism spectrum Disorder.. sometimes along in our journey i feel down.. everyone will tell you they know your situation, but words are not enough.. listening to your songs Calms me and putting me to a place where I can rest for a while and stand again facing all the trials that will come. thank you! And more Power to all of You! God bless us!


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